Tfw worked as an IT contractor for enterprise windows 10 deployment project

>tfw worked as an IT contractor for enterprise windows 10 deployment project
>tfw retards bought the wrong branch
>tfw manager begged IT director for an additional 100k to purchase the correct branch while i worked on other projects
>tfw IT director said lelno to manager, deal with your fuck up
>tfw manager laid me off
>dying inside

First IT job ever and I got screwed. Miscellaneous thoughts and advice would be appreciated anons.

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>wrong branch


What you talkin about pajeetpoo in loo

What do you mean by branch. Windows license version?

wtf is a "branch"? Are you talking about the licenses? Won't Microsoft help with the fuck up?

MS can usually help if he didn't use the key up.

microsoft helps enterprise even if you use the key up

Did they not buy enterprise?

You telling me microsoft has no sales reps that actually will go to a location?

Did he just go to Wallmart and buy 1000 Win 10 Home Edition or something?

>MS support
>on site support
you're funny

This isn't true because I worked for a guy that made the same mistake and MS helped him out.

How much were you getting paid

If I am spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on licensing and not get face to face representation from the company that wants the money I'd be looking for alternatives.

>Miscellaneous thoughts and advice would be appreciated anons

Don't work in IT.

Sorry my bud, but you clearly haven't worked in IT before.

>implying there are any

> Alternatives to Windows for office PCs

Not in IT. I managed refrigeration equipment for a company that sells beverages, I had face to face reps come to me from three different companies, had a number their direct number and email, if I ever had a simple question or major problems could simply email them or call them up and receive a reply.

And we didn't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, more like $4000 every other month. Microsoft has more money than the companies I dealt with could ever dream of, they can afford sales reps.



Apple and Ubuntu are both very viable alternatives. My company has an internal IT support team but we have support licenses from all 3 of them and issue all 3 types of systems throughout the company for various positions.

One's a competitive market, the other's a monopoly. Learn the difference.

Yeah, let's just retrain all our staff to use the new OS and pay to have our corporate software ported over and hope there's no bugs or anything. Brilliant.

Why have you not met your manager ever?


that depends on what market you are talking about. just because they have the majority share of the market doesn't mean you actually don't have alternatives. you can either spend the money on licensing or on training, depending on what you buy, and the way consumers are, you'll have to spend it on training anyway, and if you don't you'll spend it on support.

What does your reply have to do with my post

My manager works 1,000 miles away from me.

And in three years, he has never come down to your location? Sounds like your manager isn't a very good manager.


Why? I do great on all of my reviews and I perform better than anyone else on my team. We have meetings once every 2 weeks. It's not like we don't talk.

There is another person on my team 5,000 miles away that I haven't met either.

It sounds like has shit figured out though. Gets paid to manage people, and he doesn't even have to show up or talk to anyone. Literally getting paid to do nothing.

There's more to a job than slaving away doing it, specially when you're the manager it helps to know what the people you're working with are like, sure you can do your work from (insert place here) but it helps to actually know people face to face, it helps knowing who your co workers are, I am a introvert and even I learned this from working in different places, you don't have to be a extrovert to shoot the shit with your co workers or boss, and you can't do that over the phone.

Staff can barely use Windows, never mind another OS.

Where have you worked that your manager was constantly hovering over you telling you what to do all the time?

Sucks for you bro. Been in IT for 6 years and I have never had a boss do that to me, I'm a fucking professional and get my shit done. Also when there isn't enough work I pick projects that I want to do and do that. For instance I automated the account creation process.

You have some sort of retail mindset.

I'm sorry that you never worked for an international company that splits groups into functions and not geography. In my department of 35 people there is only one other person in my office from my department (IT).

>Apple and Ubuntu are both very viable alternatives

You're really only proving my point. You don't need a manager, yet the company is paying a person more than your salary to sit around and do nothing all day.

I have nothing but envy for your manager. I'd do it if I could.

It takes 3 hours, if you suck, to replace the wrong win 10 image and license with the correct one on the image server.

What do you think the manager is responsible for in IT? Just going around telling people what to do all the time?

What field do you work in? I have never had an IT manager micromanage like you think they should. Usually my interactions with my manager are what I need from them to do my job. We also discuss general direction of the department and what the department strategy is handed down from the CIO.

I already know what is expected of me for the next 6 months.

Company I worked at is a multinational, work however was local. I knew everyone who worked there even though it was never necessary.

Never had a manager hovering over me, in fact I ended up telling most of the managerial team how to get shit done because they didn't have a clue and I didn't need the job at the time. I never knew the power that came with not needing a particular job. The ability it gives you to say no to incredibly stupid/retarded shit puts the face of fear on management lol.

to the retards apparently thinking Apple and Ubuntu aren't viable alternatives: i work in a 100k+ employees tech corporation, employees above a certain paygrade can choose their hardware now, macbook pros are one of the alternatives. apple kindly provided integration for existing tools as well as replacement for windows-only stuff (excluding CAE stuff, but that isn't needed in the paygrades we're talking about). also for the devs working on linux based applications (our products have hardware running linux or RTOS for which linux provides compatibility layers, and thus dev environment), we have an in-house modified Ubuntu-based linux distribution; maintenance is reportedly exceedingly low since the devs are essentially capable or maintaining their own systems (what a wonder; still, i'm aware that this doesn't apply to your standard dumbass marketing exec or shit like that, but as mentioned, those guys get macbooks anyway).

so much for that. also, i ordered a macbook "for pre-development purposes" and had it within the normal timeframe, no questions asked.

sorry to crush your dreams, but it's 2016 and redmond's got competition now.

>work is local
IT can be done from anywhere, so clearly you are some sort of manual laborer.

>IT can be done from anywhere

Do you just teleport into the server room to plug in cables?

>if it can't be done from a computer its manual labor

clearly you don't deal with people, you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Office staff doesn't use operating systems. They use applications. It's very easy to pay one non-retarded person to give a presentation on how to click on desktop shortcuts using Ubuntu and help them one by one full time

You clearly have never seen a marketing VP throw a fucking tantrum because you use different software than what they are used to.

lolol i know the kind.

You obviously have to have 1 person onsite to do shit but not everyone needs to be in the office. We have a datacenter at an office that has zero (0) IT people, I just call up one of the engineers if I need them to do something like plug in to a different network port.

Then install it with wine and don't let anything update

Confirmed armchair IT idiot. Go back to your neetbucks faggot.

Imagine have the marketing manager all oversee IT operations and thinks he knows what he's doing with computers. Couldn't even find the IP to a fucking printer.

I get lying on the internet to sound cool/not sound like a retard, but there's a point where you need to stop and you passed it a while ago.

>Apple and Ubuntu are both very viable alternatives.
So it was all an elaborate bait. Well played.

That's exactly what I am. I work as a summer it worker on a college campus. People are too afraid to tell Normie's to suck our cocks. It's ridiculous.

Also, a genuinely viable alternative is switching to Google office suite. They offer free online support and it can be a very easy transition to using on windows and eventually Chromebooks or chrome on Linux

In various countries, this act would've been illegal. But I guess you live in burgerland where it is not.
Tough break kid.

In various countries, its illegal to terminate a contract with a company/contractor?

Not in america

wtf is a branch in this context?

See Table 1
