How can we fix AMD?

How can we fix AMD?

>inb4 shill
>inb4 nvidiot

Other urls found in this thread:,amd-enjoys-a-rare-market-share-increase.aspx

Add more cores.

paint them green

Something needs fixing? Well, if I have to pick something, I would say they need to give a shit about the high end market again, which is clearly not what they're interested in right now. In their own words, they're interested in 'expanding TAM', which from a business and stock price perspective, is perfectly admirable, but alienates gaymen types.

they got new cards coming out in two days

hmm maybe we'll see then

anyway nobody on Sup Forums has a 4K monitor anyway so I wouldn't be too concerned. also Nvidia sacrifices a bunch of graphical effects in some of these games for these benches.

Stronger anti-monopoly laws.

>AMDrones actually think it can be fixed

>out in two days

also nah, the 970 3.5 is the most popular card on steam. People are cuck...

>t alienates gayme
if they make their cards powerful enough to be great even at mainstream prices, im happy.

That chart is old AMD is back to 30% marketshare

>alienates gaymen types.
This AMD is fantastic, just not for gaymer faggots who need to go back to .


Poo will find a way.

amd got back to 30% quarter 2 its not on that outdated chart either retard

>That chart is old AMD is back to 30% marketshare
>23% = 30%

Citation pls,amd-enjoys-a-rare-market-share-increase.aspx

you have autism now

What is there to fix? Their new cards aren't even out yet for you to post this.

I don't speak frog you nvidiot yurocuck.

Desktop marketshare
Total marketshare

Both right

total marketshare is the important one that everyone cares about

>Breaking it down further, this is made up of a 1.8 per cent increase in desktop graphics, to 22.7 per cent, and

>two digit IQ can't translate
>implying I'm a frog

Not really. Most stock guys care about profitability when it comes to market analysis. Samsung has more market share than Apple but the latter is much more profitable. AMD needs to have competitive price premium products if it has plans to stay in the game and Polaris won't help much in that regard. If they can align Zen and Vega release they have a good change for a leap forward

Wait until Zen releases and they begin to get some degree of cash flow. See what their restructured company does when they have money for legitimate R&D.

Many of the low hanging fruit have been long since plucked. At this point it's really indicative of the hard underlying engineering mentality and available patents.

I'm agree, I want a Zen CPU with my Vega/1080ti.