Open Bitbucket

>open Bitbucket
>go to make pull request

Fuck off

feeling triggered cedgelord? :^)

>no where does it say lesbian and muslims

why are you projecting

Sorry this website isn't pc enough for you


Triggered? Go back to your safe space

>blue undercut and blue lipstick
We are looking at the same image, are we not?

Lets go OP
This board does not deserve people like us of ascended intellect

>polturds think they're welcome here

every time

>blue lipstick
no where faggot

And everyone across all walks of society has blue undercuts, amirite?

>this whole thread
Reminder that if you don't care about some irrelevant stylized clipart you must be an SJW reptilian zionist degenerate and go back to rredit


>Stop talking about technology on the technology board

This is deliberate SJW pandering. There's no reason they couldn't have used ambiguous smileys.

are you retarded? i pointed out blue lipstick cause that the only thing you where wrong about.

the person on left whom is assumed to be Islamic also has blue hair. so go fuck yourself

>shitskins think they're welcome here


She's wearing a goddamn hijab. But feel free to continue ignoring facts that don't suit your claim.

>SJW pandering
Feminist pandering, muslim pandering, maybe.
But Atlassian won't delete your repository if your team doesn't meet a diversity quota.

>Literally everyone in this asshurt thread is falling for the bait

>women who can code

More like fiction, amirite?

What's the problem?

It's shoehorned propaganda nonetheless.

>discussion about sexual orientation and religion

are all polturds this delu- oh wait...

>some Sup Forumstard, somewhere, is triggered by this

continue being triggered by images that do not directly state lesbian and Muslims women can be coders too

Sup Forums does not care about this type of shit
Sup Forums only care about being good and the best no matter what shitty race or ethnicity you are.
if you are better then someone you should get the job,and they should not get the job due to bs quotas

>With pull requests, you're in control.

>industry being infected by progressivism
Do you favor the CoC(k) that's being forced into current languages?

you are either for social justice people, or they will destroy you.

Sup Forums is just reactionary, they have no ambition to change your life. They react against the social justice movement and the very real changes it is having across our civlisation.

Sup Forums is the night watchman, and you hear his warning cries and find them just as annoying as the battle cries of the army at your gate he is warning you about. 'shut up, all of you, you're all just as bad as each other!' you cry back, leaving Sup Forums to defend by himself, because how dare he make a noise about the coming evil?

We are discussing Bitbucket.

Sunnis are cancer

>Sup Forums

What kind of good comes from brand shilling and installing gentoo?

oh I forgot to filter you

You know what's true shoehorned propaganda? atlassian's email every week bothering me to integrate with Jira or whatever

I cant begin to imagine someone getting bothered by an irrelevant imagem label which could only be used to bring more of a particular target to their market, and since Im already using bitbucket theres no need to try and attract a market that is already there to begin with

>I decide what Sup Forums thinks just like back on reddit

Lmao, Sup Forums has always been anti muslim

I never said anything racist though

Plus I am not an anti Semite

In fact I am a full Zionist and support Israels war against the Muslim terrorists who plague them

>samefagging a liberal agenda on a right leaning website

That sounds poetic and all but you don't fight an evil by trying to replace it with another one.
Two wrongs don't make one right

>supporting the people who created the muslim problem

>good as in work performance or a well made code fag

nice samefag Sup Forumsweenie

t. Ali reza shiazadeh

Oh it was just a Sup Forums copy pasta I posted for (you)s

It's pretty controversial

Saudi Arabia funds terrorists and promotes Wahabism you dunce

>muh joos did 9/11

the jews invited muslims fag

Another butthurt cisgoy.

Sup Forums usually has rational responses, that's the response of redditors to them

>Sup Forums usually has rational responses

No some schizophrenic pedo did

>a right leaning website
Sup Forums has never been a hivemind or your personal hugbox
And if anything, it's been centrist at best
If you want a hugbox try reddit or make your own nazi-reddit (or use the existing one which you're probably already familiar with)

>I decide what Sup Forums thinks just like back on reddit

>Lmao, Sup Forums has always been anti muslim

i decide Sup Forums thinks anti muslim

Sup Forums is a genuine shithole filled with people who know nothing about politics, psychology, economics, sociology or sceince and seem to be proud of that fact?

you say 'the coming evil' but what do you really mean by 'the coming evil'? having to use different pronouns? race-mixing? have you considered that most people would consider the night watchman to be an idiot who spends all day on whackjob internet forums, and that the overwhelming number of people don't mind pronouns or race-mixing or whatever?

if i spend all day in an online echo chamber, will my views become as incredibly black-and-white as the average Sup Forums user's? will i see anyone with different political beliefs to me as an invading army who's coming to steal my jobs and rape my women?

food for thought

yes reddit. everything is /po/

Sup Forums isn't a hivemind
Not everyone gets triggered by homos, non-christians, non-whites. If you dig deep you will find reasonable opinions on individual matters (true equality (non-minority privilege), and true liberty) and that sometimes deviate from the sarcastic semi-parodic neo-nazi propaganda

>blue haired dyke and a non threatening looking muslim woman

lol could they try to force a narrative any harder? so glad I don't use bitbucket

this is why you use gitlab OP.
either use
or host gitlab for yourself.

>I dont know how the Muslims were created so i will diffuse the situation with buzzwords

Thanks for the you

>muh Jewish conspiracy

Self-hosted is the only correct solution.

The CEO of gitlab has stated before that he is comfortable with removing repos from his cloud service for political reasons.

you know what the saddest part about all of this is?
when it has become counter culture to have a fucking normal family and want to create an environment where children prosper you know something is seriously fucking wrong with the world.
after all Sup Forums is just rebelling the status quo.
when being normal is rebelling you know shit is fucked.

>hurr durr your a cia puppet if you think sunnis are garbage hurr durr
Fuck off back to some Sunni shithole like Saudi Arabia

thats why you use private repos.

>idk the torah or the bible

damn that' a lot of words no one will ever read

how about we get back on topic

BitBucket's "progressive" pandering and why it's as sad as the liberals in this thread.

Want to have a loving family with a faithful wife and respecting kids? FUCK YOU!

But how can we subsidize your sex change though, clearly these are the important issues facing the world today.

>when it has become counter culture to have a fucking normal family
Who exactly is trying to prevent you from creating a "normal family"?
You can't get a girlfriend therefore it must be the jews hard at work again?
Letting different people form their own families != prevent existing ones from occurring
Equality remember?

you must be incredibly insecure to see an illustration of a brown woman and think 'this is a personal attack on me'

unless they actually make a statement is more like false flagging liberal retards

Islam and sharia is the answer to the feminist problem.

i dont really care what images they use, those could have been a benis and a pergina, idc
but if they start pulling shit moves like gaithub im leaving it too

is this serious?


>actually giving a fuck
apathy is the only way cucklord

Suddenly, Sup Forums got invaded by sjw

Disclaimer: I'm not even Sup Forums , go suck a dick

there is ABSOLUTELY NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE that the jews did anything evil.

>all these asspained shitskins and faggots

That's not how it works against SJWs
Ask Sup Forums or Sup Forums how their "if you ignore them they will go away" went

Why do SJW shitskins from plebbit think they are welcome here? Programmers are meant to be logical, so it's no wonder you'll find Sup Forumsacks here as well.

I hate Muslims.

>Feeling threatened by a picture and demanding censorship for a private company's services website
>somehow the shitskins are the asspained ones
Disclaimer: white straight male


>demanding censorship for a private company's services website


>be forced to consume hamfisted political statements that are irrelevant to a product's purpose

>suddenly, Sup Forums is full of SJWs
What happened?

>tries to destroy stereotypes by using stereotypes

if thats not the definition of "lesbian" or "muslim" i dont even know what is

Did some atlassian employee broke into your house and threatened you to use their services or?

>believing that image makes an argument of any merit, much less one worth saving

>there's only two sides in the world... Sup Forums and tumblr

Is it wrong? No.

Still a thousand times better than sjwhub.

I found Tumblr

Well there's a false dichotomy

>use BitBucket
Sup Forums said
>it's not SJW-Infested like GitHub
Sup Forums said

Then explain how you're forced to consume it
And which political statement does it state

Yes it absolutely is.
What is the relevance of blacks and Jews to the image in the OP?


There's no demand for censorship in that post. He might be implicitly encouraging confronting SJW ideas but that is not censorship.

White cuck.
Foreigners that are literally taking Sup Forums's jobs.