Why are you not using most best DE?

Why are you not using most best DE?

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Don't need almost any of the stuff that comes with it and I prefer a tiling WM.

>look mom I installed xfeces terminal in gnome

I'm more of a KDE man myself


>best DE

>I'm more of a KDE man myself

>there's literally no other DE that's as restrictive as GNOME
>the devs literally removed features
>""""best"""" DE

It's slow and has retarded dependencies, which are turning it into giant pile of shit.

>can literally monkey patch the shell to do what you like

git gud. Back in my day (GNOME 1.x) you could extend GNOME's window manager (Sawfish) using Lisp. When Metacity came about this feature was taken away! gnome-shell brought it back, yet GNOME 3.x is restrictive and GNOME 2.x was the best thing ever?


Because I am using the most best WM

Just look at the settings menu and compare it with KDE. It's a joke (and I don't even use KDE). Even with GNOME Tweak Tool installed it's lacking features.

Untrue. Since GNOME 2.x when Sun became involved in the project, GNOME is one of the few free software projects to realise more options =! a better user experience. KDE exposes silly things like px properties to users, and the settings are a complete mess.

Sun gave GNOME a kick up the arse in regards to sane UX and that legacy is still thankfully ingrained in the project today. I only jest about Sawfish, it was terrible.


>more options =! a better user experience
Have fun with your mouse acceleration

I prefer Plasma 5 for now.

old habits.. They die hard

Like most people, mouse acceleration doesn't factor into my usage of computers. Like it is explained in the link I provided, every switch and knob has a cost that you must weigh against the benefits to users. Maybe as gaming becomes more prevalent there will be a strong need (I believe it's a popular setting with FPS players).

In any case, mouse acceleration is controlled by lipinput, not GNOME. Just because GNOME doesn't expose it, doesn't mean that those who want to tinker with it can't.

howd you get your firefox looking like that? Also what's your breeze theme? Is it a custom one? I can't find a good dark theme desu I settled with ice lilac because it's good looking and I can't be assed to make it myself.

desu so desu so

Just custom colors. Firefox is some guy's CSS I modified for my own needs.

>mouse acceleration doesn't factor into my usage of computers
I'm pretty sure that almost everyone would prefer disabled mouse acceleration
>Just because GNOME doesn't expose it, doesn't mean that those who want to tinker with it can't.
But why wouldn't GNOME expose it? Aren't they trying to create a user friendly experience?

>having a lot of options is a bad thing
I don't see how this could ever be a bad thing. They could at least add a "show advanced options" button.

where can I find the CSS?



what firefox theme is it?

I suck at CSS could you upload yours?

Do you use vimium or smth?


All you have to do is look for the element you want to modify, then see if your modifications worked for the desired result. Somebody already did the hard part.

using a mouse..

>I'm pretty sure that almost everyone would prefer disabled mouse acceleration

I'm more sure most computer users wouldn't know what you're referring to of you asked them. What about focus follows mouse? I'd wager that is a more desired setting, especially among old school Linux users. Where do you draw the line for these type of settings?

User friendly means saying "no" much more than saying "yes". Like I've said, exposing options has a cost. If only a small portion of users are likely to benefit from a setting, you should consider not supporting it.

>"show advanced options" button

There's already an app for that: gnome-tweak-tool. Once a setting is in gnome-control-centre, I think the burden for supporting that setting and testing in on each release is much higher for GNOME. More settings means a bigger test matrix, more code to support and more possibilities for bugs. And if you add a really niche setting it won't get tested enough and that code path will inevitably bitrot.

there's no url bar is that normal?

Still shit

and this is only one tab

Forgot picture

Because I'm using Xfce with a dock for some reason.

If you think that is good UX, you need to familiarise yourself with real-world disability studies and trends.

What is "pressure dependent motion"? Is there any explanation for users? What does "units" mean? You have tabs within tabs... it's a mess. More does not equal better.

It's all right pal I was using MATE with Docky (or whatever it's called) for ages. Good stuff.

Usability* not disability

There's an option, read the comments in the CSS.

>I'm more sure most computer users wouldn't know what you're referring to of you asked them.
So what? Just because a lot of people don't know what an option does doesn't mean that you should remove that option.
>There's already an app for that: gnome-tweak-tool.
Try to disable mouse acceleration with GNOME Tweak Tool. You can't. It's just fucking mind-boggling that something as simple as an option for mouse acceleration isn't available. It's not like this is an advanced setting, this is one of the most basic options that exist.
Nice meme

>implying GNOME's explanation for "natural scrolling" makes sense
having more options literally means a better user experience

Because anyone who uses XFCE has to ride the most best short bus.

Its iridium browser, based on chromium, its a libre version that is available on multiple platforms.

I am on Arch linux, and it's available in the AUR

But OP, herbstluftwm is the best

I like budgie better.

>eyecancer font rendering
>babye's first arch install

It's the way I set it up and prefer it. Go suck eggs.

Absolutely disguisting.

>Just because a lot of people don't know what an option does doesn't mean that you should remove that option.

Yes it does. At the very least you should consider it. You have finite developer and testing time, you have to maximise your use of it to benefit the largest amount of users possible. Supporting niche settings does not work towards this goal.

>You can't

Features don't exist until someone spends time developing them. lipinput has only supported disabling acceleration from the end of last year, try filing a bug report if there isn't one already.

At the very least GNOME attempts to explain a feature that some people won't understand. What would you suggest instead?

More features _does not_ make a better user experience. People don't stray from defaults regularly, and copious amounts of options have been demonstrated to have a negative effect on usability. This is not even considering the increased amount of bugs you get when there's more code to support and more states to test.

>dat clock

Because I'm using Fluxbox, and have used it to build exactly the desktop that I want/need, without a bunch of useless bloat.

>Supporting niche settings does not work towards this goal.

>mouse acceleration
>niche settings
Top kek, senpai.

>you have to maximise your use of it to benefit the largest amount of users possible
How the hell does not having that option benefit anyone?

>Features don't exist until someone spends time developing them.
They literally removed that feature
Besides this is a very basic option. Literally every DE I've ever used had this setting.

I am

is there a way to have FF tabs in the title bar like on chromium?

Problem? I like to be able to see that shit across the room.

Lol no.

Unless you have Gnome 3, you will need devilspie to get it to work