/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Ask you're literally retarded questions in this thread. If your lucky you might even get a reply.

Use a search engine first to make sure the answer isn't out there on the interwebz. Use Startpage or Duckduckgo. The rest are fucking botnets.

Previous thread: (Cross-thread)

PROTIP: If you don't get a reply, installing Gentoo will probably solve your problem.

Other urls found in this thread:


How do I conveniently benchmark two graphics cards I have lying around? One card is amd and the other one is nvidia

If I boot up arch linux and backup an eMMc with windows and UEFI to a file using 'dd', and then later write it out using 'dd' again to the same eMMc, will it resume working as it did before?

Stupid question here.

Google wallet banned me from buying shit from the app store. The reason is honestly unknown. If I knew the reason, I knew how to fix it and I would tell you guys because idgaf anonymous basket weaver forum. But I honestly do not know why.

I contacted them and they asked me for verification documents. After one week or so I gave in and send those jews a copy of my drivers license and bank transfer. And then I got the message it was declined and they didn't gave me a reason because blabla we reserve the right without notice this and that.

I tried contacting them ever since but they dont reply to me.

Then I made a new emailadress at google or a new account and tried to buy something from the app store again but then I got the same fucking problems.

Does anyone know how I can fix it so I can buy something from the app store again?

I will tell this again: i honestly did not do anything wrong/illegal/fraudulent. I googled and more people are experiencing these issues, but google cant help or doesnt want to.

If anyone knows how I can solve this without me formatting my entire phone/buying a new phone and making a new identity through a new IP or whatever is needed I would be appreciate it.


google the nvidia card and throw amd into the trash

I recently bought a sandisk ultra ii ssd, but it kept bsoding on me. I tried solving every problem from switching achi to ide, etc but it never worked, so i am assuming that the drive itself is broken

Are the 850 evos any more "reliable" than the ultra iis? I wouls really like to use an ssd in my build but i dont want to deal with these problems any longer.

good job rasheed, $0.05 has been deposited

How can I disable for good the proximity sensor on my Samsung S4 Mini? I'm using Cyanogenmod, but I don't see any option for that.

I thought about using Tasker, but I don't know jack about it.

Any input is appreciated. Pretty please.

bump this question

thanks alot guys

Sup Forums how do i make a wget 'crawler' to get all the images from Sup Forums.org/g

wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.jpg,bmp,jpeg Sup Forums.org/g

using this it SHOULD just save all the images into my working directory but i get 'Removing www.Sup Forums.org/g since it should be rejected.'


If you can see the post you're bumping and the bump at the same time, you don't deserve an answer

Just look them up here


I am very sorry that you feel that way. You see I do not have much in life, i'm not very smart and I was only hoping someone would tell someone like me maybe how I could resolve this issue. As I do not have much going for me and I don't have much time to be on the internet I was just hoping someone would know.

I want to apologise to you for the inconvenience caused by my bump. I understand if you guys don't want to help me anymore because of it.

But still I want to thank you for your time of reading and replying. I didn't mean to upset you.

Have a good night I guess.

Bye all

Xposed + Sensor Disabler should do the trick

I'm able to get a Canon 5d MK 2 for cheaps. It's used and has a 70.000 shutter count.

Worth the risk?

Is there an ISP that provides wifi on the go? I can't get wired internet so I was wondering if that's a thing without the use of a hotspot

man wget

How do I remove this? I checked options for Sup Forums X and OneeChan but unless I missed something, there's no option to do so? I tried uBlock Origin but when I add a rule for

##body > form:nth-of-type(1)

it fucks up archived threads so they don't have any content.

Thanks! I'll look into it.

Anyone know how Newegg shipping works with holidays?

I placed an order Sunday, and obviously with Monday being Memorial Day things are a little behind. I asked support and they said it's just waiting to be scanned to go out for shipping.

Any idea how long that takes?

Mobile broadband.

Do people think hacking is cool? I'm a worthless shit and I was hoping I could impress people by leaving a few shell commands and running some programs using the terminal instead of clicking on it

Can anyone help me find some good resources for studying for a security+ cert? I'm watching David prowse videos and I'll be provided a book later, but I want to have something to come home and study with too.


How did he die? USB port? Or actual power cord?

What's honest opinion about Zenfone?
I need cheap phone

itty bitty toe beans :3
also it's okay

And you know that's not hacking, right?
Where are you come from, by the way?
Just install some Linux Distro, Ubuntu maybe, because it's easy, and then open terminal and type "sudo apt-get", or something you like.

Intel > *

It says on their website.

Only little kids.

There's not enough juice in USB to kill you.

Maybe there is not enough to kill you

Ok lads, how do i make this go down?
Got an SSD as boot drive.

forgot img

>Not install Gentoo on all your digital devices

Disable services/startup programs


enable fast boot in BIOS

Have tried, made 0 difference.

it is enabled. Drive boot order is the correct as well.


Install Gentoo on f2fs, Gentoo boots in 0.1 seconds

Also worth noting it was this slow with a fresh install of windows on a factory new SSD.

thanks doc.

Oh lol, wind-ws use ntfs as primary fs, it simply kill your ssd.

16.9 seconds is pretty fast. I don't think you can go any quicker then that

All who wants to install Gentoo GNU/Linux OS redirect to >>

Is there much of a difference between external 2.5 inch 2tb usb3 hard drives, what should I look out for when buying one?

Host do I rename my host pc on ubuntu?

Ahahaha lool)))
Nice trolling.
My system on HDD 7200 rpm boots in 4-5 seconds.

My shitty laptop is like 2.3 seconds, so yeah, you can go a lot quicker than that.

search in

nigga what?
linux:3 seconds after post
windows: 6 seconds after post

Ok, theoritical question incoming.

Is there a way to calculate the maximum number of logic gates that can exist for a set number of inputs and outputs?


You deserve it for choosing to look so generic.

Enjoy your freedom faggot.

>Your pc will restart several times
I'm glad I switched to Linux before even W8 hit the fan.

If I were you I'd start looking for distros, lad.

Post a pic of yourself, Flamboyant-kun.

>Not just clicking upgrade later


How is "REEEEEE" pronounced, btw?

To avoid this kind of bs, see:

can i use my r9 280x with ubuntu 16.04 yet? or are drivers still fugged

Why do you want Ubuntu if you're an icky gamer?

i just want drivers to not be fugged
also because ubuntu and mint are like the only linux distros i have experience with. should i be using fedora for muh gayming

How do I look generic, and is that supposed to be a bad thing? Being a normie isn't so bad imo.

I'm seriously considering trying out Linux. Seeing as how I have a b.s. in comp sci, hopefully I can figure it out

Hopefully my desktop at home won't upgrade when I get home in like 2 hours

Bobby Hill haircut and extra fat obscuring bone structure

Trying to download a Youtube video, quality is particularly important. It's available as 506MiB h264 or 532MiB VP9. Which is going to be higher apparent quality? (Meaning sharper, fewer visible artefacts, etc)

>I'm seriously considering trying out Linux. Seeing as how I have a b.s. in comp sci, hopefully I can figure it out
You won't have any trouble. It's basically learning to Google shit up.

>Hopefully my desktop at home won't upgrade when I get home in like 2 hours
>He left his desktop alone more than 2 hours.
Expect Windows 10 to greet you, user. You can't let those traitorous OSs to their own devices even for a poo break.

Not being elitist- I don't use desktop Linux anymore- but it's strange that you have a comp sci degree and have never used anything UNIX-y.

I'm an officer in the Navy. There's literally like 2 styles of haircuts in the entire armed forces; high and tight, and what I have.
>fat obscuring bone structure
Lol what? I've never heard that before. What does that even mean?

My Daz-activated Windows 7 Ultimate didn't push any upgrade shit on me. It wasn't even eligible. But I went out of my way to install Windows 10 when my boot drive was failing because it's a better operating system :^)

Fuck. I really hope I don't turn on my desktop and have to deal with this windows 10 bullshit.

I know, I'm surprised too. But I did the bare minimum to get my degree. All I want to do is fly jets or helos, so I didn't really care at the time.

Whats weird is that now that I've graduated college and gotten a degree, I kind of want to re-learn all the bullshit I memorized, like functional programming and formal languages and automata. I got good grades, but I didn't actually learn and understand the material. I'm just really, really good at memorization.

Is your Windows 10 free?

I mean. Is it pirated? I don't want to pay. I want to upgrade too.

What program should I use to make graphs?

Not him, but I found it very easy to pirate Win10. Just install it and then use a crack tool. I don't remember exactly what I used (I think it was one of those fake VLK setups) but it works perfectly.


Why did no one tell me that AMD didn't come with built-in graphics?

I can't configure the bios FUCK

So I have a question about salt/hashes.
Basically, I understand that when you enter a password a unique salt is added, the whole thing is hashed, and then that output is compared with whatever database the website has, and if the hashes match it determines your password is valid.

My question is how it knows which salt to add before it has confirmed if you entered the correct password or not.
Is the salt associated with the username?

The salt is stored with the hash.
Nice numbers btw

Have 1200 usd to buy a new monitor(s), I will be mainly used for gaymz and anime
Will be powered by a 1080

>the salt is stored with the hash
So if you enter a password into a website it will have the salt also stored separately as plain text?
Wouldn't that not work though because I thought the password+salt gets hashed, so even if it had the salt stored as plain text it wouldn't be able to determine the full hash.

Do you need us to tell you when to breathe too?

Buy a G sync monitor with 1440p and 144 Hz refresh rate.

buy a dell 4k for the highest quality 2d/3d tiddies

144hz is a meme

My coursework requires coding and such. Will installing Arch or another linux thingy (I wanna rice and stuff) affect using IDEs and such.

Or should I get that program that allows me to dual boot OS's so I can use 2.

So this whole automatic update to windows 10 has gotten me pretty salty. If I were to start learning how to use Linux, what kind of stuff can I not do w/ Linux that I'm probably use to doing?

I'm mainly worried about games. CK2, HoI3/HoI4, the occasional shooter games, stuff on steam, etc.

Can Linux do pretty much everything but games?

>I thought the password+salt gets hashed
They do. The database entry probably looks something similar to this:
Username | Password | Salt
user | ac4f3... | 28c4
The Password entry is the hash of the user's password + 28c4. When the password is received, it is combined with the salt and hashed to produce ac4f3...

I can't accurately comment on the IDE's being affected in any way, but I don't think there will be any difference.
As for dual booting, you don't need any third party program to do it. You would just need to partition your drive and install one OS on one and the other OS on the other partition.

Thanks, that cleared it up for me.

Thanks anons, gonna go 4K

Windows 10 installed and they tried to choose to go back to windows 7 during the installation, but it messed something up.
It can't boot windows, even safe mode. Repair options fail give some kind of registry error and restore says it can't find the drive.
I'm using ubunto live on usb to access the drive.
Is there a way to find the windows product key so I can try reinstalling 7?
Everything I found was for using windows programs within windows.

Since you mentioned you'll be getting a 1080 have you looked at the 4K benchmarks? It doesn't reliably hit 60fps in most games so personally I wouldn't recommend going with 4K over 1440p, but ultimately it's still your choice.
If you're ok with turning some settings down then it would be fine of course.


Get a 21:9 curved 3,440 x 1,440

Okay guys, another stupid question, in the middle of a gaming build, how does this look?

Is it a laptop or desktop?
If it's a laptop chances are the Windows key is hardcoded and it'll automatically pick it up when you try reinstalling windows.

better cooler, worse cpu, better gpu and get a WD hdd.

>not do with linux
Write the things you do in windows, in to a text editor.Then google that name + linux and find out
check appdb

god damn that shit is expensive over there

If you actually use your confuser without any external storage, you may want a second tee bee in it. Good choice on the Batman RAM.

My gf has one, I really didnt like the format so is a big no no for me, at this moment looking for dual 4K
Yep I have seen that in average it hits 40-45fps but I dont play intensive shit, gonna buy BF but I'm okay turning some shit to hit the magic number

most of this i have already, from my old PC, i'm pretty much only adding in the RAM, CPU and Mobo
i plan on getting a 1070 around christmas time.

You can get cheaper 960s than that. I did pay £170 for mine last month, but it included a £40 game code.

>the Windows key is hardcoded and it'll automatically pick it up when you try reinstalling windows.
Can you explain more what that means?
There was a sticker on the bottom that apparently had the key but it's been worn away and they don't have the manufacturer's cd.
If it is "hardcoded", how would I go about reinstalling windows?

I got it for £160 a few months ago, scan had them in cheap, and it's all i could afford at the time.