/ptg/ - Private Tracker General


Old thread: Not sure what private trackers are all about?
>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Check out the wiki and update it yourself if you want more instead of complaining like a fucking faggot. wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

How to get into private trackers (and survive): pastebin.com/BFQBwQxm

Paths to get into the tracker you want updated the 2nd of May 2016. - PTP HDB recruitment has been dropped: a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf

What.CD Interview Notes:

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


First for #cinematik IRC

Hey guys, according to/r/trackers

>Questions on how to get into trackers or about where they recruit from are also not allowed.

Therefore, as long as we don't ASK about how to get in and just post information like the pic from the OP or the PDF from the OP, we are not breaking /r/trackers rules.

Who would like to post this guide on /r/trackers with imgur?

Is this IDE meme just and IDE shill trying to get more people on their piece of shit tracker?

Blu-Ray "encodes" are transcodes.

gonna get my first VPN after a lawsuit for torrenting next week, im deciding between PIA and AirVPN, which one should i go for and why?

>buy what.cd cd from store
>yet to get donor status
>yet to get a response from support
>its been a week

No it doesen't. Communit is pretty cool (irc)

None, get a VPS/seedbox

for what reason?

I use AirVPN. PM me your skype and i help you with it.

>autism: the social RPG

First for anime is gay

not in the position to skype atm, moving to a new flat next week. else i'd consider your help, thanks. if i went airVPN id just plan on opening my ports, adjust the killswitch and see how it goes, anything else i should absolutely prepare?

Networklock. Means, when your VPN disconnects, your inet wont send any traffic. Pretty neat.

It takes ~11 days

It will do the job of a VPN and more

Are there any (good, known) Korean private trackers? Old episodes are not always seeded on public ones and AvistaZ only have mainstream stuff.

sounds great. is it ingerated in the AIRvpn interface or is it set-up differently? ill write it down
i just googled a tiny bit and i dont think im comfortable with the amount of knowledge i'd require to know what im doing

Its integrated
Can't show a better pic, sorry.

amazing, thanks man

there's HDB on IDE but no user classes wtf.

After joining please read through the rules and don't forget the important ones.
>DON'T talk about IDE to anyone publicly, anyone caught will be banned permanently.
>DON'T paste URL or Screenshots of IDE anywhere or share them with non members.
>DON'T upload our internal releases elsewhere.
so lads can someone post a screenshot or url? this is from AB (so it looks like weebs were right in saying that AB is still a good route)

ide on mam is a meme. right?


>Main priority of encoding group is Asian cinema
That's Indian/Pakistani cinema
Just to clarify

>literal curry


not on AB though

Trips decide my username on AB.

Who doesn't like 3 hour films with dancing instead of intimate scenes?


beware of the /marked/

How about you do it yourself?


shit so close. rolling

stop meming me

Now THIS is a whatcuck


trading ipt for ptp

well fuck. so close to

Im the AB guy. Holy fuck, if i get banned for this...

What the fuck does IDE even stand for? Integrated development environment

so whatever happened to those who got banned on Broadcasthe.net? did they get their accounts re activated or w/e?

While I'd love to get into Sinderella, I meant non-adult content.

Okay, i got banned instantly...

I invited someone to a private tracker. He has 60gb up in 10hours. I don't think he's using a seedbox since he sounded like a casual torrent user and had never been on a private tracker before.. He's not cheating, r-r-right?

Which tracker?

Betrayed found out that prettygreat sold lasereyess an invite and banned them permanently.

Hope you enjoyed your account while you had it.

Ask him

why would you invite anyone?

if you're actually really scared you can preemptively send staff a message asking for help/confusion just to distance yourself from it.

if you're still there, how do i go about port forwarding? im looking at the options on the airVPN website atm. should i open ports at all? if yes, what kind of portrange should i use? how many different ports should i open? i thought i would have to open the same ports in the torrent software and on my router, but apparently opening the ports on my router is a no no? (doesnt that defear the purpose, i mean my router is still accepting those ports). i apologize for the lack of knowledge in advance

>actually inviting people
You fucked up. Invites are not supposed to be used.

>[email protected]
signing up on all the torrent invite forums with this email tbqh

You can open a port on the website under your client panel. However, u need to chose a port that is not used by any other user. Just use a random port and you are guchi.


That's from BTN u idiot

anyone know a good vpn/seedbox company that i can tunnel my 100/100 connection through and it not suck dicks? idc about ping just full down speed while vpn'd

PerfectPrivacy and AirVPN

I'm on freshon and animebytes. What can I do with that lol, I just want a good site for movies like freshon but that's only for tv shows.

i'm saying the bit i posted is from AB

Morethantv. Created by old admin at BTN. Has movies and no rars

Wait 6 months and join PTP or wait 2 months and join AHD.

have you considered checking AB's invite fora?


That order

>Wait 6 months and join PTP
More like wait forever

So how long until this HDB through IDE meme dies?
Does it outlast /marked/?

What does IDE stand for?

Fell for the meme.

You should be using trackers like Oppaitime that don't even accept donations.


I'm almost bombshell on OT. Does any where good recruit from it? I'm not even on IPT. ;-;

>tfw 312c cucked me on reddit.
wow dude relax..

just paid for the 3 day on airvpn and all the servers sucked complete ass. best i got was 30 down.

Hmm, that really sucks man. Did you use Speedtest.net? Because i can get 50 down and my inet is capped at 50.

Isn't prettygreat, the BIB staffer, also Irmst07 - a Moderator at MAM?

dude no one cares you're not getting into hdbits ever. not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

You got to find a good server. It's a bitch finding a port that's not taken and is connectable. I forward 10 ports and only one is connectable. I use that in utorrent and I'm golden

lrmst17 you mean -- he's a sr admin, i doubt he'd be stupid enough to be prettygreat. what makes you think they're the same person?

look at the profile image

I'm on HDB you mong, I was just asking a question god dammit

not on bib, gonna need some pic or something

No fuck off, meant to reply to (You)

sorry bud not losing my bib account over this

>11:30 Although, I am staff so I guess one small transaction wouldn't be so bad..
prettygreat doesn't talk like this.

sounds like you're pretty butthurt


where do I find an "I want to believe" xfiles poster. any amerifags?

We'll see mate. I only made it last night.


what happened to h4h

get the fucking hybrid already


>1 new mail
>Could it be my PTP invite?
>you have one new comment on Letterboxd

have you considered not watching shitty shows?

Aren't u the guy from AB?

sorry i ment this guy

2 0 1 7

you're not getting in nigga

Is there a place on AHD where I can see the upcoming internal encodes?