How do you backup your shit, Sup Forums?


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My friend, please allow me to recommend Microsoft One Drive. One Drive allows you to seamlessly backup and access all your files from the cloud. It's integrated with Windows 10, so don't forget to upgrade while it's still free! copying to my external drive?

I have an SSD and an HDD in my laptop.

Every once in a while I just copy ~/ to it

I keep some password recovery shit pgp encrypted on dropbox/box in case I lose my phone and laptop and can't do two factor auth.

How do you keep your directories organized? I am thinking of creating seperate folders for every type of file on my local computer and then copy them to the corresponding folders on my external HDD using rsync. For example anime folder goes into anime and music folder goes into music etc.

Any particular software or tool to back things up or just copy-paste via your average file manager?

i use rsync and have a bash script that i schedule using cron that compares local and remote directories and copies only the files that are different.

Time Machine backup to a VM on my server, VMs on server get backed up to FreeNAS.

a-anything similar on windows?

maybe you could run rsync on cygwin but i am not sure. you might need to check on that

and i dont know how you can schedule on windows

It's really really difficult.


>calling someone dumbass because they have no idea on something that they don't use

This kids is an example of a asshole.


Not a poorfag.

i just throw everything into a folder on my desktop and wish for the best.
i unzip files on a new folder so my music is organized like that.
for images i have a folder for each year, except the pictures that can help me learn others styles in design, which are in my "design" folder.

it is gonna be a huge fucking mess in the future though. thats why i wanna start catogorizing everything before it becomes a mess

rsync to external hdd

file history on a microsd card.
also onedrive backup of documents folder.

I don't.
Pretty much the only stuff on my HDD I'd care about losing is my projects, and all those are "backed up" via git.

AppleĀ® TimeMachineĀ©, senpai

>i dont

rsync via SSH to a Pi2 connected to a 4tb external HDD secured in my office. Runs on the weekend so productivity is not affected. I'm the lone IT guy, so I basically do what I like.

I have a powershell script backing up all my important stuff to an external HDD every day automatically.

Then I manually run offsite backups every now and then.

Gonna host my own sync once I get another server up and running.

external drive, bluray

should do more

Any recommendations for a good backup solution for a NAS with rather sensible data on it?

I'd rather not use an HDD because the whole data is relatively large.

file history is similar to os x time machine, but you need a big external usb drive. you can expect to spend $100-120 for 4TB of backup space.

Rdiff-backup. It's rsync, but beefed up to handle proper backups, removal of old backups etc. It's godly

365, CD, External drive and pendrive.


>not using the free 2 TB chink cloud service for backing up your data

>trusting chinks with your data

shiggy diggy doo

exactly what I do. I put all my important shit inside my local backup folder and forget about it cron handles my script which runs every night. comfy af.


>trusting your government over the chinks

Same, but I might take the same route as , it's doable as I'm also the whole IT of the site.

got 4 internal drives, an external, few flash drives, and a vps with owncloud.

keep a copy of the most important shit on each of these, some gpg encrypted some not, and so far it has worked.

fully expect to lose something big though, better to live with that on my mind than not.

Windows server backup to USB and sync to amazon.

>windows server


>not having a box of flashdrives

rsync cron job to an external drive

Use btrfs as filesystem. Do daily snapshots to revert if I fuck up. You can access snapshots like directories and copy out stuff you accidentally deleted or want an older version of. Use btrfs tools to copy the delta of today's snapshot and yesterday's to a remote box for backup. Use a different subvolume for / and /home so you can manage them separate. Best backup system I've ever used.

I embrace the cycle of life and death
I really don't have any -vitally- important files so I don't backup. If bad news comes my way, I get to start anew, keeping all the warm memories in my head
Basically I'm a lazy idiot

I'mma respeck those dubtrips but how can you not be acquiring data for your next of kin or person of importance to you so that they wont have to go thru what you had to to acquire your "vast" knowledge?



The very last thing I want my next of kin seeing is all the files I have saved my whole life

I like your honesty.

Backup to a RAID10 array every half hour, tape backups of the important stuff once a week.

once a week my windows machines backup to a network share, all files + image. and then maybe once a month i use robocopy to copy critical files such as documents and pictures and data to an external hard drive which remains unplugged when not in use.

my macbook uses time machine, and my linux machines never do anything important enough to care.

personally I recommend Microsoft's OneDrive, truly a step into the future compared to other cloud backup services - not to mention it's fully and seamlessly integrated with Windows 10!

Just make sure you upgrade while Windows 10 is still free for Windows Vista, 7, and 8 users. Time is running out!

Remember to report and hide shill posts

have you guys heard of Microsoft's OneDrive? I myself laughed it off as nothing more than hot air before I decided to give it a shot when I used my free upgrade to windows 10 .

Amazingly enough, everything was synced immediately, no hassle on my part. What's even better though was that it was completely free.

Dumbass for not googling it.

remember to not publicly post your reports like this dipshit

syncovery if you're a gui person

External Hard drive and DVDs. Lots of DVDs
I'd love to use an online service, but my upload speed is too shit.

Would you mind pointing out a single post itt where I said I reported anybody?

Protip: You can't, you fucking faggot.

I don't

>Being so fucking dumb you can't tell the difference between shills and bait.

Holy fuck you are a tool.

If it looks like a shill it's a shill whether it's bait or not.

Like I said, you are a fucking idiot.

Dropbox? More like Dropped for Microsoft's Onedrive
A while ago, right after I'd upgraded to Windows 10 for free, I accidentally dropped my Laptop and broke the hard drive (an Epic Fail on my part :p).
However, OneDrive came in clutch for the win and backed up everything for me seamlessly to the cloud. All of my files, emails. photos, even music were all right there on my Surface Pro 4

This place is so full of shills I don't care if you're baiting or not, if you're adding to the problem it's close enough to a shill to be a shill.

Syncback to mirror folders to a different location, Cobian backup for actual backups (with a version history, incremetal/differential and all that stuff).
Don't bother with open source alternatives - I tried them, they're garbage. It's like only people incapable of writing decent software are willing to release their source code.

>People baiting for replies are paid shills, trust me!


Like I said if you're adding to the problem it's close enough. Either way trolling's report worthy outside of Sup Forums. So shill or not it still should not be here.

I know, and honestly I agree with you. I just cannot fucking stand when people look at obvious fucking bait and try to pull epic indian memes out of their ass to fit in.

I don't, I flush it right down the toilet.

Why would I care about fitting in on an anonymous image board? I couldn't care less about what you fucks think of me. If he doesn't want to be called a shill maybe he shouldn't pretend to be one.

raspberry pis rsync to a vm, vms are backed up by veeam to freenas, desktops use veeam endpoint protection, freenas config gets rsynced to a few different places

Files stored in documents on SSD

Compressed by 7zip script daily at 1am

Compressed zip is stored on my HDD

Folder on HDD is also the Google Drive folder

Google Drive folder is also mirrored to my server

Around once a month 1 copy of a backup is copied onto my tablet

Basically in 4 places at once

robocopy /mir?

People who use rsync, how are you sure that rsync isn't failing silently? On many GUI sync tools, there's a way to see if syncing is working from the client.

print the output to a txt file and then email that txt to myself with cron

Good idea

would that even work? how would you even convert it?

>these ironic shill posts

Rajheed gandhi magdama be gone you shill


rsync -recursive --remove-source-files --ignore-existing -v -progress $SOURCE $DESTINATION > backup.log

mail [email protected] < backup.log

you need to install and setup ssmtp though

My brain.

I can remember all of the text in all of my documents and all of the source code to all of my programs.

At work: VMs -> VEEAM everything else arcserve tape backups & offsite

At home: NAS for online backup, external hard disk for offline backup, important shit goes to aws glacier.

I use a similar system. It works very well.

Don't overlook that you might actually want some proper offline backups of important stuff.

And don't forget to check that restore works.

>right click and search word
>all linux commands
>i'm not good...

use sendmail.exe you faggot

i dont. I hope and pray my 6Tb raid doesn't have anything major happen

i am soon moving to a 72Tb raid (5+0 probably) since my 6Tb is full

I don't back up my stuff. There is nothing important to me that would justify saving any data. I back other peoples stuff up for them using external mechanical drives, and that is as far as I will go.
Perhaps I'll use optical media or a miniSD card, but then it is only one copy and it contains the only permanent version of the data available.


How do you upload systematically to Google Drive? I have unlimited storage and wanna make better use of a more streamlined backup system.


Bumping this

I always buy hard drives in pairs. There's no reason not to these days. HDD are cheap.

This. Either your data is worth it or not.

I don't.
>I have LTO tapes everywhere riddled wth hundreds of thousands of familly pictures.
>I have 1 LTO tape with my school assignements and personal works (fully encripted, with a CD ROM Kept beside it with the GPG keys).

And other then that I have a raid0 server for availability.

Shitty, shitty software. Best in market for windows/bare metal.

At home. I pretend that my NAS with RAID 5 is a backup. Anything important I duplicate to the cloud, but besides software licences/receipts I don't have anything.