No matter how fast your computer is, alt+tabbing out of a fullscreen window will take forever

>no matter how fast your computer is, alt+tabbing out of a fullscreen window will take forever

>Windows only problems.
Linux has no concept of "fullscreen exclusive mode".

>muh directx
>muh resource """"ownership""""
>muh """"speed""""

hey buddy your keyboard is broken, it keeps repeating the quotation marks.


Not true. I can tab out of fullscreen StarCraft 2 or Dota 2 immediately.

My PC is pretty fresh though. Bought it 4 months ago.

>Linux has no concept of "fullscreen exclusive mode".
and thats why linux sucks

Run at native resolution

>only Chichi can get Goku to look this beat up

I feel bad for Frieza

I see you're enjoying your Direct3D devices going missing. Protip: Ever since Windows Vista, dwm does a better job at compositing direct3d than exclusive fullscreen mode. Exclusive mode is literally a meme to satisfy people who don't know better.

>your Direct3D devices going missing.
what devices going missing when and where?

i must agree. upscaling lower resolutions to desktop resolution or even worse decreasing desktop resolution to the running application (wine does that as well as openarena) just sucks. wish they made a game-exclusive tty just for that.

PS but everyone seeing that i can alt-tab from morrowind or dota without crashes and instantly is impressed, so i guess it has a point.

This only happens if the fullscreen application is on the same drive as your OS

Whenever the call to DirectX3DDevice::Present fails.

Anything other than native resolution will look horrible on everything but a crt. Upscaling on the gpu is no worse, and will often produce a better picture than letting the monitor upscale.

>Whenever the call to DirectX3DDevice::Present fails.
lol mate no clue what you are saying. I just open the game and it runs.

>Not using Fullscreen Windowed

It's your own fault

>Program running at 200fps
>dwm displaying window at 15fps
Keep telling yourself that dwm is better than exclusive mode

non exclusive fullscreen has more input lag, right?

Nope. Even shoddily coded games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 alt-tab out immediately.

Your machine is most definitely just shit.


i do not mean upscaling on the gpu is shit, i mean when a game crashes and has a 640x480 resolution the desktop stays at this resolution and you have to either use the command line to restore it or blindly switch trough menus with tab. its annoying. Source: planescape torment, starcraft ,warcraft 3 and wow on wine , openarena and basicly every other linux native game i got to crash on low resolution.

>PC to slow for borderless window in native resolution
It's fucking instant.

>Not using borderlands windowed mode

Borderless fullscreen.

I alt-tab from games instantly. On a Toshiba P50-B-118. I've been playing Stellaris lately, for instance. On xubuntu 16.04 by the way.

Your problem is either shit PC or shit operating system. Or both.

Are you from 2000 OP?
Because, I don't have this problem right now.
Windows 10, even playing GTAV

That's just the monitor changing resolution, if you aren't a underage shitter you would know that this only happens on lcds. The fault lies probably on the window manager or game engine that for some reason wants to change the resolution even it is the same.

>using borderlands windowed mode

Linux has exclusive fullscreen though. It's just smarter.
It works by implicitly unredirecting the window when it covers the whole screen.

It does only if you're running different resolutions

Only on Windows

>Whenever the call to DirectX3DDevice::Present fails.
He's a windows user, you'll confuse him if you talk about code