/mpv/ - the Sup Forums media player

> windows builds:
- bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mpv-for-windows/downloads
- mpv.srsfckn.biz

> user shaders:
- gist.github.com/igv
- gist.github.com/voltmtr

> low preset:
ytdl-format=bestvideo[height medium preset:
ytdl-format=bestvideo[height high preset:
ytdl-format=bestvideo[height higher preset:

Other urls found in this thread:


Absolutely no issues with the latest rorgoroth (angle) build. :D

I wanted to use CrossBilateral but I have dropped frames with H265 files.
So I kept defaults since it's hard to see any differences in motion.

What the purpose of these algorithms? Are they useful for animes?

Look like "dynamic contrast" from my television.

Still no official mpc-qt builds for windows!?

Default opengl-hq debanding adds ugly noise and is too aggressive. Presets can be improved with

Is there a way to prevent mpv from closing after it finished the playback?

>Are they useful for animes?
It means that you get richer color management, and better lighting quality for your Chinese cartoons.


Isn't this just for HDR content??

It is

>ugly noise
m8, grain is a good thing

>Are they useful for animes?
They're used for HDR tone mapping and nothing else (so they're only relevant for HDR content)

The algorithm/setting is literally ignored for SDR stuff

OK I thought it was something like faux-HDR.

how do i install this? ))

Is there anywhere I can read about how video codecs and video players like mpv work?

Is it better then default?

it's subjective

mpv source code

So the two linked gists containing the filters -- which do I use, which are considered best?

I have a GTX 650 and running Linux, any suggestions which I should choose?


Currently my vo looks like this.

New to mpv, trying to watch a Twitch VOD and it always plays at the highest video quality (Source). How can i select the quality to play it at?

The adaptive-sharpen shader is awesome.
I can't live without it anymore.
Thank you for porting it in mpv!

Mmmh that nice... ball...

>mpv source code
That's like answering "nautilus source" to someone asking about how they can learn about sorting algorithms.

Why should i use auto-copy?

Less CPU usage...

Does it use angle backend by default on windows now?

End yourself.

Go fart elsewhere...

It does nothing better than mpc-hc/madvr!
So why are you shilling this again and again?

Are you using Livestreamer or youtube-dl? Youtube-dl automatically rips the best quality by default. So just paste the commands like in the op's post.


I couldn't make youtube-dl work for me :(

>Youtube-dl automatically rips the best quality by default.
Really? Because in my experience it picks 720p by default.

What's the best way so?

makes should you paste youtube-dl.exe in the same directory as mpv.

Youtube-dl is one of the best ways to watch youtube because you can still use it's ability to download video streaming files. Mpv+youtube online streaming is just a bonus advantage of using youtube-dl.

Again, it's not just for youtube.

>makes should you paste youtube-dl.exe in the same directory as mpv.
I did, tried using several commands, but nothing works, what do you use?

mpv has such a shitty icon. circle and play button, how original.

Well in my directory I just paste ffmpeg, youtube-dl, mpv in the same directory.

Then I just use open with add on, which allows you to run applications on your browser. It's a godends for command-line programs because you can add arguments to them.

You can use this add on to automate commands for mpv, youtube-dl. Pic Related is the setup that I have for my toaster laptop.

I was downloading videos with it fine, just not able to stream them, though I can use mpv [url] command line anyways.

Why do you need ffmpeg anyway? mind giving me the link to it
I like it

Did they fix bad interpolation performance?


youtube - i.imgur.com/TvCGNif.png
mpv - i.imgur.com/20lT5T9.png

Youtube on Chrome - i.imgur.com/ZEGg36x.png

The best!

There's a simple reason that you could have figured out yourself if you weren't retarded: MPC-HC and madVR don't work on OS X and GNU/Linux. Regardless of whether you think MPC-HC is better than, worse than or pretty much the same as mpv, Sup Forums's OS X and GNU/Linux users can't use it anyway, so there are always going to be people talking about alternative video players.

I don't like the logo either, but because of the weird faux-3D shading. The actual design of the logo is fine. The circle in a play button is from MPlayer. It makes sense for mpv's logo to be a reference to MPlayer's.

Where do I put the "presets" to use them in mpv?

How can I go to the next file in the directory after playing a file?

>Why do you need ffmpeg anyway? mind giving me the link to it
Youtube-dl and MPV are build around ffmpeg libraries,so bleeding edge verisions of youtube-dl/mpv use bleeding edge verisions of ffmpeg.

Youtube-dl has a lot of powerful features that uses ffmpeg. Big example is it's ability to convert video into audio files. Or how youtube-dl can merge a video only format with a audio only format to the create the best format.

I would agree with you if nautilus was a program solely dedicated to sorting.

mpv is a program solely dedicated to playing back media. (and the vo is a component solely dedicated to playing back video)

>youtube-dl is a better of watching youtube videos than youtube-dl

Only thing I dislike about the logo is how goddamned asymmetric it is

>It does nothing better than mpc-hc/madvr!
It runs on Linux (the most popular Sup Forums OS) better

download and drop on the mpv folder as well I am guessing?

>download and drop on the mpv folder as well I am guessing?

Thanks, gonna see if it makes svp work with mpv for fun.

Is there a way to display the video directly to an external device like a hdmi projector, without going through the OS

I should specify on ubuntu

Tried some shaders and can see no difference at all. Am I doing something wrong? Is something other than putting shader into config dir and changin vo to something like vo=opengl-hq:user-shaders="~~/SuperRes1.glsl" required?

Didn't meant to quote.

isn't ffmpeg an .exe? how come I am getting a bunch of files from there?

The bitbucket build use little more cpu usage than sourceforge build when using ANGLE backend. Why?

fuck you

Why shouldn't I just use VLC?

in the mpv.conf file you create in the same directory as mpv.exe

Shut the fuck up and try both side by side. Nobody needs to justify MPV to you.

I did. With my nvidia card, I simply went to the nvidia control panel, went to "adjust video color settings", went to the advanced tab, and changed "dynamic range" to "full" instead of "limited". Then I went to "Change resolution" and changed "output dynamic range" to full.

Then they looked exactly the same.

So again, faggot, why should I use MPV?

I just downloaded the latest rorgoroth build, and the zip contained a few additional files:


What are those? Why are they needed? Are they?

>So again, faggot, why should I use MPV?

Nobody needs to give you an answer to this you spoonfed little nigger. If you try them side by side and don't like MPV, don't use it, and leave this thread.

Is that too difficult to grasp, retard?

>So again, faggot, why should I use MPV?

Different user here but get this.

We don't give a single solitary FUCK whether or not you use mpv. Stop asking this MORONIC question you massive idiot, if you want to use subpar video players and cannot even see the difference or not enjoy all the features baked into mpv by default just FUCK OFF out of these threads!

You are not constructive, you are just a shitposter with nothing to add.

I won't rest until every one of you fags does what I did and realizes that mpv is a meme "solution" to a problem with VLC that doesn't exist.

Get a job and get a life you pathetic loser.

Nobody gives a shit that you use VLC. Nobody gives a shit about you.

Nobody gives a shit that you use MPV so why are you making threads about this memeplayer?

>>We don't give a single solitary FUCK whether or not you use mpv. Stop asking this MORONIC question you massive idiot, if you want to use subpar video players and cannot even see the difference or not enjoy all the features baked into mpv by default just FUCK OFF out of these threads!
>You are not constructive, you are just a shitposter with nothing to add.

Can we add this to the OP so "why should I use mpv?" isn't asked as much? Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of NEETs with no lives and no jobs who hunger for the next big thing and they constantly ask to be spoonfed a reason to satisfy their autistic need to have the best software on their mom's old laptop.

Can't you then at least become a tripfag?
We don't see mpv as a solution to a big problem - we just prefer this lightweight player that has a ton of neat options out of the box over players that need addons for the same functionality or simply doesn't let me change options to my liking.

And who the fuck cares? If mpv is getting better and better (FOSS no less), then either it will trump other players, or they will get better too, so everybody wins!

>why are you making threads about this memeplayer?

why are you here at all since you don't give a shit? You're the fucking memer here with your stupid meme baiting questions you fucking retarded NEET.

Get a job already you piece of shit. Your parents are fucking fed up with you.

Why are you replying to me if you don't give a shit? If anyone is a NEET, it's you, with your CLI 1337hacker video(meme) player.

To discuss newest features?

A lot of these threads have actually lead to code changes, added features and generally improved the program.
Basically, /mpv/ is one of the last remnants of real technology discussion on this shithole of a consumerism board.

You are the meme.
I have been using mpv for ~1 year now and have almost never used it via command line.

I give a shit about mpv and I want you to find something else to do with your time, like finding a job, you worthless nigger.

But I'm not black.

Then you should be even more ashamed that you're here memeing instead of finding a job.

Nobody's memeing except you, buddy.

For ANGLE backend

Pretty much this.

Also Windows users need to get the fuck out.

Clearly virus files disguised as a Dungeons&Dragons compiler.

I think I have mpv installed using apt on my Xubunutu already. How do I use those presets? Are they something I need during the building or is there a file I modify with these?


>Then they looked exactly the same.
Confirmed blind

How do you plan on running mpv without an operating system?


Can anyone answer this or should I just go back to using mpc-hc for anime

Does mpv support streaming from the Internet? What about streaming from a password protected server?

yes and yes

You can drap&drop multiple files or a folder on mpv window, < and > keys will go back and forth files

or use autoload.lua script

or just play the folder directly (e.g. from the context menu) instead of using two steps and a shitton of pseudo-gui hacks to do so

> the context menu
I don't think he registered that with via bat script.
>pseudo-gui hacks to do
I thought winfags liked that.

I'm not finding anything in the mpv manual about authentication when streaming over HTTP.

Thanks, this looks the easiest. I'll try this tomorrow . Anyone have any suggestions for a remote control Android app to use with mpv?

Just use Baka MPlayer.

Standard HTTP auth is embedded in the URI, e.g. user@pass:example.com/file.mkv