Desktop, thread
Other urls found in this thread:
how's it goin'?
pretty good
how about you?
can't complain, can't complain.
nice weather we're having huh
meant for
It's pretty warm where I live
Hi Sup Forums I missed you
Hi Miles.
Are desktop threads unbanned yet
We should ban Normies 2bh. They always ruin everything.
testing to see if desktop threads are auto saged.
Hi Shinobu guy. I missed you!
If this gets deleted again (which it most likely will), you should come to the desktop threads on /w/.
Why don't you go to the desktop threads on /w/?
3 seconds...
I do go on /w/, >>/w/1923456 is my current desktop tho. I don't often post that Shinobu one anymore
why are mods so spineless
31-5-16: fixed cross thread link
I mean board, maybe I should go to sleep it's almost 5am
Mods are fedoralords from Reddit. Can't help it.
it's not even autosaged
Check my bump
ITT: weebs assblasted because their sekrit clubz got nuked for good
Haha fucking pathetic
i think it's more the whole publicness of it that is (IS) good
hola from faggotland
Yes. YES!
There is an ENTIRE board for your gay weeb desktops, just fuck off.
>getting butthurt by anime on an anime website
kys faggots
I wish the mods would just say if desktop threads are allowed or not. I think there was a similar situation when mods decided that monster girl cancer wasn't Sup Forums related and the threads moved to /jp/
Please post in this thread
shut up idiots
am i cool, too?
I turned off the bezel correction for the screenshot
I don't like anime and that's a board dedicated to anime.
Do the math
Nothing too special.
Can I have the background
Has anyone seen DrPantsuNe?
Cool i'm now a fat alcoholic!
how do i get ubuntu to look like this?
Mods? Can we get this shit autosaging please?
You have a lot of jagged edges I just noticed.
They probably aren't visible when the image is downsampled from 5k.
lmao, can't even namesteal correctly.
Se ha quedado buena tarde