/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:



How to tune the trackpoint sensibility and speed for a thinkpad x201 running arch?


>Adjusting the speed and sensitivity of the TrackPoint requires echoing a value between 0 and 255 into the appropriate file. For example, for a speed of 120 and a sensitivity of 250, type the following into a terminal:

# echo -n 120 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed
# echo -n 250 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity

>Alternatively, on my ThinkPad T420s, the correct commands are:

# echo -n 120 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/speed
# echo -n 250 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/sensitivity

I have trouble to keep the values when I restart my computer.
I cannot put these two commands in my autostart as they require root priviliege

I just installed gentoo XDDDDDD, but I know nothing about ricing. What are some ways to make this OS look more pleasant to look at? Preferably something simple, I don't like having a ton of features I won't use.

Put it in a bash script and create a systemd service file to run it on every boot.

install gentoo

I guess that's a fix.
I'd rather change the default values in /etc/ or /sys/ or something but in the end, a fix's a fix. thank

Or use an udev rule.

already did. now i want to rice it.

I guess that's cleaner. thanks

Is there a free as in freedom; hosting service?

Do you know what free as in freedom; means?

One that follows the 4 freedoms. And does infringe on my rights to software


Do I look like a fool?
Why should I do that?

I have a question about debian in particular and why does it provide the option of installing over the internet? what are the benefits of doing that? also, how would the network card work with no OS installed?

Stupid question, how do I exectute startx

It's too hard, dude.
Just install Gentoo.

You type startx and hit enter.

I've been doing doing this and getting: command not found

Try xinit instead.

Is icecat any good? If not are there any good alternatives?

same thing oniifam

You install xorg-xinit.

Icecat is breddy good since it comes with sane privacy settings. libreJS can be annoying, but it's turned off with one click.

this way your system is up to date right when you are done installing it and you can choose a lot of different things during the installation (DEs and other metapackages) without the iso being 4gb+.
since drivers are in the kernel or loaded as a kernel module they can be kept on the usb drive or later RAM. If you need nonfree drivers use the nonfree netinstall iso.

Icecat is stable and has great defaults. You need to disable librejs for Sup Forums and need to use mpv through open with for videos to work better (they already work but can be slow). I would use it if i was not on ff aurora and if it was in the debian repo.

anyone have a list of things i can try to speed up ubuntu? i'm just trying this out for the first time and everything freezes like every 30 seconds. already set GFX to latest version proprietary driver and that helped some (i think?) but googling around isn't helping much for what else can be the problem.

>Intel Core i3-4340 CPU @ 3.60GHZx4
>GeForce GT 640/PCIe/SSE2
the main drive is 128 gig and i have a 64 backup both ssd.

it's kinda frustrating cuz everything is so much smoother on windows 7.

Than's senpai

Thanks. I will give it a try.

I don't know where else to ask this so I'll ask here.
I enjoy using GNU+Linux, like a lot. I think that it's a great OS, but at the same time, I don't like that the UI is disjointed as fuck across applications and that sometimes, simple desktop ricing can lead to fuckery. Maybe I'm stupid and I should stick to what the distro ships with.
In any case, my question is this- what would I lose by switching over to OS X? I know that I can retain all Unix functionality, but do I lose anything else? I simply want something that jest twerks and looks pretty.
I'll be using any OS for media consumption, light image editing, and C/Java programming.

Before you Sup Forumsentoomen get your knickers in a tit, I'll be Hackintoshing a ThinkPad. I'd rather subject myself to a life in the S&M dungeon than buy Apple hardware.

Not the user you replied to but I have been using icecat and quite enjoying it. However, and call me names or whatever, I can't figure out how to update the fucker since it isnt in the repos. Any tips?

sounds very weird, have you installed things outside of your package manager? what exactly is slow? Are you using unity? Is this 16.04?

Don't use Ubuntu, seriously. it's a heap of junk

What kinds of DEs and themes were you using that you had inconsistency? fedora+gnome+arc is more consistent than anything else i know.

Add a repo that has it or install new versions yourself.

Ubuntu+Mate+Arc (Interface)+Numix (Borders)
Don't get me wrong, it's the actual programs that feel disjoint, not the windows.

Also tried XFCE with Arc and Numix.

I didn't know any repos had it, no mention on the GNU page

Whats a good tool to monitor my system temps? I dont think my gpu is taking the summer too well


so im setting up NIS

this part nis_server.domain.com nis_server

do i leave as is and update just ip or do i change the to something like this

my.ip.0.0 mydomain.domain.com mydomain

Getting this error when issusing:
ufw enable
This is a fresh install and i have not touched any config files
ERROR: problem running ufw-init
iptables-restore: line 4 failed
iptables-restore: line 77 failed
iptables-restore: line 30 failed

Problem running '/etc/ufw/before.rules'
Problem running '/etc/ufw/after.rules'

you use old software that is maintained so that old people can still feel comfy, not sonething thatbis made to be consistent. There are two DE that actually try, it's GNOME and KDE. ideally you have a theme for both. try gnone 3.20 and the newest kde before switching to an OS with outdated bash and restrictions everywhere. And using different themes at the same time is a horrible idea.

Is there a way to change the address bars colors within chromium?
I've tried various themes, and stylish themes, but i cant seem to be able to change it.

>ufw enable
What did you do before this?

yeah i tried installing the .run from nvidia website even though the version was lower than the one in ubuntu already. (304.131 from the website, 361.42 on ubuntu already). and it messed up the boot up so i just reinstalled ubuntu. filezilla. steam.
everything is slow, opening programs. clicking around tabs in firefox. this is 16.04, yeah, i'm not sure about unity though i'm pretty new.

yeah i'm not a programmer by profession just trying to learn as a hobby so i went to one of those "which linux should i install?" websites and decided on ubuntu (i think mainly because it was supposed to be for noobs like me). the pc is only a few years old. see specs so thinking i'd have hardware issues with any OS was the last thing on my mind.
you can't downgrade linux distros, right? if i went lighter i'd have to format and reinstall?

thanks guys.

ufw default deny
ufw allow
Then i attempted to start it

Don't know then, you're trying to enable with sudo or as user?

with sudo

Reinstall fully (also delete .config files) and start again but this time don't try to use GNU/Linux like you use windows.
Install a reasonable DE like gnome or xfce, install the proprietary drivers with your package manager, read the debian administrators handbook because why not, use aptitude (and only aptitude) from the start and come back when you have new questions. This is the easiest way. Remember that this is not windows, it works entirely different even if some people think it is. Good luck.

Are the rules files actually in that location? I know they changed recently from being somewhere in /usr/ to /etc/

I've been running Tahrpup for a few weeks now, and I would like for it to boot up asking for a password, add a root password, and have it not automatically boot with a boot login. How do I go about changing this?

Yes,they are both in /etc/ufw/.
There are no other ufw rules listed any where else on the file system

does this help?

also why are you running puppy? I have it on an old SD card because I can't think of anything else to do with it but I'd only use it as a daily system in an emergency

Thx. As for why I'm running Puppy linux, a few weeks ago I thought it would be a good time to change my OS, for I was running Backbox and was having some trouble with applications running and just wanted to move to a new OS. I wanted something that could run on 2gb of ram, Arch linux wasn't booting up with a USB, so I picked puppy.

have you tried Lubuntu? It boots on 256 MB and has way more features

If I can boot it with a USB, I'll take a look

ok thanks. gotta look up what all these things are.

you guys are awesome. i'll be back. rock on.

You could probably also learn a bit about the terminology if you have to look up these things.
These could help:
have fun

When I run
host myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com
I get:
Using domain server:
Name: resolver1.opendns.com

aliases is blank and instructions tell me to set my ip to use aliases as public ip

also address ip does not have the one i got with google during setup.
which format somethign like this
thank you
-noob o/

Which distribution are you on? I don't know what you did to fuck it up that badly. It works for me fine on Arch (on two computers) and a computer running Ubuntu.

>installed ufw
>enabled it (ufw enable as superuser)
>added my rules (which is basically just one to allow local traffic)
>enabled the systemd service

Voila, everything worked as expected.

>using proprietary humidifiers

Where can I find some decent themes for Unity? I know there's quite a few ones out there.

It would help to know exactly what you are trying to do,instead of making us try to understand your incoherent babbling


I am in the midst of installing nis.
i am following instructions

this part at top nis_server.domain.com nis_server

requires my public ip. so i ran hostname ip... and got

aliases is blank and from hostname instructions that is my public ip...

i also just wend on the net and googled myip and got something completely different.

so as far as setting up my ip in the instructions, do i use:
hostname Address
hostname Alias
google myip

Does somebody know how much it would cost a video game editor to port an AAA game to linux ?

Ask the guy that did youtube.com/#/watch?list=PLckFgM6dUP2hc4iy-IdKFtqR9TeZWMPjm&v=Sd8ie5R4CVE

in UE4 it would cost ticking a checkbox.

further i have run command for aliases from here:
ip addr add dev eth0:1

still a no show on aliases: also read eth0 replaced with emp1s0


which nothing worked till iset to enp0s3 from remember the install. and yet still no show on aliases. anyone got idea, greatly appreciated.

The best idea i have right now is to tell you to learn english before proceeding. This would benefit you the most and help us understand your question.

yeah im thinking you have no clue, and are more for degrading people than helping. but thank you.

i really think this would help you. i don't even want to be mean. You just didn't formulate a question.
How do i degrade people?
Good luck on your networking ideas.

Guys, I got this problem with debian jessie network install. A month or so ago it was working perfectly, but now it's giving me a bad archive mirror error for any mirror I select. What's going on.

what exactly are you doing?

I got this error when I was using daily or weekly images, whetever they have. Problem gone when I've downloaded their 'official' net-install image.

I'm a newbie to Linux. I tried the other night to dual-booth Xubuntu onto a 60GB partition alongside OS X. I left it on to install and went outside. After two hours, it had not installed. There is no percentage or advancement meter to tell how far it's gone. I cancelled the installation. Is it normal for it to take that long to install?

Not normal, maybe if the hdd is slow.
what did you use to take that picture?

no, not normal. I don't know about the *buntu installers but most others that I've used have a progress bar.
Is your image pic related, is that what you left alone for two hours? It clearly requires you to make a selection and press a button..

How does one easily edit a gtk3 theme.I found one i like but holy shit it has leet haxor green shit every where. Just need to change it from green.I tried to do it but i couldent find it out of the 10 places settings are at
Help please?

Took the picture with an Xperia M smartphone. Took it in the dark.

Following the options leads to that window, and then choosing the partition. The cursor turns into a spinning ball. I presume it's installing, and wait for it to finish, but nothing. I've tried installing it five seperate times now with no luck.

You edit the CSS files. You will also have to edit the resources like checkboxes.

You need to continue from there.

>haven't use KDE for 6 years or so, remember it as resource-greedy & laggy desktop environment
>oh well, let's give it a try again and see the famous "superior SUSE KDE" on tumbleweed
>everything is snappy, highly responsive, looking great out of the box without any adjustments, fuckton of various possible tweaks and settings
God damn it. I feel bad for ignoring it for all this years. This is actually freakin' fantastic in comparison to what GNOME shell has become.

>fuckton of various possible tweaks and settings
As does any distro.

He is talking about the DE.
I honestly like gnome better but KDE is fucking awesome too.

>never experiancing the glorious *box race

it was tor blocking why i couldn't see my ip even in terminal

also on top of it i thought i was to use an alias ip, so rechecked docs and seen that opendns was suppose to return ip and it was not. thinking possible they cant see my ip... ah tor. so by disabling tor it gives me the ip that i got when i first googled myip with tor disabled.

dint know ip request such a pain in the ass. thought the system would give me that but guess not if it dont know it lol... well least have public ip to carry on this nis stuff. again for those following enjoy o/

how do I install archey?

ffs dont do man.

~ cat "$(which vpn-whitelist-domain)"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

from plumbum.cli.application import Application, Flag
from plumbum.cmd import dig, ip, sudo

def get_default_gateway():
for line in ip('route').splitlines():
# Return first default gateway found that isn't a virtual VPN device
if line.startswith('default via') and not 'dev tun' in line:
return line.split('default via')[1].split(None, 1)[0]

class VpnWhitelistDomain(Application):
remove = Flag(['-r', '--remove'])

def main(self, domain):
default_gateway = get_default_gateway()
if not default_gateway:
print('Error: Could not determine default gateway:' % (ip('route')), file=sys.stderr)
print(ip('route'), file=sys.stderr)
return 1

for address in dig(domain, '+short').splitlines():
if self.remove:
sudo(ip['route', 'del', address, 'via', default_gateway], retcode=None)
print('Removed', address, 'from whitelist')
sudo(ip['route', 'del', address, 'via', default_gateway], retcode=None)
sudo(ip['route', 'add', address, 'via', default_gateway, 'proto', 'static'])
print('Added', address, 'to whitelist')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Allows me to quickly set up a way to bypass my configured VPN on Arch Linux (mostly to shitpsot on Sup Forums, like right now).

Also don't listen to this retard.

the cursor turning into a spinning ball is not the sign that it's installing. Sounds like something is crashing in the background. Could your hard drive have an error?
As I said, I'm sure *buntu has a progress bar when installing, like every other distro out there

so finally having ypbind service running , i think.
the screen shots shows its active but then i see errors for domain binding and finally says "started yp" at the end

does this mean it finally was able to bind the domain?

-still noobing

Where should I mount my storage drives? /media/something?

any linux-essentials picture?

no yptest still shows
can't yp_bind: Reason: Domain not bound

Will I have a bad time with Fedora if I want to use proprietary NVidia drivers?