What does Sup Forums think about the Dell XPS 15?
Ordered this shit for basic programming and some games.
>inb4 "dell logo is shit"
What does Sup Forums think about the Dell XPS 15?
I have only had xp with the 13 inch model. Gave one to my mom for christmas, she absolutely loves it and I have fun configuring it for her
It's not a macbook so at least you're not a homosexual.
Though you've made a fatal mistake if you intend to play games on it. You should have built a custom desktop instead.
I don't know anything about it. But I did buy a Macbook Pro with Retina Display, and let me tell you, it's great.
So you enjoy eating shit from your own two hands?
No, actually. Is that your primary concern with Apple products? If so, feel free to buy them
I would absolutely agree, although I'm going back to school so I wanted something more mobile. I also don't know if I trust myself to build one on my own- i'm beta as fuck.
Jay Leno chin.
>screw in motherboard standoffs in case
>screw in motherboard
>install PSU
>place processor in processor slot
>secure processor
>install heatsink
>install RAM and HDD
>install graphics card
>wire everything up with labels
>boot up, install OS and drivers
wow that was hard.
good battery life/powerful
more expensive/as expensive as a macbook
>as opposed to eating shit from somebody else's hands
>Gave one to my mom for christmas, she absolutely loves it and I have fun configuring it for her
>being this much of an obvious viral marketing cuck
dell latitude are ok
Dells literally explode. Garbage company. You can't even swap out the RAM on this cuck machine. Gets all greasy look it up.
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>15" laptop
>that XBOXHUEG bottom bezel
No thank you.
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>I'm incapable of installing an operating system
>Windows™ 10™
>He uses Windows 10!
>implying I'd ever use that massive pile of shit
>implying you're capable of understanding English
>Le Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>windows 10
>Windows 10
It's great. It's Dell's best consumer offering by far, and easily the best ultraportable laptop on the entire market.
They've been a lot better ever since they went private and no longer need to deal with parasitic hedge fund managers that they didn't fire 90% of their R&D team to make sure their stocks rose .5% for a single quarter.
How is Arch support for Dell XPS [13/15]?
Hello Rasheed.
I don't even get what you're trying to imply.
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
Not today, Pajeet.
Which OS does it use?
>He doesn't want to use Windows 10
Asus shill detected. You mad that nobody is paying attention to that Zenshit 3?
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10 at that
Anyone ever tell you that you just might be, may be, mentally unhinged with how much time you're putting into this?
>Windows 10
There wasnt even a mention of windows 10 and this autist went mental
Get help
>thousand dollar laptop
>to play games and program
>doesn't play many games
>so one thousand dollars for a few games and a /programming laptop/
Consumer Sup Forumseneral
It's more than that. Sup Forums is currently a shill warzone spamming each others threads to extinguish any discussion and attempting to get the subject banned.
What you want is a Dell Latitude E5470
>Windows Laptop
into the trash it goes
I'd say get this or rMBP
the two best laptops on the market, both similarly priced.
I might be getting either an XPS 13 (pic related) or a Thinkpad T430/X230.
Anyone have experiences with either or both? The specs are far better on the XPS 13 but is it as sturdy and reliable as a Thinkpad?
XPS 13, skip that cumstained pile of shit chinkpad.
I dont believe these memelords are smart enough to take up the thing they hate to try to get it banned