As someone who just uses my PC for video games, is there any problem upgrading to Windows 10?

As someone who just uses my PC for video games, is there any problem upgrading to Windows 10?

I'm not bothered by "user experience" or UI, and I have no other programs other than Steam / Battle.Net / Origin.

Is rather upgrade for free and feel underwhelmed by it than not upgrade and spend £100 next year or whenever.

Tried asking Sup Forums but as per usual they shitpost and circlejerk

if you're not concerned about privacy or user experience and just want to play games then definitelly upgrade now for free, you'll do it later anyway cuz of game support

Care to elaborate on the privacy aspect?

Sorry for the ignorance: I haven't read up on Windows 10 at all - wanted to make sure it was worth it first.

You should definitely upgrade unless you have a rock solid reason not to. They won't do any more upstream development on older versions of Windows: they are effectively in extended support already. No new hardware support, no bug fixes that aren't security-related, and they aren't necessarily fixing low-prio security reports either. Think "oldstable Debian" level support. Yeah.

Privacy concerns are understandable, but massively overblown (e.g. no it doesn't scan your filesystem for pirated shit) and will leave people vulnerable and behind on patches. Obviously certain parties quite like that, so they're trying to scare people into not upgrading.

Distaste with the UI is, well, it's still better than 8. It's fixable. The quarter screen thing is alright, swiped back from KDE.

microcuck basicaly knows every URL you go to, every file you have on your HD, they can update and restart your PC when ever they want to, botnet10 can uninstall any program if microcucks don't like it, and so on...

You can ofc disable some that, but they can turn it back on, unless you totaly disable auto-updates.

0.05$ was added to your gnu shill account

Stfu pajeet.

Thank you

Do it now. I use a seperate machine for non-gaming.

>Tried asking Sup Forums but as per usual they shitpost and circlejerk

and you expect it to be any different here?

Pretty sure you need W10 if you want DX12

But so can God see and know everything about me - what's the point?

god doesn't exist, dumbass


>As someone who just uses my PC for video games

Considering God exist and you want to believe He doesn't - it's not very intelligent from your side.
His existence is most obvious with the use of technology and access to scientific studies / papers, you see the genius of his work in everything.

But I won't talk with you about this, going to take a shower.

I was asked for my argument on privacy so gave it, if you don't give a fuck just upgrade to 10, who cares about God.

>Denying god on a christian imageboard
Holy kek

I don't know - it my first time on Sup Forums

Someone from Sup Forums helped with my build 4 years ago so thought I'd try again.

Where the fuck do I sign up to get paid to shitpost?

you just start shitposting and THEY will find you

You're a gamer, so get windows 10, what do you care about being part of a botnet, what do you care about privacy, what do you care about potentially getting bricked by bad windows updates because M$ can't get its shit together even in 2016. You just want to play video games, so get windows 10 for that proprietary DX12, you don't need to wait for multi-plat Vulkan since it will be another year before its relevant to games.

>relevant to games
Yeah, and so is OpenGL.


testing 2




sorry I forgot to sage









>you'll do it later anyway cuz of game support

you faggots keep spouting this myth

name 1 windows game that can't be played on winXP

spoilers: you can't, any windows game can be run on winXP today with the right software

It has horrible compatibility with legacy software. If you have games from before 2010 that you still like to play every now and then, don't install Windows 10.

>any windows game can be run on winXP today with the right software
Congrats, thats the most stupidly ignorant thing I have heard all day.

This time the open standard version actually has some serious backing.
Also, isn't difference between Vulkan and DX12 more cosmetic and concrete API details? They both are still based on Mantle and work on the same basic principles, after all.

The 7% fps increase isn't worth it unless you play (or are planning to) DX12 games

$0.10 was added to your Microsoft account, redeemable on any software in the Microsoft store.
