Remember when Apple devices still had optical drives?

Remember when Apple devices still had optical drives?

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Remember when optical devices were still useful?


buy $6k of apple stock ahead of keynote - yay/nay?

If you like losing money

>16 Years ago

>I was in love with Britney Spears as a young teen

Good times

Yeah, if you like being cucked by Apple's "Let's take investors' money, and avoid paying dividends" policy.


If you told me that everything would be downloadable or streamable (especially the latter) 16 years ago I would've laughed at you. Or hell, even 10 years ago.

Amazing how things have changed.

>dropping nostalgia bombs like that
that's cruel user

for real though, it kills me that Sheepshaver can't handle Quickdraw3D, and the windows port of bugdom was horrible

Just lurk ebay user. I got her for $40. Not enough shits given to get a code for bugdom though so its the demo mode.

Are there Titanium PowerBooks on eBay?

I imagine the titanium is worth more than the original price of the computer.

Remember when Apple was good?

Me neither.

It is a titanium. I was just fucking with OpenFirmware to get that retarded number.

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't infested with mactard bloggers?

Can you get the keyboard to pop out by shaking the frame with power turned off?

If you can find an iMac (2000) or iBook (2000) restore disc/ISO, those machines came with a full version and Pangea has a special updater that brings the OEM version up to date. Probably more effort than finding a code, but it's an option.

Remember when Apple customers weren't brain dead retards?

Remember when Apple devices didn't set your house on fire?

I dont think that i want to try that

Looks like they are on macintosh garden.

Remember when Apple devices didn't give you third degree burns?

>4.30 GHZ PowerPC

I don't think I can afford the electricity bill for that

I remember sticking a bugs life DVD into my dad's early model aluminum unibody MBP and it never coming back out.

I remember my dad beating my ass and getting incredibly angry about having to send it in just to get a disk out of the drive

Remember when macfags stayed on MySpace and other normalfag sites instead of shitting up Sup Forums?

>tfw young britney

>Are there Titanium PowerBooks on eBay?
>I imagine the titanium is worth more than the original price of the computer.

No. Plenty of them were made.

The problem is that they are often beat to shit.

Remember when poor fags didn't piss all over people for liking Apple products?

Neither do I actually. This was a thing back when it was the first Macintosh versus PoS DOS boxes.

my 2011 macbook pro has a dvd drive, an ethernet port, a firewire port (lel), a matte screen, and i even put 16 gigs of ram and a 500 gig ssd into it myself.

why would i 'upgrade' to a newer one?

Remember when you would masturbate furiously to Britney?

Apple always cut out devices, standards, and functionality it couldn't wrap a proprietary lock around. If they think they could get away without USB ports, that will be the next thing to go. They are already trying to chuck the standard headphone jack for whatever nonsense they're pushing now.

>tfw pre-bipolar disorder Britney

>Macintosh versus PoS DOS boxes.
>imblying DOS boxen isn't poor reimplementation of UNIX
>imblying Macintosh isn't a castrated BSD spawn from Hell

Original Mac OS has no code relation to any former OS, except maybe Lisa OS (which itself was written from scratch). It's not related to anything prior.

Apple wouldn't dip its toes into the traditional lineage pool until A/UX and eventually OS X.

The first MacOS wasn't even multitasking, but it had a gui. The original Mac was truly the first normie computer. I've had occasion to use it and it was actually usable.

I just finished building a new PC and have not been able to think of one reason to buy an optical drive for it.

Yep, if you fire up System 1 in vMac it's surprising just how little desktop operating system have changed since then. What little difference do exist are mostly small tweaks and optimizations.

They're getting rid of 3.5mm jacks? For what purpose?

It was a marvellous system, given the constraints.
It was a kludge underneath, but it worked on the surface (which is what the customer want, btw).
Bill Atkinson was a genius.

Impedes making phones thinner, and because it's analog it stops them from doing more interesting things with headphones. Even inline volume control buttons and mic on 3.5mm headphones are kind of a hack.

I remember they were the first ones to do away with optical drives. Apparently, they were right on that.

If I asked Sup Forums to press eject on their optical drives right now how many people would find discs they haven't seen in years?

They were also the first to do away with floppy drives, which got them laughed at.

I just tried and mine won't even open. I have no idea how many years it's been like this.

why would a mobile phone need to be thinner than 3.5mm?
Is there a massive demand for being able to slide them under doors or something?

When was that?

At the time they did away with DVD drives, I thought was crazy because there really were no alternatives, everyone used CDs and DVDs as backups, but I guess only techies ever make backups so I suppose it's fine for most people.

You mean Steve was a genius?

Don't even have mine plugged in

I think the idea is to make them as transparent to everyday life as possible, even with large screen sizes. The less bulk a phone has, the less negative impact it has in day to day life.

Another thing to mention about 3.5mm headphone jacks is that their barrel is huge compared to most other components on a phone. That's space that could be better spent on other things.

The iMac (1997) and later the iBook. Neither had floppy drives, and the iMac in particular was ridiculed for both its lack of floppy drive and lack of SCSI/Parallel/Serial/ADB ports.

Oh yes, Woz too.

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't infested with gamertards that got triggered every time someone mentioned an OS they didn't like?

They're not, that's just a meme.

I have never used CDs or DVDs for backup. Just hard disks and tape. Blu-rays are MAYBE a useful media for that purpose, but CDs and DVDs? Nah, those were just a content delivery system.

Apple actually originally popularised USB you uninformed twat

Jobs did have drive and vision. He could keep a team focused and motivated. And he was the ultimate beta tester with no tolerance for shit.

Woz was a God tier engineer, but closer to Stallman than Jobs. He would give you something absolutely brilliant that no normie could use.

Atkinson was a God tier developer who did more with 128K then should be legal.

Apple didn't adopt USB for years until it was adopted by nearly 99% of other manufacturers who represented 99% of the desktop marketyou street shitting shill.

you're thinking of firewire
the reason you couldn't remember the name is because it's shit

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't filled with Apple PR?

Intel and friends forcing USB into OEM systems =/= popularizing USB

Nobody used it for much other than printers before the iMac came out and prompted the legacy-free craze on the PC side and the development of more USB peripherals.

Firewire was fantastic. The manufacturers didn't pick it up because it was a lot more expensive to make compliant devices in comparison to USB. It was only in USB 3 that we started getting specs to match and outperform the original Firewire spec.

That was the first CD I ever bought with my own money.

I'm not gay I swear.

>this is what brainwashed iToddlers actually believe

Yeah, it surely wasn't because Intel finally managed to get USB into nearly all computers and near universal acceptance that people started making accessories for USB, no, it was the fact that a literal nobody company on the brink of bankruptcy with 1% marketshare FINALLY adopted USB. That's what drove USB adoption! Do you brain dead morons even listen to yourselves?

I don't know if it drove adoption, but it certainly helped things out. The iMac was a hit and because it was equipped only with USB ports, it spurred a flurry of third-party matching candy-colored USB peripherals like pic related.

If nothing else it gave peripheral manufacturers a guaranteed captive audience for any USB devices they produced, where generic PCs would continue to include legacy ports for a good 5-6 years after the introduction of the iMac.

You're trying too hard.

>Yeah, it surely wasn't because Intel finally managed to get USB into nearly all computers and near universal acceptance that people started making accessories for USB
No, not really. Pretty much every ATX and OEM system was shipping with USB by 1997, and nobody used it. If you still doubt it, go and find a non-ATX system made before 1999 with a date code-matched USB card in it, chances are you'll have a hard time.

Including a new standard with a system doesn't really mean the user is going to do anything with it. USB brought nothing new to the table for a user in 1996/1997 other than a more convenient way to hook up a printer, everything else like external storage and input were already accomplished by far more superior standards like SCSI and PS/2. On top of all that, OS support for USB was horse shit, most versions of Win95 barely supported it at all and the final version was quite half-assed with it, getting it to work on NT 4 required some voodoo and wishful thinking.

>it was the fact that a literal nobody company on the brink of bankruptcy with 1% marketshare FINALLY adopted USB.
Apple was never a "literal nobody", the same way a company like IBM never was despite its obvious decline on the consumer market. Besides that, you're very grossly underestimating the splash that the iMac made on the industry, the radical design and Jobs' penchant for forcing USB down the throats of his user base in a much more aggressive way than PC manufacturers accomplished it did have a lot of influence on the PC industry at large, just take a look at Google's PC mag archive and watch as consumer-oriented OEM systems begin to evolve from generic beige boxes into the curvier, shittier-looking monstrosities we know and love today.

They still are
Fucking kids

Doesn't matter if a lot of PC boxes had USB. The USB peripherals market took off when the iMac came out.

>inb4 iToddler

I lived it. I watched what happened in the peripherals market at the time.

exponential growth of information technology bitch, ten years into the future will be equivalent to decades of advancement. Basically shit is going to get cool very fast

It's not though
Music, yeah, but not video. Netflix is disgusting quality compared to blu rays

>Apple actually originally popularised USB
That's firewire you dolt. Apple owned a good number of patents on it, and the only real supporter on the PC side was Creative. Apple only bolted on USB after device manufacturers refused to support the form factor.

>Netflix is disgusting quality compared to blu rays
Arguable. On a high speed connection I have a hard time telling the difference sitting ~12' away from a 55" 1080p TV.

I can see a difference on my iPad and rMBP but I do very little of my show and movie-watching on those devices.

I still buy CD's and rip them to FLAC files.

>Apple only bolted on USB after device manufacturers refused to support the form factor.
No, the main drive for the iMac having only USB ports was:

1) Plug'n'play
2) No huge plug with pins

The entire selling point of the iMac was that it took less than 15 minutes to unbox and get on the internet with, and that ease of use persisted through all usage. That's hard to accomplish with finicky ports like SCSI, Parallel, Serial, etc.

Anything else is indefensible, at least if you're paying for it.

damn dude, britney used to be cute

It's been completely stagnant for 5 years now though. 05-10 was much bigger than 10-15.


>damage controlling this hard

There's a reason appletards are universally considered clueless retards.

>samefagging your own shitpost after getting told
Go play a video game, or better yet, read a book, though I know it's a little much for underages to be expected to consume content that requires brainpower to comprehend.

I guess that depends on what year we are talking about. I used CDs from around 1999 to 2005. Flash drives were too expensive, not big enough. I wasn't going to buy a whole other HDD just for backups, CDs and DVDs were cheap and available, the drives were cheap also. So that is what I used. I used to data hoard though.

DVD drives were not cheap at all.

I don't understand what the problem is with that picture. That is called capitalism, every fucking company out there has exactly the same practices.

>120EUR DVD writer

How was that not cheap?

They dropped prices from 250euro to 120 euro in less than a year.

> 1% marketshare

Sure, but it's *the* 1%.

The mac section of the store was the best place to buy USB mice and keyboards for a good long while. It helped that Apple's OEM keyboards and mice sucked donkey pucks.

>mactard gets BTFO
>just plugs up his ears and screams lalalala

This is why no one takes you technophobic morons seriously.

>There's a reason appletards are universally considered clueless retards.

LOL were you even alive bahbee?

> I don't understand the problem
You don't understand how shilling is a problem.

My PowerBook still has an optical drive

>when a gaymer kid posts stupid shit, gets told hard and is so stupid all he can do his regurgitate two-liner greentext memes until the anons who hurt his little feewings go away
Is there a greater form of justice?

Dude, dont be such a uneducated sheep. If what you are saying is true USB 3.0 and thunderbolt would be the standard now, but they are just meme tech from a meme company

>tfw you used to take pics like this with your gfs and then grew up and got fat

Life sucks ;_;