Want to order pizza online

>want to order pizza online
>order website refuses to even show up unless I run a nonfree javascript program
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

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Cook something by yourself, you fat fuck.

Oh hello guys, I am a pathetic freetard who just migrated to linuks and want everybody to use it as well, so I expect everybody to be as "freedumz conscious" as me, so I refuse to use anything "non-free" (even though it's javascript and so the source is there for everyone to see), and assume everybody uses the same stuff as me, so I go out of my way to get into situations where somebody else uses software I don't like just so I can jerk off to me being superior because I use my freedum respecting software and pretend to be annoyed because others don't and they expect their customers to use mainstream technology and not account for sparse isolated cases of alienated freedum jerkoffs like me, and so I make a thread everyday in Sup Forums with the same pic of an anime girl crying, just to complain that people use stuff that I've been using for most of my life anyway but now I want to feel superior because I just discovered free software and masturbate while listening to rms preach his bullshit based on ideas he stole from projects that existed long before he came into the show


You can just call the pizza place or just walk there, no need to make a thread for this.

Not entirely sure op knows how to operate a phone, or is at this point capable of walking anywhere...

Don't you usually decide on something to order before calling the place?

If you don't have a printed menu from a previous visit, how do you know what to order?

I normally order a #42 or a #44.

post what you want and your full address and i'll order it for you

Using the constantly tracking mobileshit or the NSA-tapped landline?


I love posting this every thread

>decide to order pizza by calling
>"pizza hut, how may I help you"
"yes I'd like 3 large CPs (cheese pizzas)"
>"okay, now before I can put your order in, we need you to execute some minified javascript code that I will dictate to you over the phone. are you ready to type this down?"
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

> ordering pizza

> using a cookbook
> cooking by yourself (compiling your food = eating gentoo)
gcc food.c
= free and opensource food

>even though it's javascript and so the source is there for everyone to see

just like the C source code is there for everyone to see amirite, just listen to the processor

If they're onto you, scheduling a pickup over the phone or telling the pizza delivery guy your address might not be the best course of action.

At this point you're better off just picking the ingredients up from a store in a different neighborhood so you can lose any followers on your way back.

>He doesn't program in CHEF

>want to browse Sup Forums
>notice the same fucking shitpost is still made by OP forcing his unfunny shit meme

What if Programming Languages were Food?

> cookbook + ingredients bought from local farmers / small shops (from the good ol' days)

> still have cookbook
> going into the nearest supermarket to buy ingredients
> use some premade mixtures

> buying frozen pizza

> Burger King

> growing your own plants
> having chickens, pigs, cows, sheep
> building own oven and cooking tools
> writing an own cookbook (experimenting what tastes good)
> burning food + house
> starting all over

Quick, someone test if this stil works


Forced memes are best memes.

>all these newfags responding to stale copypasta

Not liking old copypasta

al dente

>""""source"""" is there
>implying minified code is source code
>implying having the source available means it's open source
>implying open source means it's free

Open source is free, unless you mean free as in beer like a retard.

You have to accept that some people just don't grapst the Idea of "Free Software".


captcha: FISHART

**grasp (goddamn!)

Javascript is not non-free
inb4 stallman pastasauce

Open source is a development mindset, free software is a sociopolitical ethical movement.

C is not non-free
I guess everything written in C is free, right?


we need proprietary food fags to gtfo

Telephone networks are non-free botnets.

You don't get it

no u

You don't even understand why, or what rms means with "non-free javascript", since he doesn't mean javascript is non-free

>we need proprietary food fags to gtfo
If you want to die of cancer, please do it.



>doesn't order from a website because of a "non free" javascript program
>posts his gripes on a proprietary source Sup Forums imageboard
Just fuck off.

>people who didn't even bother to listen to some of the shortest explanations of Free Software

Javascript is a language, C is a language.
Programs written with C can be nonfree, and programs written with Javascript can be nonfree.
If a program doesn't have a free software license, it is nonfree.

>hurr durr I don't know the difference between source and binary
The processor doesn't work with C code. It works with machine code, which is compiled from C (or any other high-level language). That's like saying buying a burger is equivalent to having access to the recipe. Whereas javascript, at least client-side, is nominally open-source, as you can just open it up and view it. But it may not be open-source in a practical sense, as it may be obfuscated, or interface with server-side software that is not open-source. Additionally, even if it is fully open-source, if it has a license restricting what you can do with it, it is not truly free software.

Incorrect. For all intents and purposes, open source DOES imply free as in free beer, since open source + free compiler/interpreter gives you an executable binary. Of course, this doesn't apply for obscure languages that DON'T have a free compiler/interpreter. But the real issue is freedom in the legal sense, insofar as open-source software may still have a license forbidding you from doing certain things with the source.

Javascript can most definitely be non-free.

Just because a language is free doesn't mean everything written in that language is free.

what pizza shop you want to buy pizza from has a website, never mind one that runs js for anything?

Well since you're an anime fag you should starve to death it's natural for weak to die out.

>Javascript can most definitely be non-free
Based on what?

If it's obfuscated, or under a non-free license.


Do you consider javascripts to be mostly non-free?

>How can a program which doesn't respect my freedoms be nonfree?

>tfw having to buy frozen pizza and cook it myself

It depends on the specific example. Most javascript on commercial websites is very heavily obfuscated. Non-obfuscated javascript is usually found only in things like random generate websites and personal websites and the like.


So the only javascripts you know of are the small scripts that run in your browser?

Even if a javascript program is sent as source, it still needs either a license or being in the public domain.

You think it being interpreted rather than compiled means it's not a program?

Gee, pure markup sure has come a long way.

Wait, how is javascript nonfree? The source code is right there as you enter the page. Oh wait, this is about "licenses", isn't it? "Muh open-sores vs freedoom xD" shit, isn't it?

Nearest pizza place is a 14 mile walk.
And use the nonfree telephone network? No thank you.

To qualify as open source, the source must be in a readable, usable format. I mean, you can "view the source" of any executable file just by opening it in a hex editor, but that doesn't mean it's open source software. And to qualify as free software, it must be open-source AS WELL AS not having license restrictions on what you can do with it.

>turing complete language
>scripts aren't programs
Sure thing kid.

The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source form of a work.

There's a very big difference between minifying and machine bytecode

If you're going to cry about minified code, there's something called UglifyJS. Use it.

If you're going to cry about compiled code, there are these things called decompilers. Use them.

You're an idiot, seriously

>What are source maps?

>If you're going to cry about compiled code
When did I do that?

>You're so much of an idiot, in fact, I won't explain why that analogy doesn't work. It would be trivial to do, but instead I'm going to waste a post telling him he's wrong without a single argument. That's much easier.


Are you going to actually listen if i explain it to you?

Why don't you try it and see? If it's so obvious, it should take no effort at all.

If you need validation, go ahead and explain. I'm listening.

>using a closed sourcw pizza recipe

Does anyone know what the original scene is about? I generally don't watch anime, but I'm curious why she's crying

>I can't read subtitles

Original scene, not the meme subs

That is the original scene you baka.

>when natural selection kicks in


>the original scene
>[crying sounds] is translated as ">tfw botnet wants me to starve"
Japanese is so deep.

>notepad with a description of what it would've been like if you actually ate food written on it

>1 hour later

You have the wrong idea about ASM. It's more like C but with simpler syntax and fewer libraries.

I make single page applications, with Webpack obscuring the hell out of my source code.

Zero fucks given.
Don't use any of my apps if you don't want to. - I'm in it for the money, not to cater to neckbeard.

Were you saving this for this thread or did you type it all up just now?