CS assignment

>CS assignment
>write network code in Java

I hate the fuck that Java has 50+ different ways for input/output

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stupid frogposter

Just use Netty faggot

Do it in C then.

See you in 3 weeks after you've opened your first socket.

Pajeet please

Iktf OP. C sockets are unironically literally easier.

hello yes if you need help with youre assignment you can post the assignments here

i am high level master programmer of the java in my company, i can help you program the assignments

hello mr. pajeet very nice to meet you

hello yes yes i can hear you

So much this.

C sockets suck so much, they bend light.

// Java
socket = new Socket("localhost", 3141); OutputStream myOutputStream = socket.getOutputStream();

// C
bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
bcopy((char *)server->h_addr,
(char *)&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);

What the freaking hell?

Jesus, that C code is murder on my eyes. Didnt who ever wrote that stop to think about readability?

Readability is a crutch. Code should be as complicated as possible to filter out lesser humans with sub-130 IQs.

most of them are there for backwards compatibility, just use the nio stuff

Well thats the price you pay for more control and power
Its not even that hard

int sock;
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in sock_info;
sock_info.sin_port = htons(80);
sock_info.sin_addr = inet_addr("");
connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_info, sizeof(sock_info));

Then you can write and read as you wish to

Newbies code like that.

Doesn't look any worse than code in native Win32 semfam

I enjoyed my network programming in C classes way more than any Java assignments.

It's CURRENT_YEAR so use Java 8 and the java.nio package

>work as java developer
>see this shit
>kid asking stupid questions
>just go to stackoverflow
>use the first shit that works
>alt + f4
>don't look back until somebody pesters you about it

when will you kids learn, when god hands you lemons, you make lemonade

>>just go to stackoverflow
>see 10 year old java.io abomination
>try hardest to use it
>no results
>get fired

thank you mr. java developer

please do the needful with the task at hand

>Doesn't look any worse than code in native Win32 semfam
Thats like saying AIDS is worse than flu farn

>just use the nio stuff
the fuck is nio?

>I hate the fuck that Java has 50+ different ways for input/output
Let's trade. I miss having flexible IO, and I'm stuck in C++.


stands for Non-blocking I/O


hey, fuck you


Doesn't java have something that is as easy to use as zeromq?

what does a message queue framework have to do with anything?

and don't act like it's part of the core language

New I/O is a better name because of stuff like java.nio.file which has little to do with non-blocking

stupid poster,who post "stupid frogposter".

Non-blocking part of it is basically all the hype though...

side question: Has anybody implemented SSH using NIO yet?
there seem to be legitimately no good SSH libraries for Java

Paths and the Files class are pretty neat though

Is the teacher Pajeet ?

Nope, I study in a white country and not Amerifat-land

Client - Server communication

>python 5 lines of code
>java 30 lines of code + 4 catches

Stream in stream in stream, output another fucking stream

Few classes just to communicate, another class for objects.

Is java really that superior?

>java 30 lines of code + 4 catches
>Stream in stream in stream, output another fucking stream
you're vastly exaggerating or using some library code from 20 years ago
>Is java really that superior?
it's tens to hundreds times faster

What a retarded strawman, Python only offers syntactic sugar, the rest is purely based on the library you use.

When you call python syntax syntetic sugar then whats is the name of java syntax?

The java code doesnt make any sense, wtf is an output stream?

It's your own fault for choosing crap school.

Welp, If we use male - female analogy, then outputstream is male


Basically anything that ends with Stream is an object that has two methods: boolean .hasNext() and byte .next().

.next() returns the next byte and you have to handle it. So an output stream of a socket is how you get the data from it.

>The java code doesnt make any sense
>but that C clusterfuck does

why do you keep saying java is for rajesh's

it's a fine language, low enough level, versatile (android/fast scalable web back end/web applets/desktop apps), fast enough... and the JVM can run Scala/Clojure

I don't see what's bad with java

You see, on Sup Forums people often say things they don't really mean.
It's called "trolling" or "pretending to be retarded"..

In fact you're well off doing exactly the opposite of what Sup Forums tells you to do.

here, no noise

no noise