What is this thing?

I saw this at a museum so I asked the owner what it was. She had no idea so I'm asking you.

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huh, I dunno, looks wierd lol

more pics

no clue



Its for ball torture and its awesome.


It's a typograph

Rotary typewriter, the whole cylinder of keys rotates instead of having them all come to one point.

Issue is that these had a longer key press than cherry Browns will ever have

Original thinkpad prototype

Put your nutsack in the hole and start typing

That a tippy tappy typer.

It's a typewriter you stupid bag of cocks.

That is a musical instrument works on clicking those buttons which will leads to touch the copper wires to produce a ringing voices used with a group to form a Symphony, I'm a dog i have no idea what I'm writing..

Jewish piano

A mechanical keyboard

Tell me wtf this thing does in one sentence.

It's some kind of engine that does something different - it was invented by some Babbage guy.


Does it even work though? I heard Babbage never finished it, not even the design

machine of Lum the Mad

big ass calculator

Meat grinder

Don't show that to a hipster, or he will switch to one

Germany's entrant for Eurovision, Herr Glockenspiel.

Babbage's partially complete MECHANICAL Calculator.