GTX 1070/1080

> New GTX 1070 and 1080 both have 256 bit bus.
>GTX 1080 has 320GB/s
>My R9 290 from 2013 has 322GB/s with a 512 bit bus
>AMD Fury and FuryX have 4096 bit bus
>AMD had 256 bit bus on X800 series in 2004
>Nvidia had 320 and 384 bit bus on their 8 series GPUS from 2007

>m-muh bis width
>still BTFOs amd cards
amd: not even once

I'm all AMD and shit but this logic is retarded.

I mean, sure the FUryX has a 4096 bit bus.... but why does the 1070 beat its ass with only 256 Bit bus and literally GDDR5 VRAM?

I'ts really embarrassing how even with that XBOX HUEG bandwidth amd cards get BTFO every time.


>buy nVida, oc 30%, profit

>buy amd, unstable base clocks, refund.

Never again amd.

Got a 45% overclock on my AMD card, maybe you're just dumb?

How long has it been since bandwidth and throughput mattered on graphics cards?

There isn't even a reason to use PCIe 3.0 yet.

>buy AMD
>driver issues out the ass and a bug with the mouse cursor


Those two things are unrelated

>things that never happened


autistic nvidia shills

The bandwidth is wasted on cards with shitty drivers.

>Buy amd
>PC catch fire

That's a lie.
For it to catch fire the card would require a driver to run with first.

>being new

>muh specs
>not just looking at actual game benchmarks

he is saying that actual games do not push the limits of interface bandwidth

>Buy Nvidia
>PC get only 87.5% of purchased good

What does a bouncy house have to do with derailing a thread?

My whole PC is AMD

Stay mad, fags.

>tfw my 970 can do 1600mhz on air and 1700 on water
Can't wait for my 1070 to do 2700 on water.

Even the higher binned 1080 can't overclock at all. You think the shittier 1070 has a chance?

All this talk about whether AMD or Nvidia is better, and I'm just sitting here with my old games that can run on a fucking potato.

Seriously, nobody gives a shit about the GPU wars. If it runs your game at good settings at a constant 60 FPS, who cares about it's specs? Buy a new card based on what YOU want and what games YOU have.

Jesus, I know this is bait, but FUCK I'm sick of seeing this bullshit.

It's haunted.

How the fuck is that meant to derail a th

A haunted moon bounce would be a fun ride.

Larger bus bits cause interference, forcing the AMD to process signals slower.

Should I sell my 970 for a 1070, or should I just buy another 970 and SLI them together?

I am not a rational adult please make this decision for me.

Sell it for a 1070 of course

Is the joke here that we're going to ask how is that going to derail a thread, actually derailing the thread? Otherwise I'm missing the meme here

answered your own question

>Nvidia had 320 and 384 bit bus on their 8 series GPUS from 2007
>MFW 128 bit busses are faster than the 512 bit bus on the HD2900TX
learn how things work after you turn 18 to post here again

Wow were you just on too? Great site for the best and funniest memes if I do say so myself. Keep on memeing bro XD

how the fuck is this stupid shit supposed to derail this shit thread?

>Everything is stupid, I hate everything