Mom took a computer class in business school in the 80's

>mom took a computer class in business school in the 80's
>says she's a computer expert
>have to explain to her every 3 months that torrenting isn't dangerous if you turn off seeding
>she downloads trojan filled bloatware games on her computer until it breaks so bad she can't use her disc drive to run her windows setup disk

What's up with older generations being so technically retarded? I'm going to try my hardest to never fall behind on technology.
I don't want to be the grandpa who doesn't know what to do after he's run out of mousepad space.

Seeding isn't dangerous.
Downloading the_emoji_movie_(1080p).mp4.exe is.

the only time i ever had a letter from my isp was when my friend left some hbo shows seeding for a week straight on my computer

>not seeding
I hope you die in your sleep you fucking nigger

It has nothing to do with age you cuck, your mom is just a retard

Are you retarded?
Regardless of whether you seed or not your IP will show up in the peerlist when you download something.

Is it safe to assume all angry posts preceded with a pepe picture come from loser NEETs from /r9k/?

>tfw both parents are programmers
Man I don't know your feel.

>torrenting isn't dangerous if you turn off seeding

What's up with the younger generation being so technologically retarded?

I'll bet you even use the latest version of uTorrent, you sexy tech-savvy beast you.

Torrenting is still dangerous even without seeding.

You still broadcast your IP to the swarm and DHT.

The only times I ever got a letter from my ISP was from the initial download of a movie or album and Never because of seeding.

It sounds like you're the computer illiterate here, OP.

Even disregarding the legal aspects, there's NOTHING safe about torrenting. You're still downloading software/music/whatever from an unknown source.
Just because three clueless people in the comments section of a torrent loudly declare it to be "safe", that does not make it so.

>getting a letter from your ISP for torrenting shit

Land of the free, amiright?!

We can't just let people steal and get away with it, can we? :^)

It's our intellectual property and you gotta pay up just like all the other good goys!

You won't have that problem.

Like the generation who grew up with Fortran and early computing architecture, we'll be capable of handling new technology, treated like we're retarded by the younger generations, and forced to sift through the same level of shovelware and invasive advertisement we always have.

Once we hit grandpa age, we'll just fucking give up trying, just like our elders.

>What's up with older generations being so technically retarded?
I wanna know where they get all of the toolbars from even though you explain to them how to avoid that crap ten times over. They always say they never downloaded or installed anything.

It can happen from something like an anti-virus updating to a new version, where they just click next without looking.

>have to explain to her every 3 months that torrenting isn't dangerous if you turn off seeding
I know you're doing this on purpose but when the letters arrive you'll realise you're wrong.

It's just a matter of time, in 50 years our kids will be using nanobots integrated into their brain and control them in ways conceptually different to what we can comprehend, and all we oldfag will do is complain about what was wrong with a mouse and keyboard and the grandkids will be calling us names and going that were from the stoneage, image slap them and shove a mouse down their throat

Wait, what's wrong with μTorrent nowadays? I occasionally use μTorrent Pro for the instant streaming feature.

>μTorrent Pro
weeeeeew lad


My lad, seems like that younger retarded generation is more aware of the grey area in legislation about downloading for personal use and seeding to everyone.

>getting a letter from your isp for torrenting
Should I expect shit like this to happen if I move to the us? I might just stay in yurop if this level of cuckoldry is actually a thing there.
Why do I feel like this isn't bait

ahmet, my brother..
you are certain to get a letter in:
france, germany, belgium, netherlands, austria-hungary, czechia, slovakia, moortugal, spain
in poland feds dont even care if you dl cp iirc
-not a pole

>μTorrent Pro
Only the cuckest of the cucks would even think of using this

>>have to explain to her every 3 months that torrenting isn't dangerous if you turn off seeding

>you are certain to get a letter in austria-hungary
I live in hungary, and I have downloaded tens of terabytes of shit over the years, but my isp never sent me shit like that.
The "feds" would probably care about cp, but they don't have the resources to do practically anything. I have seen drug deals being negotiated in public facebook posts, and a dealer posting pics of 200g of mdma to brag about his business, yet I don't know about anyone ever being approached by any "fed".
I know I can't have this level of privacy in a civilized country but getting v& for torrenting seems a bit too much.

my austro-hungarian friend got v& for downloading movies

Alberto Barbosa here, been torrenting shit for years and never got anything from my ISP, also never heard of anyone else here getting in trouble for it. Stop lying.

really not?
barbosa told me on skype that he got a letter from isp to stop doing it

At this point I'm starting to think you aren't saying "austro-hungarian" as a joke. I bet your friend was austrian, the two countries have nothing to do with each other.

>have nothing to do with each other.
not anymore
I meant he was hungarian, Atilla

Dumb frogposter

I'd like to inform you, that you have to be at least 18 years old to browse this site. Also quit bitching about the older generation, it's not like you are superior to them by any means.

that's true

I remember my friend got a summer job in Germany, he worked his ass off for three months but he didn't know that Germans actually care about torrenting movies and had to spend most of the money he saved on fine.

>torrenting is dangerous with seeding on

I believe in both supporting and contributing to pirate culture.

It's a moral thing for me, most of Hollywood and the music industry is dominated by liberals.

Dirty privileged Ivory Tower dipshits profiting off of the backs of middle America while telling us how stupid we are for daring to disagree.

These vapid dipshits live in bubbles of privilege.

You don't owe them a damn thing. None of us do.

I encourage all of you reading this to both pirate AND seed and fight back against the liberal Hollywood hegemony. Then of course you can contribute to good conservative actors such as Robert Downy Jr or Clint Eastwood by buying their tickets.

Everyone in Moortugal is named Barbosa. Fact.

Legally though, it is usually a worse crime to distribute than to download

>What's up with older generations being so technically retarded?
>torrenting isn't dangerous if you turn off seeding
You just disproved your own theorem

what the fuck didn't you just get banned



gee, Brandon, TWO dads?

cool, keep seeding like the cuck you are so I can get my free shit, faggot.


I am an American, not some cowardly European socialist


Ty :3

I got a letter here in Canuckistan for torrenting One Punch Man of all fucking things.

>dad used some UNIX system for running aeronautical simulations or something like that
>mum used a non-gui terminal for inputting data and changed the tapes on the mainframe

>almost every time I go home I get asked to look at why the printer isn't printing
>last time it wasn't printing because it was unplugged

I limit my upload speed to 0 ;^)

Spamiard here. My desktop is seeding 24/7 and I never got a letter.


How do you tell when you're on a shady site or get a dangerous email? You see that the resolution is wrong on the pictures.

Who can't see that the resolution is wrong? People with poor eyesight.

Who has poor eyesight? Old people!

That's my theory.


>Expecting free speech on a privately owned site

Why are americucks so retarded

>letter from the ISP for torrent
Is this the Sup Forums Version of Penis inspections stories?

>not watching it online
You got what you deserve

>Penis inspections stories?
Literally as opposed to figuratively what?
And no, they are a very real thing in the US.

I live in Germany an I'm torrenting around the clock, never got any letter or so, yeah

Speaking of torrenting.
I don't know about you guys but I can't leave my torrents before they have hit atleast 1:1 ratio.
>thats my autism.png

>not pirating μTorrent Pro

I clearly meant goy, you kike.

I torrent all the time, never gotten a letter from Comcast. I use frostwire, no seeding.

I said I would fight for free speech, if you had the reading comprehension of a fourth grader you would realize that statement implies that it would not be freely given

Don't they teach anything in Yuropoor schools besides feminism and Islamic history?

Torrenting is perfectly safe, you just need to live in an actually free country. Not in your corporate policed shithole "land of frredum" bullshit

>not seeding

10/10 bait btw

when you are 80 and computers run off of light, and are powered off of sugar based hydrocarbons extracted from bees, and computers are controlled by 1st generation telepathy implants that can be hacked with ceiling fans that have day two exploits.. then well see who cant into technology.
Your grandkids (who are black) will be shitposting about how you cant do shit.

I seed a lot

Just throwing my two cents in. I think that most people are to scared to 'contact' someone to be part of a torrenting community. This is particular with public traffickers, yet I'm not sure if it applies to private trackers.

Not really unless you're retarded.

Wait, I live in America. Shit.

>seeding is dangerous

What's up with kids being technically retarded but thinking they know shit about anything?

Another thing I hear from parents who believe using adblocks and antiviruses are unecessary because 'they have nothing to hide'. I never get it how they believe something that's common sense.

Most of them use public trackers.


>XP theme on Linux
Good taste

it doesn't sounds like a bad thing

Summerfags incoming

Your mum knows more than you do, OP.

Joining a BT swarm is indeed enough to get content warnings; hell, you can even frame people. Or a printer. Want me to dig out the paper?

Based tomato

>I was taught how to boot Sup Forumsentoo of a usb-buttplug

Why havnt I seen you post back on /fit/?

what boards do you post most on now tomato?

Only there is no moral basis for expecting free speech on privately owned property.

Sup Forums is privately owned and denying corporations or individuals the right to determine who can or can't use their property is infringing on their rights.

But I mean it's hard to expect a murrican to understand the full ramifications of the ideas that they support.

It's funny because it's true

Oh look some little faggot that things he is smart because of his youth.

>seeding GoG
You piece of shit