Do you follow standard typing guidelines?

Do you follow standard typing guidelines?

>Not using touchscreen.

I have trained myself to homerow. And can only type accordingly.

No, I keep my thumbs on the space bar and use my index fingers to type. If I can't reach something I use my pinkies. Judge me all you like, it's what I'm comfortable with.

I use 3 fingers on the right hand and 2 on the left

Iu useer myyyyu dickkkkk to tyyypethuis

I don't see what's so hard about learning to touch type. I just bought a blank keyboard and used it exclusively

>standard typing guidelines
Can you point me to the RFC for this standard?

mostly, yeah.
Best thing I ever did was move the CTRL key to the Caps Locks key though.

I can't imagine not being able to touch type. I'm typing this all with my index finger and I feel like killing myself

I press the Y key with my left index finger because I'm wrong handed. I also have to move my index finger down to press the comma and period keys for the same reason.

Yes. Some times I try and remember what it was like to touch with the indexes and it feels awkward as fuck.
I also remember I made a fucking lot of typos because I would keep looking at the keyboard instead of the screen.

I press CTRL with the edge of my palm when exiting the edit mode in vim.
I switch between the fi and en_us layouts constantly, and as a result have a hard time typing ^, &, *, ( and ) with the Finnish layout.

I'm surprised people can get out of middle school without learning it. I lived in a dirt poor area in the middle of Nofuckingwhere, North Carolina and it was drilled into my head.

I used to do this fucked up technique where I looked down every 5 seconds and pressed the key with the closest finger, but forced myself to learn correctly.

>\index finger for R
>index finder for M
are you shitting

Mostly. My left pinky is really shitty.

I lived in a middle-class area in somewhere, Washington, and typing was tertiary to highlighting paragraphs for the Jane-Schaffer method of writing and Saxon Math drills.

Playing FPS games makes my left hand default to WASD, and Runescape taught me how to type fast as fuck - I never learned how to type properly though

As a result, I kind of move my hands around the keyboard and only really type with my index, middle, and ring fingers

I still hit 160 WPM though, so I guess it works

All they taught me about computers in school was the basics of Office Word and Excel.

>tfw I actually put in my real age when I registered for RS

What baffles me is that people who claim to have no issues typing insist on seeing the keys and need backlit keyboards

No because i can type fast enough the way i'm used to and it would take way too long to get as fast again if i try a completely different approach.

LEDs to match their riced-up hardware.

If im not throwing letters on the screen I have no idea where anything is
who the fuck actually uses that
Why would I even need numbers
the hell do those things do


I've never learned how to touch type the number row

Probably good once you get used to it, but the transition will suck, and typing on regular keyboards will probably become unenjoyable

I really hate the faggot who cucked the rest of humanity with his qwerty keyboard layout just because he was lazy and didn't want to think up anything else once humanity stopped using typewriters.

If it already looks totally different it should at least be optimized like DVORAK or something like that

He died in 1890

I learned it around then. We had computer classes where they shuffled the whole class off to the computer lab and like 90% of it was one of those "learn to type" style games. This would have been like late 90s to early 2000s.

No. I just... type.

I've been doing it since before I could write, it's as natural to me as breathing.

Like playing the piano/keyboard, teaching me any kind of formal technique in the face of decades of thoroughly-ingrained muscle memory was always doomed to failure and will only slow me down.

I learned homerow in middle school keyboarding class but really came into my own when I started hanging out in chatrooms.

Only problem is I make a lot of typos and have to go back and fix them because my fingers move faster than my brain.

dafuq do people really type with two hands? I'm so used to vidya that i just type with one

I'm making the switch for the past week and despite being much slower it just feels right. It is relaxing to not have to move your hand around all the time. It'll be worth it, I was quite a slow typist regardless (sub-80wpm)

Technically no, but my typing style is very similar. It's basically just homerow but for some of the letters I use different fingers than homerow teaches

What I do. I should pick up touch typing at some point, it's really terrible.

I just don't use my pinky.

Selling lobs taught me how to type fast

I learned to with Runescape actually.

You won't learn with your bullshit typist classes. The game required you to type fast to survive so you touched typed just liked that.

I can use a blank keyboard without touch typing.

There is literally no reason to

I'm going to type like a normal human being would since it has worked well for my entire life

I type mostly using my index and middle fingers, and occasionally my ring finger. Thumb for space. Never use pinky, except maybe for games.

I never broke 20 wpm in elementary and middle school using home row. I average around 80 now.

In high school my computer teacher always got upset I wasn't typing "correctly". I tried doing home row, but I couldn't break 10 wpm.

you mean you're gonna type like a chimpanzee

No, I've come to realize that the standard keyboard layout with the keys not in a straight line is shit and I move the fingers on my left hand in a similar way to those on my right hand (hit c with my index finger, x with my middle finger, and z with my ring finger). If only I could get a keyboard with mirrored key locations on the left/right side that wasn't expensive.

Are you me?
You type kinda like me.

I'm mostly doing fine but my right pinky is in pain while programming.


All that green
I don't even use my pinky fingers on letter keys.

What the actual fuck

QA and Z are done with my left ringfinger. Since my pinky is always on the shift.

>The game required you to type fast to survive
"please don't kill me I give you 10m"

>Not hooking your webcam up to the botnet
>Not letting your robot overlords decide what you want to do via your facial expressions
Shiggy diggy, fellow meatbags.

> 49wpm on try hard mode on text I've practiced
What good resources are out there? Have you tried any? How long did it take?

Just get me out of this pain, Sup Forums

Do something about it. I didn´t and eventually got some nerve damage that took years to heal. I took it seriously the day where my whole arm went numb and I couldn´t feel anything on it, or move the pinkie.

I still can´t use it for typing or it´ll get tired and painful very quick. But at least now it´s just the finger.

>why is the shift key broken up into two different keys? its not 1980 fag, fixed it for you
>two blues look pretty damn close, fixed that for you
>fuck the bottom left, fingers dont bend that way
>your numberpad is fucked, fixed that for you

So what did you do? I'm mostly using my ring finger to help out but after some time my wrist and pinky start to hurt.

fixed that for you

>he doesnt make use of the 10 key

no, i don't have a little finger on my left hand so i use my ring finger for those keys.

>115 WPM

what happened to it?


I never learned to touch type. I'm 22 and tomorrow is my last day of my junior year of uni. I mean I can do it, but I do it with a lot of mistakes, especially when it's the keys I'm used to typing with my indexes.

Yeah, and my major is software engineering of sorts, so go figure.

Symptoms check in. Get working on that.

In my case it was the left pinky that got messed up. First thing I did was to remove all pressure from the left arm (on the elbow while reading or laying on the couch, while sleeping, etc.), as recommended by a doctor who said it might have something to do with a common problem where the nerve gets pinched at the elbow because no reason.

Second thing was to remap my keys. FPS games? Crouch isn´t on Ctrl anymore, but on C, which I reach with my index finger. Whatever was on shift is now on Z instead.

I also wear a wrist warmer while working and while doing exercise if it involves the wrist. It really makes a difference.

In general, it´s all about the little things. Posture and ergonomy, mostly. Make the pinky work less, and make it more comfortable to work.

Also do some warm up exercises before work and take short pauses regularly.

>Symptoms check in. Get working on that.

Will do. My posture is horrible and my chair is as bad as it gets but can't afford better atm. I got some lower back issues (scoliosis) plus this makes using my PC a bit of an issue. I'll try to get up and stretch at least once per hour.

>my chair is as bad as it gets but can't afford better atm
>I got some lower back issues (scoliosis)

There´s three things you NEVER skimp on: your desktop chair, your bed, and your toolbox. Shoes are a very close fourth.

It´s a matter of health, plain and simple. Do whatever you have to do, but get a proper chair, bed and toolbox.

And you with a back problem should take this even more seriously. Live a few months eating nothing but eggs, potatoes and lentils/rice, or whatever else are the cheapest ingredients where you live (eggs, potatoes and lentils will give you pretty much everything your body needs. Eat a piece of fruit once a month and you can go a few years without any problem), but save up some money and get a decent chair ASAP. Sell something if you have to. Believe me, you don´t want it to get worse.

Same runs for anyone else with a poor chair. Live in a mudhut if you have to, but get a proper chair.


Nope. I learned typing really fast before I even had any computer related classes. I do roughly follow the guidelines with my left hand, but my right hand is sweeping over the keyboard way differently.

funny meme

I don't touch type but I can type without seeing the board.

I just kind of spread my hands all over the board. Imagine the pic except my hands laid on top of it all spread out.

I make mistakes and I like to see the board before I start but once I know where my hands are I am pretty good at typing.

I type T and Y with my left hand

Pls go.

I never use my pinky fingers for anything but CTRL/ALT/CAPS LOCK and sometimes S and A if my left hand is 3/4 of the way across the keyboard

I call it the put your hands where ever you want like you have for the past 20 years system

>using your pinky on the numpad dash

whoever made this is an idiot

ayyy ncbro where you from?

i live on the obx.

I don't see how you could do it any other way. I was a hunt&pecker all throughout typing class in secondary school and one day when I was 23 it just clicked, now my fingers always gravitate toward the homerow

sometimes I do this instead

I taught myself how to touch type when I was like 8 and I do total nonsense now. I couldn't' even try to draw how I do it


I type mostly using index fingers, thumb for space, and rest of the fingers occasionally.

I learned from an old typing book and I use my first finger for 6, c, middle for x and fourth for z.
Trying to unlearn a few keys wouldn't be worthwhile. In the future I'll make a clean break from qwerty along with its physical layout.

I see why tee, but why wye?


I do a quasi touch type and the occasional hunt and peck.

Index and middle fingers for almost everything, including spacebar
Ring fingers for tab and backspace, and occasionally for typing keys that are immediately next to each other (like qweqweqwewqew)
Pinkies for shift and enter
I type well above 100WPM

I have been hunt-and-peck typing my entire life or some weird bastardization of it. I just took an online test and I came out at 77 WPM, now I know that's not impressive, but it's apparently still in the 92nd percentile?

That finger layout isn't really viable since it's incredibly awkward to QAZ since you need to hit Rshift with Rpinkie which is not viable for any kind of wpm.

anyone else really shit at capital letters???

a bit off topic, but i have to ask the faster typists here. am i the only one who just loves to hear my meme-canical just sing when your typing out something long? that sound nearly gives me goose bumps...i cant be the o-o-only one, can i?
