Bug crawls inside your monitor and dies

>bug crawls inside your monitor and dies

run a debug faggot

shake screen?

>leaving your windows open at night
>being a dirty faggot and letting bugs grow in your room
Pick one, cos u fucked up desu

Oh man its one of these threads again

Why you didn't take screenshot instead?

set your background to black

Because the dug didn't manage to crawl into the pixels just yet.


Funnily enough that term was coined when a dead moth was found inside one of the first supercomputers.

next time wrap your monitor with a nylon bag

that term used before supercomputers exist, back in time it was common to bugs reside in electronics. open up a radio from grand parents there might be a web of a spider inside.


I think the larger ones were termed supercomputers, such as the Mark I in Harvard. That's where the dead moth was found.

Take a screenshot my friend

Don't live in a 3rd world country

>he's complaining on Sup Forums instead of removing the bug


That isn't a bug. That's Edward Snowden.



Here I'll be helpful.
Don't squish it.
Just look up videos of teardown & rebuilds of your monitor on youtube.
Get it apart enough to suck that fucker out with a vacuum.
Put it back together and pray it works.