What are some of your favorite 'time waster' websites? This includes Sup Forums, reddit, and other social media sites EXCEPT FACEBOOK.
Where do you guys go to often? Where can I spend my time at?
What are some of your favorite 'time waster' websites? This includes Sup Forums, reddit, and other social media sites EXCEPT FACEBOOK.
Where do you guys go to often? Where can I spend my time at?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums and reddit
Hey, if that's what you need, so be it.
Nice quality thread, reddit.
Is this where all the hackers hang out?
Serious question, why does Reddit trigger this site so much? (Other than the concentration of SJWs, the memes and their shit taste in video games).
>TFW Sup Forums doesn't respect your freedoms
Fuck off to reddit
Sup Forums
I don't usually visit other sites
>Serious question, why does Reddit trigger this site so much?
autism and elitism. the same reason why linux tards cant complete a thought without saying MS/windows suck.
A bunch of chans and a couple of textboards like lainchan, uboachan, 4-ch, sushichan, 6ch etc.
I just wan to know what other than Reddit there is.
It's a meme just like any other
Daily life of a redditor:
>go to Sup Forums normalfag boards
>post made up "funny" thread
>screenshot his post, upload to imgur
>goes to /r/Sup Forums and pusts his funnyimage with "user does X"
>gets many upvotes
Rule 10.
Fuck off to reddit
>all these retards
No wonder Sup Forums is so shit right now.
What's worse than a Sup Forums poster, a reddit poster pretending to be Sup Forums poster.
Literally the toppest.
People who claim they don't go to reddit still go.
You people are all retarded. I don't know why I ever come to Sup Forums to begin with.
>people who visit this website MUST visit mine too
>I do it, so that means everyone else does too!
Redditor logic.
I like the Drug board on Lain, I wish that the community was bigger.
Why do redditfags think that everybody uses their cancerous web site
I dont get it
Funnyjunk is cancerous
>not using reddit for porn
>not using reddit ironically then shit posting about it on Sup Forums when they get downvoted for saying something clearly retarded
>Things belong to the community
>Muh communism
>no users have to fear shun or punishment for what they say, everyone gets an equal voice
Agree for the most part, except you have boards like Sup Forums where the flag system only incites more shitposting (People attacking each other's countries instead of their arguments).
>People will post what they think will give them upvotes, rather than what is good
Same thing happens on Sup Forums, just change the upvotes for (You)'s, and stolen memes by roll images, bazinga man, "X will come to you if you reply Y" and b8 posts.
>People are given points for stealing rather than making original content
You have no proof of that though
>People who browse Reddit have been conditioned to think in the group mentality
Except the same group mentality that you see in sites like Reddit or Neogaf also applies to Sup Forums, only instead of banning you or downvoting you they will post reaction images, call you names or use every single possible fallacy on the planet.
Yeah me too.
Isn't lainchan dead?
Yes it is, now stop talking about it or the retards will come there too
People are still posting.
Why, what did kalyx do this time
Is that dangerous?
No, just a normal forum
Sup Forums and occasionally Reddit.
I already opened it that's why I'm asking
It's just for lulz right?
>all these normies
Spend your time doing something useful instead. Sup Forums burns up enough time as it is.
ebay, amazon, alibaba, etsy, craigslist and /g
Too late, going there now
it's a nice board :-)
The reason I use reddit is to find specific communities so if I want to find a community that likes thinkpads I go to /r/thinkpad or if I want to find a community that likes arch linux I go to /r/ archlinux and etc.
/r/thinkpad is full of retarded high school kiddies
>starting college soon I absolutely need a +$1000 laptop because I need processing power for editing text and facebooking in class instead of paying attention
ITT: Sup Forums gets triggered by reddit.
To all the reddit here, why aren't you killing yourself? Serious question, no joke or edge.
If I try hard enough, I'll fit in one day. I need to let everyone know I hate reddit and redditeurs so people will know how smart and contrarian I am.
Is Sup Forums the only board where reddit will be mentioned unironically?
The only other site I browse is reddit, and mostly the left leaning subs like /r/negareddit and /r/shitredditsays
You get to pick one, but only one.
>/r/thinkpad is full of retarded high school kiddies
so Sup Forums then
Nice! Show off more of your passive aggression!
This joke went too far. It´s like watching the thoughts of autistic Sup Forums and Sup Forums users after a lobotomy.
I will
Mal forums
ifunny & memecentr Lol you should check them out xD they're both REALLY funny!!
A bunch of boards on here and youtube basically. I just started occasionally going to reddit, but just to lurk. They have some good information sections when new games come out and stuff it's pretty useful.
I´m mostly on 4/8ch.
imgur, though in the last year it´s gotten too popular and cool stuff is quickly getting replaced with shit. Will probably abandon soon, but it´s still got more quality than other similar webpages.
Subreddits writing and harmonica for some advice, because /lit/ and Sup Forums are plain awful and 99% about consumption rather than creation.
I have never posted on reddit. I've been there before when I've searched a solution to something and it comes up in the results, but I have never made an account. I don't like the site layout and upvote system.
Leave GNU/Linux out of it, you nonfree-software-worshipping slave faggot.
Sup Forums
porn I guess we dont count but I wasted 1000 of hours
ebay/amazon/craigslist like shoping sites
damn, I guess thats it
I think reddit and its subreddits took over
when you say reddit it ranges from /r/linux /r/hardware /r/python /r/sysadmin /r/nuclearpower all the way to /r/Sup Forums /r/watchpeopledie /r/soccer /r/mapporn ...
Funnyjunk cause sometimes it gives me a chuckle. Sometimes. And this Starcraft cast website. Watching matches helps me fall asleep. I also just hang out here on Sup Forums. I use to go to Sup Forums but I've stopped.
go suck on stallmans never washed toes you cucked loser
and 99% of the world calls it linux, one day you gonna have to get square with that
Sup Forums
>go suck on stallmans never washed toes you cucked loser
So if I would prefer to know exactly what the software I'm using, it means that I'm sucking Stallman's toes?
>99% of the world calls it linux
Obviously not true.
you are sucking stallmans toes because you use that silly name for linux
you can be for open source without being blind fanatic that pretends he read every line of code on his system
>Obviously not true
you should go little more out there
true Sup Forums meming the GNU foundation isn't even 1%
Kisscartoon,kissanime,R/videos, biqle.ru
who are those semon demons
Various blogs
Mostly Youtube and Tumblr
Sup Forums
Im this exact order everyday.