Well Sup Forums, this is going to be a long post, but I owe you all an apology

Well Sup Forums, this is going to be a long post, but I owe you all an apology.

For the past few months I was having issues finding a job, this was mostly due to my internet addiction. A friend of mine told me about a job opening at a marketing company which has a decent pay and I would work from home.

Thinking it was gonna be some telemarketing shit, I went through it cause "fuck it", i needed the money. Turns out, this marketing company specializes in stealth marketing around the internet, specially on popular sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, even plebbit and Sup Forums. Our clients are many, but among them is Intel, Microsoft, nVidia, Nikon, etc.

So, for the past few months these people exploited trolls like me and had us constantly marketing products for these (and other) companies through "troll" posts on the mentioned sites. And no, I am not an indian; just a regular American from NYC who was going through a bad economic crisis. I decided to quit my job as it started to head down a really gray area in terms of ethics, now I really don't know what else to do. Anyways, I owe the Sup Forums community an apology.

>tl;dr This thread is about my apology because I worked as a stealth marketing agent and posted troll threads shilling on certain products.

Other urls found in this thread:


damn.. thank you for the apology (if this is real and all)

I've been doing research on this and Dell has been specifically targeting reddit and Sup Forums hard. Found multiple links back to a company called DHS Consulting, in Delhi. This viral marketing thing is big business, so be real fucking careful about what you read on the internet for buyers advice.

There are actually many of those companies here in NYC, also in Texas, and NC. Basically, whenever people start posting against the product and our typical "troll' attitude or scripted response do not work, other workers join in the thread and proceed to sage.

In the case of Facebook and LinkedIn, we all have fake old accounts with a lot of other marketers which all like/endorse each other and subliminally market a product.

i really wonder if people on wccftech get paid for shilling with out of hand insulting

Forgot to add that, apparently this company changes names every few years. I'll come back in a couple of months and actually post the company name and details. Since I quit the job recently, if I expose them now they'll fuck me over due to the I signed NDA.

NDA I signed*

Greetings. I am your designated tech support guy who will help you upgrade and transition to Windows 10. If you have any questions about Windows 10 and its amazing features, post them here.

I mod at a decently large tech news site, most of the obviously shilly posts come from Indian and Thai IP addresses.


they act like third worlder anyway

i mostly hoped it would be spoiled 13 year old american brats though

great pasta

Yup, many companies are based abroad too. The thing is, while some use IP addresses that Identify them as marketers, others (like the NYC based one I was at) uses VPNs not in America to do these jobs. It even goes as far as VPN chaining, in case one of them dies out, the IP address of the company is not exposed.

Not a pasta

It is you lying retard. No company is going to go after a bunch of loser poorfags on a chinese cartoon forum.

Which company do you work for, or are you simply just "a troll"? Have you ever heard what a Non-disclosure Agreement is? kys or get your co-workers to help you out on this one faggot

Why not? Some people on here have more money than brains

no shill answers please is the XPS 13 any good?

>NEET doesn't know what an NDA is, the post.

lol this thread

Lol I remember one subtle shill about DELL DisplayPort cable being the best in a displayport thread.

Do a google search on "xps 13 vs macbook pro" and you will get about a dozen reviews (including from Huffington Post and Forbes) saying how the authors ditched their Retina Macbook pros for an XPS 13 even though originally those authors never actually used a Mac in the first place.

bloody hell, how am I supposed to get opinions on a product when the net is full of shills now?

Is there a shill free site?

Where can I sign up to get paid to troll / shill ?

I have the xps 13 2015 model and I like it. The keyboard is alright but the space-bar has become super mushy. The trackpad is loose and rattles slightly only when the laptop is cold. After a few minutes or normal use it goes away (it doesn't get warm or anything). Battery life is really good. I never worry about what it's at and it charges fast

Install gentoo, buy an old thinkpad. No one is paying shills to shill linux and 2nd hand computers. Trust in stallman and you will easily avoid these shill niggers

>chinese cartoon forum
I cringed.
Not sure if you're trolling, but Anime is Japanese.
How new are you?

Stores have display units out for test. Then come home and order your favorite online.
For example, for laptops, check how much the hinge wobbles, how much the keyboard and chassis flexes with moderate force and get a feel for the keyboard and trackpad, screen brightness/reflections. Online, check more objective numbers like display accuracy numbers, benchmarks for the actual CPU and GPU, etc.

>the space-bar has become super mushy. The trackpad is loose and rattles
How is this acceptable within a year when you're paying over $1000?

Bullshit. If this is true then why is the most heavily recommended/shilled laptop on here a secondhand thinkpad from ebay?

It's hard, the disinformation campaigns we post are pretty ridiculous. Just do your research, compare and actually verify if the persons bought the product. Contacting them directly would be an OK decision, but if they are a shill they will go into direct marketing mode and sell you the product. Usually there will be taletale signs the person is a shill, such as: looks like a scripted discourse, repeated patterns, extremely biased, etc. Unless they are really good at it (if they are, then you are fucked and better end up asking someone you know or trying the product.yourself).

No such thing anymore

We get a a fair share of xps 13 and chromebook shilling too.
Thinkpads are a result of children trying to fit in, it's just another desktop/battlestation thread. The edgy and ugly design completes it. Although there seems to be a lot more new model shilling happening in that general.


OP here, I'll be honest, I never shilled for the ThinkPad product here.

My theory (based on work exp) that the person would test it and end up buying a new one.

However, I do think secondhand ThinkPads are way more robust than a fully overpriced laptop.

I cringed.

How do they measure your shilling performance though? Through posts per hour, or number of products sold?
Do you use a system that requires a specific browser and OS that tracks shit?

If reddit and Sup Forums are compromised, where can we go?

Aren't 8-chan and end/chan both shit?

Also OP where do I sign up to get this job?

What did they pay you? Did they at least give $100 a week?

Company issued laptop running a hardened OS. We used a ticketing system in which the company posts a product to be marketed and a target site. When you accept the ticket it will log your worker ID, you will have to post then a direct link to the post. Others will see the ticket and possibly join up to put good reviews, or support a thread.

Pay is a per post basis. If the thread gets pruned due to people finding out it is a shill, ticket gets closed and no one gets paid. Since it is per thread basis, you need to be posting a lot to get a decent pay. Also, making sure the ticketing system is up to date so other workers (and supervisor) know about current state of the post/thread.

I mean laptop keyboards are pretty shitty and the space bar went from average to slightly above shit tier. The trackpad is kinda annoying though and I was gonna bring it up with Dell but I remembered dealing with ""Robert"" from Texas and gave up. It goes away after using the laptop for like 5 min so it's not that bad.

Linux support is good. I swapped out the wifi card since at the time broadcom WiFi chips you needed some third party drivers that would never work


Depending on the amount of posts/tickets you attend. If you post a lot you can get $100 (maybe more).. just no more than $300 a week.

Almost every telemarketing company has a division like this. Do your research, key buzzwords are stealth marketing, viral marketing, subliminal marketing.

>If reddit and Sup Forums are compromised, where can we go?

>believing all this crap

Honestly I figured this was the case, I just didn't realise how widespread it was. I thought it was mostly just pajeets and they're easy to spot.
Starting to doubt everything I read now desu

I hope this whistleblowing thread gains more traction. I am very interested in what the majority userbase of gsmarena is, looks really fucking indian judging by the comments and review narratives.

I find you can't really get the full picture from using a model in store

I mean, its not as if I think its the end of the world, but I would like to post somewhere that isn't full of shitheads.

>believing all this crap

What part of it is hard to believe?
This has been going on for years, and telemarketers have been calling people's personal numbers for years.

You think its unreasonable for marketers to shitpost on the internet? You must be a fool then

Easy to spot are either amateurs in training or pajeets. A good disinformation and stealth marketing campaign will be hard to spot, as it is specifically targeted to a site, and a certain audience.

The chink general on here really raises a lot of red flags I'm when going through them. Scary how there's a gigantic surge in Xiaomi and Shark posting on here.

Thanks for the information man

I've been thinking about buying an Ultrabook since I've fallen for the meme, was initially going to go cheap but cheap ultrabooks are generally shit and severely lacking in one aspect or another. I thought screw it and might just get the best thing money can buy.
Seen the XPS 13 praised a lot, so was tempted, but if shit's to be believed, a lot of it is just shills which puts me off really.
It does look good, just not sure it's even worth the asking price.

Thats all the cheap purchases that aren't ironic pillows and dried mangos

Oh, you poor, ignorant moron.

Yea and it's not hard to open up and you can change out the m2 ssd.

Id say also look at the x1 carbon, that was my other choice. The xps 13 has a super small form factor but I do think a 14 inch screen is the sweet spot, even if it means giving up the thin bezels. And i really miss using the track point for the cursor and trackpad to scroll.

You can get dell xps 13 9343 (2015) for like $600 on eBay since the 2016 model came out last fall. It's not worth paying double for the current gen. I can play dota and other games along those specs and thats enough.

>x1 carbon
That's a good shout, but I've sort of gone full meme because I'd rather have a touchscreen on an ultrabook. That, and previous experience with Lenovo has been absolutely terrible after they shipped me a non working product and took a good 2 or 3 weeks of constant calls to get a refund.
Honestly didn't know there was a 15 and 16 model, will be worth looking into. Thing is if I do get an Ultrabook, it'd pretty much be my primary device, I don't really do much intensive and portability is quite a key factor, so I'd rather get something that can handle a good amount

You know what to do

>4 chan always had threads and boards dedicated to consumerism
>4 chan became popular after Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums hitting the news multiple times
i seriously hope you are a troll/shill because in times like this were people spend more time watching his phone instead of the tv companies gonna keep getting new ways to shove down our throat their products, facebook and marketing in movies is a proof of that

> How new are you?
Good one, made me laugh.


That¡s why we need to update the Sup Forums rules, We should make a petition to add a new rule to make this shills disappear. Truth is thanks to this consumer threads we will never be able to do so. ban consumer threads,or make it a different board /xs/ - Xtreme shills and consumer whores

I mean come on /csg/ has literally a chinese brand, it's no general anymore. It's adverstising

Tell us the name, faggot. This is an anonymous imageboard.

how new are you?

Sounds like a good plan.

this faggot lol. keked hard

master trollé

I cringed so hard that people in class stared at me. It was low key awk dude

That's nice to know but honestly how many laptop models don't have any issues at all? They all have some kind of compromises, little problems or random quirks that can affect some users but not all of them.

Honestly this, coupled with Microsoft's Tay learning AI that in future could easily pose as an account belonging to a real person, the Internet really isn't safe.
Especially with the AI, they could have a couple of hundred thousand bots just set something trending on Twitter and since people like to follow trends, that's a ridiculous amount of publicity and could honestly be used to sway the opinions of a bunch of people, just like these online shills are doing.

Your average user probably doesn't expect to be shilled on here, so if he sees an opinion, it's probably going to influence him somewhat. I just want to shitpost in peace mane

>How new are you?
this is too meta

How's it's possible to get backlinks on Sup Forums when you can on post on non-static pages?

Because it's an actual grassroots movement of Anons being into ThinkPads (however stupid it may look to people not into the same sort of stuff). That's why it's, like free software stuff, always present on Sup Forums and not only in intervals or shill waves. And it doesn't manifest in provocative and hostile threads, but has its own general. It's because those guys keep to themselves and don't need to sell anything or convert anyone.

Tell us the name of the company. Document as much as you can about the work, training, instructions etc, post it as a proper apology. This shit needs to stop.

You were also a victim of the system.

Now, we have to change how this is moderated on Sup Forums. To the people interested in doing something, write to Sup Forums.org/feedback so they see what is going on here.

A couple of people on /qa/ had a good idea on making a separate board for "Buying & Shopping" (/bs/), to make everyone happy. I should say we bring back that idea.

Pajeet, do you use it yourself?

does it pay well? can you drop a recommendation for me?

I'm not so sure a /bs/ board would really fix the problem.
It'd be a slow board, not really worthy of a shills time and Sup Forums is still going to discuss technology and laptops. Nothing's going to stop these shills coming in and shitting on product X whilst praising product Y in every other thread.

Its ok user, your sins are forgiven.
Putin pays for shills in my country too.

Thing is, I am really unsure on nVidia > AMD < Intel. I actually really need to be redpilled on this subject.

what about amd?

>How new are you?

/bs/ would be a great idea, but perhaps it is too general for saving Sup Forums. Even if we get a board like "consumer electronics", people are going to shill software and hardware here.

We should target these companies with shady "social marketing" services, so we need to find out more about them first.

In Serbia, there is a well known and reported phenomenon of shills posting favorable comments for ruling political party on comment sections of news sites. People deal with them similar to how Sup Forumsentoomen deal with shills here - insult those who post positive stuff about the party. It doesn't matter whether they are really shills or not, since they act as shills and act in interest of those who employ shills.


As said , it might work as a confinement board, but it's true is very general.

Other ideas?

Ban all freetards and all linix cucks

All in for the bucks today "user"?

Freetards do it all for free :^)

OP forgot he's off the clock.
This is a manifestation of his occupational psychosis.

>lel, not letting gross people fuck you for money
>lel, doing it for free with your partner
Shill logic.

What OP forgot to tell is that telemarketers have other telemarketers to cover their shit up.

So when people suspects, the get in and shitpost.

Fuck you for shitting up Sup Forums and taking a job that I desperately need more than you.

it's ok if you use gnu/linux

considering 95% of all discussion on this board involves buying, planning to buy, or recent purchases of consumer products, you'd have to be an idiot not to see the marketing potential. it's like a focus group, but nobody's lying and nobody's asking to get paid


Pretty sure he mentioned how they'd link threads to other shills so they can backup the shill

I've got the XPS 13 9343 running 15.10, and the broadcom chip works ok with the correct drivers desu.

Dude... you are the MAN, everyone can troll, but only a few get to make money out of it. Keep it going.

Marketers are paid shit money because they can't choose better jobs, senpai. And nobody respects them (except for cucks like you, evidently) because they're intrusive and have no integrity. Being one is nothing to be proud of.

>Our clients are many, but among them is Intel, Microsoft, nVidia, Nikon

Which are exactly the companies with exactly zero reputation on Sup Forums..

I call bullshit.

>has no rep
>on Sup Forums

STFU, moot, he didn't say Google.

>Sup Forums
Life must be nice if you're so naive.

Any of these posts yours, OP?