Go to microsofts website to try out botnet 10

>go to microsofts website to try out botnet 10
>start scrolling
>see a fucking shitskin
>close the tab
my eyes are literally damaged

well why are you showing it to us? get that thing out of here

I have seen enough. I am going to make it a goal to never buy another Microsoft product as long as I live.

don't worry, user. luckily for you, windows 10 is completely """""""""""""""FREE""""""""""'''"""


I agree with this guy OP. Tell Sup Forums they are cucks and make them switch to Linux immediately.

triggered stormie?
need a safe space?
want to get a hug from a blond qt?
well fuck you, you get nothing

Yo, i'm really slacking.

2016 and I still haven't used my femnigger skin to get free shit. How do people do this?

Ayy stormie got triggered

Fuck off back to your containment board shithead

I wonder what you guys are like. I keep reading your comments in an Indian accent and just laugh.

I feel you bro, had the same thing

all i can tell you for sure about them is that they browse reddit and let their girlfriends have sex with other men

Fell for the mac meme.

Got called gay by teenage girls.

Literally downloading linux right now

Haha Indians should be pooping in the street instead of using windows. I clicked on your pick and now I'm blind too xD

>Sup Forums - Technology

casual racism. Why don't go and call someone a cuck?

offended by this thread cuck?

Not offended but lightly confused by your attemtps of trolling.
Well you got me to reply, so props for that.

>go to getfedora.org
>click "workstation"
>see "this"
>close the tab
my eyes are literally damaged

Too bad Dell is your only choice if you want a quality computer these days, which unfortunately means using Windows 10.

>it just works
she should have bought a mac if she wanted her computer to justwork

>means using Windows 10
you don't know how to format your drive mate?

If you use linux on a modern computer (eg, Dell) say goodbye to battery life, boot times, professional software.
Sup Forums Linux users use Linux as a Web Browsing appliance and Ricing playground, not for anything practical, stop falling for this shit meme.

I'm not so sure about this

>experts use windows
literally dying laughing

>not writing your own drivers/software

There's nothing wrong with your girlfriend having sex with other men.

The real world is literally laughing at how delusional you are.

>muh memes XD

Would you say that you're triggered?

Here we call them parjeets.

That guy is clearly not Indian

And I can say - from the bottom of my heart - that I'm glad I'll never be part of your enterprise real world littered with Microsoft Oracle SAP filth.

I didn't say indian, I said parjeet. Parjeet..

>being able to tell the difference
hello mboggu!

people on here call anyone they dont like pajeets

>being proud of being retarded

>being proud of being an expert on fifty shades of brown

There's a pretty big difference between someone from Haiti and someone from Southeast Asia. Not sure why you think that not knowing things is cool

>Not sure why you think that not knowing things is cool
nigger logic