PC gayming

is PC gaming the biggest meme ever?


sure, but the graphics are fantastic

Your mother is the biggest meme ever, because she's so damn fat.

I like that more and more schmuck manchildren are wasting their lives gaming. I hope to see the trend continue.

PC gaming is reddit consumerism incarnate

Computers should be restricted to the ruling elite.

calling anything a meme is a meme.

Products that are marketed as "X-TREME GAMING", "ULTIMATE DEATH-SLAYER GAMER SKULL", etc. are absolutely memes. Not *necessarily* bad hardware, but always overpriced.

I don't think gaming itself is a meme, though. It's a hobby, some will like it while others will find it to be a waste of time, just like any other hobby.

You see this phenomenon with other hobbies as well. For example, with firearm enthusiast, there's normal people/products, and then you have the "TACTICAL OPERATORS". There's plenty of people who smoke marijuana quitly in their homes, and then there's the "420 BLAZE IT!!" shit.

Literally nothing wrong with tacticool oper8or mall ninjas. Sure it's expensive as hell and a little autistic, but think of it this way. If there's a bunch of niggers protesting the latest dindunuffin who's handcuffs were on too tight after he raped and killed 20 women and a very effeminate boy you'd be stupid not to be hanging out with the guy packing 14 custom AR-15s ranging from .22LR to .50BMG, two sets of Damascus Full Body Protective Gear, and a 40mm rotary grenade launcher. When does video game autism come in handy?

That image gave me a feel.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Damn straight

The recent riots in Baltimore and Ferguson highlight why I need to get a gun ASAP. For self defense.

Black Live Matter thugs burnt down two cities, Al_quaeda destroyed two buildings; yet the government chooses to attack only one of these groups. Who are the real terrorists?

The government refuses to protect the property and lives of innocent civilians. That is why we must get weapons. Anyone who tries to loot on my block is dying in a hail of hot lead.

Straight up.

Who's with me?


kill yourself

Do you just want my attention?

That's Carbon you fucking cucumber

Gaming comes in handy when grandma needs help setting up her email.. or in my case i saved my dads business (entirely populated by baby boomers) some time when they need help with tech problems

Get the hint yet?

has the right idea.

>gaymen thread
Is this the new low for Sup Forums ? Haven't seen a shit thread like this in quite a while

No, it's just that tomato's being autistic as usual.

No, I want more than your attention, either turn off the trip, stop posting or kys, pham.

Listen you fuck, I'm fighting against the gaymer Reddit scum

How's the fight against yourself coming along?

It's jut a form of entertainment like watching TV or reading a book. Although I'm not a big fan of the whole esports thing.

You aren't doing a very good job, friend.

Lurk more newfag

>calling someone a newfag

a mild kek was had

I am a huge faggot and love sucking cock!

You still are a newfag though. The namefag is right.

I would love a huge, juicy black cock in my ass right now! I'm super-gay!

we are 2ch now!

Honestly I prefer console gaming. I used to have a huge desktop setup but I can't stand it anymore
>put game in

Then on PC
>playing TF2
>alt tab TF2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2

By the way, does anyone here have a dildo I can borrow?

I own dark souls on PS3 and PC. I'd never pick anything over the PS3 version.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>samefagging this hard

Try again

My current setup. I only use it a couple times a month.

>what is inspect element
The number of posters increased by one, and that Sammy tripfag was the one.

pc gaming is why components have gotten better in the last twenty five years.

the primary reason people upgrade is for games, the primary design of high end components like CPUs and GPUs and even on board sound is all done with gaming in mind. without muh games PCs would suck a lot more.

That has nothing to do with "nerds". It's fad consuming normies who constantly buy whatever they're told to purchase.

nice blog post fuck off fag

Ironically Gaming equipment is very useful for office / work.
Having several Excel Macros set on a gaming mouse is very efficient.
Lit keyboards are pretty useful for late night work even with proper illumination.

>Excuse me, sir, I think you're mistaken

if you want it to be sure but if you buy smart you can stay competitive for 4-5 years at least and even then upgrading an old GPU isn't the same as a whole new build.

It's no worse than jackasses who get a new model phone every 12 months or less. Most people can use the same one for 4-5 years though again.

>he doesn't know how to touch type

trim your fucking fingernails user

>when in doubt, resort to ad hominem, ignore all evidence against your argument.

Things like PCI Express, HBM, DDR4, water cooling are the type of thing that wouldn't exist without gamers

workstations with SCSI drives would still exist lol

>Britney Spears
holy shit what happened to this bitch. I refuse to believe that's britney spears.

The only one that provided evidence was me.

Lit keyboards are pretty useful for late night work even with proper illumination.

>i dont know how to use a keyboard,but listen to my advice about gaymen shit



Nice try. I take it you'll chalk in another dash for your internet arguments won? The number of unique posters is there for a reason.

Very obvious samefag

Here's a video of myself refreshing the page, since you're so stubborn and won't come to the conclusion that maybe you were being a bit retarded.

>everybody getting triggered by this newtrip retard
Jesus fucking christ, just filter his goddamn trip and get on with your lives.

>more ad hominem


>being this beta
yes fuck off you carcinogen

>not using tomorrow
>using chrome

why do i know you use winducks you fag

No console gaming is. However PC gaming itself is still a pretty big meme especially those who buy pre-built computers. As video games become more bloated and un-optimized hardware requirements start to sky rocket until you need 4GHz DDR4 RAM and the latest meme video card available (ie fall out 4). PC gaming is basically a scam that encourages game companies to make more bloated and unoptimized games so that gamers will be baited into buying the latest video cards and processors to play the newest AAA with a shit story and game play.

It still pales in comparison to the console meme though. You end up paying out of the ass for games and the console itself is very limited in what it can do. You also have to deal with gay shit like DRM, low resolution, and frame rates. Even the latest Piss 4 struggles to play most game titles above 900p and 30FPS. So basically you end up paying more long term and especially since you have to buy a separate desktop/laptop to do non-console things.

I still have my sandy bridge desktop I built years ago and I only play a few handful of games like BF4 and GTA IV with my HD 6850. I'm not really a pc gamer though, I don't play the latest abortions game studios shit out and I'm not going to upgrade my pc just to play them.

You have absolutely no proof to hold your argument. I provided two pieces of evidence, yet you're still this stubborn.

Pretty much this, tripfags should just hang themselves. Especially tripfags with a faggot name on them

>he faked a webpage so he could provide more 'evidence'

What's YOUR proof that anyone was 'samefagging'? I provided proof against your argument - that I wasn't faking the webpage - in the form of a video.
Do you have anything to your argument, or is it just false accusations?

This is proof, Sup Forums's count of unique posters, not a fake webpage

>those tabs

Le Problem

>implying windows user are that smart

Except that wasn't my first post in the thread.
File related. I've made multiple posts here.

You'd be surprised, he might even be running a Windows VM or is dual-booting for all we know.

Leonard really let himself go.

>this whole thread
I hate this board

>what is summer
>what is neo Sup Forums

School is already out for most kids, spring was too damn short.

What did you expect from a thread about "gayming".

he expected green vs red

3.5 meme

amd(nvidia) house fire memes?



They don't exist.
I do think Sup Forums is best in winter though. Everyone seems a lot more happy and there isn't as much shitposting.

i rather live in ignorance than accept that anons get salty and shittier over summer

Who needs guns when you can just buy roof Koreans with guns?
Roof Koreans are the best defense.

don't know if red vs green shitposting is any better than this shitty thread.

This is true. I got into computer repair/network setup because of a gaming habit.

what is happening in this thread?
everything is meme now?

Why did you want a reply from me so badly?
>Touch type
I do so too, but I have set up 3 different languages in here.

Honestly, this so much.

I used to play games too fucking much. Gaming is one of the most expensive hobbies anyone could take up, even if you Jew out by purchasing used and/or taking advantages of Steam sales. However, money is the last thing I cared about. I cared more about the time I wasted playing video games during my childhood and - a portion of - my adult life. All that time wasted gaming could have been used to learn, improve my health, or socialize with friends.

The only games I play now are JRPG's, on my PS Vita. I will occasionally boot up MGSV and SFV on my PC, but I only have 30 hours logged into both, which is not that much.

>socialise with my life

Wow! You gave up gaming to spend your life doing an equally as bad waste of time. What an improvement!

wow, this thread was quite a flame war

Jesus, havent heard that term in years

It's called balance retard, you can still be a gaymer and do many other things like lifting,socializing, clubs, etc

wow, implying there are some posts that are not this kind of bullshit

Bar-crawls with co-workers and the boss is a great way to ensure your ass is not going to get fired.

This. I built a gayman rig a year ago and it taught me so much about computers. I can diagnose most basic problems now. I can do more on my computer and do it easier because I know how it works.

>Gaming is one of the most expensive hobbies anyone could take up

No that's photography.
Gearfags upgrading their bodies when a new one comes out and buying all those lenses, filters, tripods, grips etc. and they don't shoot their cameras.

That and modding cars.

At least with modded cars you can use the car for transport.

Buying expensive cameras like Leicas and just having them collect dust is stamp collecting level and spending a lot of money.

PC gaming:
>build computer for one time payment of $400-1000+
>torrent any game you want no wasting money on games
>free music + movies
>60 fps + hairworks
Then when you grow out of gaming
>have functional piece of equipment

>torrent any game you want no wasting money on games

Enjoy zero multiplayer support not to mention you don't have the achievements and unlockables.
pirated games are mostly botnet

>Gaming is one of the most expensive hobbies anyone could take up
What the fuck are you on about? If you spend €2000 a year on PC gaming, you can buy top of the line stuff every year and probably every new release worth buying. If you spend that amount of money on a boat or a car, you're probably a poorfag with a shitbox.

I don't know if it's the biggest ever, but it's a pretty big one.

I'd much rather have a console, but I can't a PC and a Console, so PC it is.
