Why does everyone dislike gnome so much? I can understand how people dislike the organisation...

Why does everyone dislike gnome so much? I can understand how people dislike the organisation, but what is the problem with the software itself?

When I switched to linux a year ago I disliked Unity so I tried KDE. That looked like shit so I tried gnome which I instantly liked. However, everyone here seems to despise it. Why though?

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abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/timeline/gtk /

I don't dislike them, but boy, they sure could document their libraries better. For example, for all the cases you have to make some whacky workaround.

They have a serious case of NIH-syndrome. They also tend to break shit with their APIs rather frequently. It's a shame because their software is solid.


just use dwm like a normal person, stop this special snowflake clicky button bullshit

Logo looks like a foot. Ugly foot.

If not furries, it is feet.

KDE 5 is pretty sexy although I use GNOME 3.

Valid criticisms. Seriously what the fuck is up with their fragmented extensions documentation? My documentation was basically reading other source code when I made some extensions, which works but why the fvck can't they just at least automatically generate documentation for their API functions ala Hackage?

The Shell itself is very nice and ergonomic though. I wish more DEs supported styling through CSS; Unity does as well, notably.

Because there is no extension API. Extensions are just monkey-patches, which is why they're so powerful, but also so fragile.

The "GNOME always breaks API" thing is 99 per cent a myth, stemming from themes (which were never guaranteed to be stable) and extensions for the reasons I've mentioned. GTK+3 has a good breakage record.

abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/timeline/gtk /

nerds suck at graphics.

codemonkeys are not interface designers.

that's why GNOME and any other fucking linux DE will be utter shit now and forever unless some sort of super mark shuttleworth comes along and puts the freecucks in their place then screws a working DE on top of their steaming pile of shit

Gnome is sexy tho

True. They gotta fix that ish, but all of the good extensions have devs that update quickly anyway so c'est la vie

Because it's fucking unusable

Just look at the mouse settings, it's a joke
They literally removed featured when they started working on GNOME 3

I don't use software written by mexicans.

There has to be a sane middle point between Gnome's "we know better than you" locked down configuration and KDE's 100 sliders per settings screen. Until someone "finds" it and does so with a cohesive design and not something that feels like pasted together with elmers glue out of 10 different pieces, both will continue their stubborn way.

I think Xfce is perfect

Too bad it's been almost on the verge of abandonware for so long now it's just outdated no matter how much they try to push it forward. And it does feel like pasted together IMHO but that's mostly due to second rate distro spins made by people with no idea of interface design.

It's called xfce

No one dislikes it just people shitting on it because they like some other de.

i3wm here. I confirm that DEs are terrible.

What a nonsensical babble. If you want some "fashionable" hipster OS just shut up and buy yourself a mac.

The fags at elementary were so fucking close until they decided to call people "thieves" for downloading their shit for free. They also have the same problem as Unity: they coded such a spaghetti monster with deep system hooks and nonsensical dependencies that it's almost imposible to make it work outside of their special snowflake distro.

>just be autistic instead of productive
>autist here, can confirm autism is superior

If they're going to officially support extensions then their "API" is the libraries you can import, and the documentation available for them is trash despite documentation generators existing.

XFCE is for faggots who think Windows XP design is relevant in 2016.

Gnome is fine.