Is node.js Sup Forums approved?

is node.js Sup Forums approved?

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it's our favorite language

>if (
It's funny how webdevmonkeys can't even code in their """superior""" language

>mixed quotes
>string concatenation
>`== true`
0/10 would not hire

It's a meme.

of course
its' webscale

Node + typescript = godmode

node replaces PHP

>>`== true`
Wow. Do people really not know that you should use '==='?

Masturbating is the only thing Sup Forums-approved.

Are you trolling? You shouldn't use it at all for booleans.
>But you can't be sure that it's a boolean.
Then there's something wrong with your code.

you are truly worse than the jews.

you are retarded.
ever since es5 you should only use ===

This. Don't fight JS on truthy/falsey, lean into it and take advantage of it, you can get creative.

Yes, but `=== true` in this scenario is still a code smell. See above.

>not doing nofap
pleb confirmed


Node.js is a shitshow just like everything else created by code camp tier javascript webdevs.

>is node.js Sup Forums approved?
As you can see from this thread, absolutely not. Quite the opposite. If, however, you instead ask
>is node.js useful and practical for creating web application backends?
the answer is yes. It's extremely well supported and in wide use by everyone ever. It has many shortcomings but tooling mostly makes up for them.

It's possible to create shitty codebases with it, but also possible to write large, solid, readable, maintainable, performant ones. Tip: Use ES6 religiously, use Promises to minimise callback hell, don't be afraid to make very liberal use of the extreme number of tiny support libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel, and use a testing framework.

I've been using it for work for the last ~6 months. I was unhappy at first, having been convinced of its awfulness by all the internet memery. The truth is that, if you know what you're doing and do things right, it's absolutely fine and in fact has many advantages.

>Are you trolling?
I was.

Sublime Text and that awful monokai theme aren't. And JS is shit, everyone knows that

>JS is shit, everyone knows that
I don't. Explain how is shit.

Such as?

Webfag please go
is this way


So you don't know either.

JS is love, JS is life

JS managed to become the language of the internet - something what Java wanted to be and fair enough failed.

we r just memeing user. JS is cool, you do you

Backend dev here. Depend on the project. I highly recommend it for data-lightweight projects mostly based around client-client or spammy client-server communication.
Other than that.. it's fucking javascript man.

no it isn't; stop trolling the pure web devfag

I covered most of them. Popularity, support, availability of staff, library ecosystem, toolage.

fizzbuzzes in haskell have fun

It's the future

Only fags hate JS because the creator voted against their disgusting mockery of marriage.

Java failed because it is too complex, webdevfags couldnt understand it

> Don't let your memes be streams


no thanks

Lots of errors and bugs in the language, stupid shit like callback everywhere, too much syntax sugar (JS is NOT class based ffs, its prototype based or whatever thats called), took the worst style of Java (camelCase...) and inserts fucking semicolons if you dare to use allman style everywhere. And thats only 10% of whats wrong

Yep, that happens. Pic related. But it's perfectly fine in practice, unless you're using a worthless editor.

schemefag detected

>code smell

>Tip: Use ES6 religiously, use Promises to minimise callback hell, don't be afraid to make very liberal use of the extreme number of tiny support libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel, and use a testing framework.

I can confirm, those are god-tier tips.

> The truth is that, if you know what you're doing and do things right, it's absolutely fine and in fact has many advantages.

I reached the same conclusion. ES6 really helped make the language decent.

>extreme number of tiny support libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel

>Don't fight JS on truthy/falsey

Agreed. Once you learn JS well, the usage of == versus === will be second nature.

Don't pay attention to people who say to always use ===. There are cases where == will work fine, and is actually a more concise way of expressing the semantics you would want.

Sure, it's a bit more complicated that it would have been if they had designed the language better, but the rules aren't very hard to learn.

Agreed, they have to work on it. But as your link shows, they're addressing the problem by introducing some policy changes.

>make very liberal use of the extreme number of tiny support libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel
Please don't. It's not reinventing if you just put the parts together.

All of those things exist with other platforms though. What about technical advantages that actually make Node better for writing x, y or z types of service?

>Java failed because it is too complex, webdevfags couldnt understand it
Java is shit easy, its like sticking together lego blocks. It failed because all the libraries are built into the language, Java is a platform that traps you into only using Java for everything and having to wait for people who maintain the Java platform to provide features
>five.tooSlow() // 5, with a ~500 millisecond delay

What is typescript, fucking pajeet

>not PureScript, Elm or GHCJS


Go away

>if(!user.local.isRegistered == true)
what the actual fuck

>not writng in ocaml and compiling to javascript

>not writing in Rust and compiling to WebAssembly

It's just the opinion of retards that can't figure it out and at the first road block go "REEEE FUCK THIS LANGUAGE".

JS is a beautiful, versatile language but admittedly not always the correct tool for the job.

Python Flask will consume all.


You don't have a choice :^)

>High performance (V8 is fastest compiler ever written for a dynamic language)

An obligatory physics simulator written in JS.

>mfw Sup Forums can neither physics nor javascript

>what is LuaJIT

i can write that in java in 25 minutes

>JS physics simulator
Welcome to hell.

Fuck no

plz do

Just 4x slowdown compared to C++. I can always port it or some parts of it to C++.

LuaJIT is already abandoned, it has been ~3 years as it has been superseded by V8.

of course
it's web scale


Still looking for a job? Living with your parents?

Fuck off rust cuck

>Just 4x slowdown compared to C++
It's more than that if you consider the lack of proper multithreading.

But I digress. Quick visual projects in javascript can be fun.

JavaScript is more efficient than Python. Just drop the meme. JS is the scripting language of the future.

Honestly though, python is still more useful for server side stuff.

You can't even fizzbuzz. And you can't write any kind of physics simulator in Java.

So fuck off and shut the fuck up, kid.


>We own the name 'thirteen'
How is this allowed? Owning a LITERAL NUMBER AS a Name?

Csptcha: Saint Yves square

>snek simulator

being this mad

> WebAssembly
Does this even exist?

I don't know if there's a working beta or anything but it is in the works

>is(2003).yearOfBirth(); // true

Oh jesus. This is great.

>V8 engine which compiles JS down vs interpreted Python 3 with no PyPy

Yep, seems like a reasonable comparison...

Let's try again, but in a different approach:

Are you a NEET?

Do you approve of node.js?

>approve of node.js

If Python were standardized (like ECMAscript) and PyPy would support 95% CPython libraries it would make sense to compare them directly. But these assumptions do not hold. I like PyPy though and I have used it. The 10-15x speedup is very real on my data manipulation tasks.

>But I digress. Quick visual projects in javascript can be fun.
Yup. And once you are done with the exploratory phase you can always port to C++.

absolutely not. they are braindead retards still doing php.