that feel when
That feel when
>right before you murder yourself for buying a mac
Nice dude.
You know Apple's upgrading their MacBook Pro in less than a month, right?
I remember coming out to my family too OP.
My dad beat my ass so hard. You don't forget shit like that.
Glad I bought mine back in 2013.
>i'm glad i converted to homosexuality back in 2013
Why do shit eating mactard morons get the false impression they and their toddler toy blogshit is welcome on Sup Forums or any tech site?
And if she gay I tell her I'm a fuckin dyke, yeah.
Same, Broadwell Pros are barely even better and the 2013 line still got the physical trackpad button and not this retarded static one I hate.
Leave it to Sup Forums to think they already know the performance of a product that hasn't been released yet.
I don't know if you're full on sour grapes at this point or if you're actually that stupid.
What an ugly laptop.
>expecting braindead mactards to understand anything except logos
Welcome to the club
Those hands are pretty small, are you sure about that dick size, dopey?
>bragging about $1700
Why are mactards so poor?
Not even ponyfags fall for Apple meme.
Actually I was pretty impressed with the way the haptic trackpad felt. You can just barely tell it's not a button. I never used the button anyway, desu.
What did I say about performance? Nothing. We all know it's going to be thinner which is going to lead to a whole host of bullshit. MBPs are supposed to be mobile workstations, not like the MacBook.
That's a Win7 machine and the macbook isn't even ponified.
and you are the same guy that prefers amd because bang for the buck and budget options
>I can't afford a car: the thread
It's not about having money it's about wasting money. It's kinda like spending $1700 on a paperweight just so you can say you are the kind of person who can.
In fact it's a lot like that.
It's pretty much exactly like that, actually.
>calls Apple users stupid
>uses Wintendo because he's too stupid for GNU/Linux
>plays video games over the age of 13
that feel when your first scratch or gash appears
>nicked my kobo h20's rubber coating fuck it was in mint condition too
You have no idea how many macfags there are when a desktop/homescreen thread pops out on /mlp/
why haven't i thought of it before
Terrible taste in pone, holy shit
what is that thing on the right?
Nice buttplug
nevermind i just realized it's a eurofag plug.
how does that waste that much money? He can take the picture and then go right back to the payday loan shop and pay it back.
Good feels fellow Apple-fan!
Enjoy being comfy wherever your new MacBook might bring you!
I do have a car.
>that sound when the tab is broken
>live in the 3rd world
>apple is the only high end laptop you can buy
I really wanted a T460s but I can't find any for sale right now. I would have to order it from the US and then have it shipped, but it would be too expensive compared to a Mac of same specs.
Where do I like/upvote?
>Nintendo DS
Wouldn't the keyboard also not be the version used for your native language if you bought it from the US? Unless you live in a third world country that speaks English of course.
>that feel when
What? Getting jew'd out of money but you're too ignorant to realize it?
I don't pay for overpriced hardware, OP.
>inb4 someone suggests a Windows laptop that blatantly tries to copy the Macbook as better than a Macbook
The old mechanical trackpad was the one thing about Macbooks that I used to hate. Shit was inconsistent as fuck and way too hard to press. Always always ALWAYS immediately turned on tap to click so I wouldn't be subject to that horrible unibutton.
The newer static one is so much nicer. I find myself clicking an order of magnitude more often than I did with old macbooks because clicking is consistent and doesn't require a vice press to click. I don't feel compelled to turn on tap to click with them.
I think your trackpad was broken, dude. Mine is consistent and doesn't take effort to press.
>Glad I bought mine back in 2013.
Still better than 100% of laptops.
I do repairs, and it's always a delight working on them. Apple knows design.
yea, but Lenovo in the US does offer Latin American Spanish keyboards.
what point are you trying to make with this post?
Nah man, like many of the denizens of Sup Forums I end up as resident tech support way too often and have used several pre-haptic macbooks, some of which were brand new (helped set things up). One of my jobs also gave me a pre-haptic Air. All of them had shitty trackpad buttons.
Well, at least post-unibody models. The older macbooks are just as hard to disassemble as walmart junk.
back away from your computer. there's a homo on your picture.
I don't know what the issue is, then, none of the Apple trackpads I have ever used have had an issue.
Macfag reporting in
>tfw rich grandparents bought this for me so I don't care if this is overprices
It's pretty nice.
That feel when you pay $2000 for a slab of $500 chinkshit and a $1500 logo?
Probably just preference in required button tension. If you've ever felt the click on Dell business laptop trackpoint buttons or Logitech mice, that's the about the amount of tension I like. Any more feels excessive.
>tfw you shitpost before you even boot your computer...
>100 degrees celcius
>pretty nice
unironically, all mac books have perfect design.
every screw fits and no prying needed.
Old people have no use for money anyway.
Literally never happened to me. I think you're referring to the new regular Macbooks without fans.
My grandpa started a business at got pretty rich. He's a really nice guy and set aside a lot of his money to pay for me and my siblings/cousins college, and part of that is they bought us a computer when we started college.
He's referring to all Throttlebook Plebs.
At least they're not powerpc shit that will melt a hole through the earth's crust.
It's crazy how it doesn't bear any evidence of ever being in a factory. Most laptop interiors have sloppy tape, part numbers spray painted on the inside of the case, etc. It's like it just popped into existence.
>everything soldered
>one bad ram chip kills the entire fagbook
Perfect design for conning morons.
Other manufacturers seriously need to use LiFePO4 batteries on their laptops, bumps up the recharge cycle durability to 2000 cycles at the expense of space per Wh.
I hate Macs, but I really hate to have to buy a new XPS every 2 years because the battery craps out.
The problem is exacerbated even more by how much these piles of shit overheat.
OK so the problem is only that bad under Windows, which makes sense because the intel graphics are disabled in Windows so it is using the Nvidia or AMD (depending on the year) all the time. It's still Apple's fault for not enabling graphics switching under bootcamp, but it's one that doesn't effect the vast majority of people because nobody buys Macbooks to use Windows on them.
i can feel the poorfag from 10 miles away holy fuclk
Perfect doesn't refer to the upgrade(s). It refers to the repair-ability.
You can break a screen and literally repair it in 5 minutes.
They're just LiPos.
>mactoddler can't read
Not surprising.
>The performance of the MacBook was much better under OS X
The problem "doesn't exist" in that test because OSX is a toddler OS and has no stress testing tools, forcing them to install Windows to run the other tests.
Aw sweet you got the white SUPERMEGASON IV
Considering that they save a few bucks on hardware the package could be nicer.
How much brainwashing does applel provide you to ignore the parts of sentences like the last half if it's negative towards applel?
I've been nothing but civil with you and you just constantly demean Macbook users. How are we supposed to have an actual discussion like this?
Macs are like the best laptops ever for general purpose use and productivity with programs that aren't super demanding. Anyone why wants to do anything that has their mac at full burn for an extended period of time is a maniac - shit gets fucking hot as the sun.
How much do PC OEMS pay you to ignore the part in my post where I criticized Apple for gimping the Windows experience on Macbooks?
Where do tech illiterate brain dead mactard morons get the false impression they or their chinkshit trash blog cancer is welcome much less belongs on Sup Forums?
i am a apple fan and let me tell you, being an apple user is actually a great thing. we have beautiful products and we have ugly products. just like any company. tim cook for 1 is a great person, makes great products, and takes care of every one that is in his customer base and is glad to do it, and for that he has people that love him around him. also, apple products are one of the best profucts you can have. sometimes they can be really restricted, but they will take care of you no matter what, and the genius bar will help you buy what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and an online community that we all love and helps us eat shit out of our hands.
i am a apple fan and let me tell you, being an apple user is actually a great thing. we have beautiful products and we have ugly products. just like any company. tim cook for 1 is a great person, makes great products, and takes care of every one that is in his customer base and is glad to do it, and for that he has people that love him around him. also, apple products are one of the best profucts you can have. sometimes they can be really restricted, but they will take care of you no matter what, and the genius bar will help you buy what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and an online community that we all love and helps us eat shit out of our hands.
Yeah, they just name them as LiPos. But the characteristics of these mac batteries suggest they use Lifepo4 chemistry such as; the lower density per Wh, stupid long cycle durability and there hasn't been any cases of Retina Macbooks and Post 2010 Airs catching fire, because fires just doesn't happen on Lifepo4 batteries, they just vent that black smoke instead.
We get it. You feel like you fit in with the cool kids on Sup Forums by hating on Apple.
Yeah the Chinese slaves sure did a good job
How many rupees a day do you get paid to post macshit blog cancer Rajeesh?
>It's a delight repairing macbooks
Fuck off
How much does Satya Nadella pay you to pretend he's white and that Microsoft doesn't do the same things?
>I do repairs, and it's always a delight working on them. Apple knows design.
I had to undo 90 2mm screws to replace the keyboard on my gf's MBP. If you like doing shit like that and you think it's good design you need to execute yourself
That's iris pro aka literal shit at performance and efficiency
Foxconn is turning robotic actually. Over half the iPhone assembly process is now performed by robots. Wouldn't be surprised if people barely work in manufacturing at all by 2025.
>Apple baby can't handle the bants
2 rupees have been deposited in your shit wiping hands Pajeet.
I started refurbishing Macbooks a few months ago and I've already made a few thousand dollars.
My biggest pull was buying a pair of 2011 15" Macbook Pros with video card issues. I brought it to the Apple store who fixed them for free since there was an extended repair program for that model. Sold them both at 300% profit.
I also recently grabbed this 2014 13.3" Macbook Air for $75. All it needed was a SSD and a replacement 'M' key. Made another 300% in profit.
ez refurb
ez money
ez life
dont you use an apple phone
Kill yourself shitstain.