YLYL Sup Forums edition
YLYL Sup Forums edition
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I believe Sup Forums must have the worst YLYL threads. This is the kind of shit normies on Facebook would find funny.
>gatling gun
why? it should be firefox
>takes a lot of resources to handle
>can't aim very well
chrome should be the suicide gun, it's a botnet.
I think it's the same guy making threads everytime just filling it up with this kind of crap
Sounds ridiculously stupid but you can never underestimate some anons here
Rate my customized home screen anons. I made it as minimalist as possible to stay up with /currentyear/
Chrome should crash on the third phrase.
What is this? 2007?
I miss those keyboards
What are the percentage things?
>What is scroll lock?
>What is pause?
>When you already have separate Insert, Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDown and arrow keys, there is no need to ever turn off Num Lock. Why does it exist?
> No start key
Into the trash it goes
this triggers me but still
2/10 made me reply
>What are the percentage things?
>He doesn't know
>>When you already have separate Insert, Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDown and arrow keys, there is no need to ever turn off Num Lock. Why does it exist?
Well said but I am sure it is for backwards compatibility.
The resolution and the 2 clocks gave me cancer
OC coming through
this is extremely accurate
>What are the percentage things?
how gnu are you?
I still have one. You can get them on eBay for pretty cheap.
fuck yeah
when i saw it I shat brix
>Two clocks
Apply yourself.
Pretty similar to the 9gag userbase (like the rest of Sup Forums).
actually funny
The disgusting cultural appropriation?
Unfortunately, I can't disagree with that logic.
Only the cuck mentality stops him from having both
>He clearly states he has other toys
>hey man, if you give anything up you're a cuck
fucking millennials
>Letting a controlling wife dictate what things you can continue to own
Reminds me of highschool when the guys gf would plop down on the floor and begin to cry if she didn't get what she wanted. The guy caved in because he enjoyed the poon.
Is this model ok for grown ups in a marriage?
>gf would plop down on the floor and begin to cry if she didn't get what she wanted
That bitch is just sick
>Is this model ok for grown ups in a marriage?
Is actually the model for living with other people. If you have been extremely pampered and can't understand that you can't everything go your way when you live with other people (friends, gf, parents, siblings) then enjoy living alone for the rest of your life. Not that is a bad thing per se.
>I would rather Tyrone be balls in my wife than play around with my experiment.
guys please
>shitposting is technology
I remember those days, glad I was on the Athlon 64 side, laughing at Plebtiums.
bretty gud
I like how Maxthon didn't get invited to the rally because it doesn't have market share