What happened to the old super advanced russian technolgy meme?
What the fuck are they doing now?
What happened to the old super advanced russian technolgy meme?
What the fuck are they doing now?
>me on the right
>What the fuck are they doing now?
dying of hunger
>What the fuck are they doing now?
They're writing malware, Russian pricks
This. You think all those civil wars were good for russia?
Any russian outside of moscow who immigrates to the US will fight to the tooth to never go back to russia even if it means living as an illegal immigrant.
If the world distributed wealth fairly (instead of hoarding it in US and EU) there wouldn't be people writing malware.
It's hard not to hate rich westerners when you see how they live through the internet.
I write malware and I'm middle class.
>Any russian outside of moscow who immigrates to the US will fight to the tooth to never go back to russia even if it means living as an illegal immigrant.
This. But not due to hunger. There is no hunger here, just shitty bleak life. You can buy an Iphone for a couple of month's salary, but you will never earn enough to buy a decent life, and you won't have human rights westerners teake for granted.
It's neither 1st nor the 3rd world, it's 2nd world.
What happened to the old super advanced japanese technolgy meme?
What the fuck are they doing now?
Calm down Mr. Marx
look how fat those women are
at three full meals a day I cannot look that large
is this what you people think hunger looks like?
DonĀ“t they have their own architecture compatible with x86? iirc it has performance on par with a Q6600, not bad for a home product with niche market.
Cold War ASM takes a while just give them more time.
>old super advanced russian technolgy meme
It's not a meme.
Every part in old Russian (or Soviet) technology is made to be replaceable, so if something fucks up, every Soviet man could easily replace a part, so he didn't have to wait a week or a month when authorized service centers replace entire motherboard, so he could return to fight for the communism earlier.
It's what shitty un-nutritious food looks like, still makes yo ufat
Panasonic let's note
Playstation consoles
Dying of radiation poisoning.
being poor
They're suffering from having to play catch-up all the time thanks to their "only made here" philosophy.
Ironically, Russian technology is to the world what closed source proprietary software is to technology. Viewed as a leader, but perhaps only out of pity in many cases. Their mass incompatibility makes things much harder for them.
Hahahahahahaha haha
Nice self justification
there never was a a advanced Russian technology meme you underage faggot
it was a USSR meme
>dying of hunger
This. It's not so bad, because good russian is only dead one.
The early Xeon team had a lot of engineers poached from Elbrus
High technology in ussr is also meme, fucking commies can make only nuclear bombs.
>What happened to the old super advanced russian technolgy meme?
it's rotting in a hangar in kazakhstan
Trying to keep their heat on and food in their cupboards. The country has been on the verge of collapse for decades.
Their tech is just painted rust.
>workers of the world unite 2.0 electric boogaloo
Better stay in your oblast, Dimitri.
We America nao
>advanced russian technolgy
What technologies? russkies only recently mastered toilet paper, with the help of the Western world.
cute girls with guns just like in my mongolian cartoons, GRU knows their shit about propaganda
Lel, what and why?
if you had a bunch of money and wanted to distribute it "fairly", would you give it away to corrupt countries etc? and you think no one would try to write malware or try to make more money?
No, I would distribute the means of production and distribution to the workers that operate them.
>real communism has never been tried guis :^)
Union collapsed, no more belarus/ukraine/baltics to parasitize on.
>super advanced
if the workers are pajeets that literally shit on the streets? how well do you think they will manage the production and distribution?
funded by government. Government collapsed.
Retarded shit like perestroika, retarded government that collapses, retards clinging to USSR glory days even though they can't afford it, retards cause default, retardation continues and liberals approve of ex-KGB president, retarded Communists give away their win to make Putin a\the president, retarded president starts power centralization, bunch of corrupt officials steal all the money, retarded people are happy, because they don't have to eat stray dogs to survive, even though all that economic growth is a byproduct of high oil prices. Oil prices drop. Meanwhile everything good about USSR dies and rots, but everything bad becomes even worse.
Welcome to hell.
Increase in education. It's a combined effort.
actually i thought that hangar collapsed after having fallen into disrepair
most people are just destined to be plebs no matter how much you coddle them
Military technology, which retards on Sup Forums don't recognize because this is a consumer electronics and marketing board.
For example, they currently produce and use the most advanced surface to air missiles/missile system.
get your Sup Forums bullshit graphs out of here.
stay delusional pedro
russia makes good glass
russian or soviet telescopes are very expensive and will get sold fucking quick because of how good they are
Their entire science program was based on potatos, but famine hit and their edge in this fast growing research area was replaced by american children building potato clocks for science fairs.
USSR was a prison. That means none of the smart people could legally emigrate. Once that prison was brought down they left their shitholes.
Same shit for Cuba. Castro decided to allow emigration in 1980, there was a drain of 125 thousand people in 6 months, so he closed down his island-prison again.
The hangar collapsed and destroyed the Buran that successfully did an orbit and landed all by itself with it's onboard navigation systems.
Those 2 were moved to a more secure hangar and are still there to this day.
One of them is 95% completed or close to that, they almost equipped it for launch when the Columbia blew up cause they had no way to get the people down from the ISS and deliver fuel in case of an emergency.
Lots of good things
>tfw not russian
>no niggers
looks like a better place to live than the us
slavs are basically niggers
>all these qts
>radiation hitting san fran
Nothing of value lost
Calories in, calories out, faggot
How much you eat matters infinitely more than what you eat
it's a lot more complex than that lay off the /fit/ memes for a while
fucking slavs look hilarious
>not being scared of crazy Russian hackers
If only
then I might not feel like shit eating junk but small amounts of it
Not even a single nigger!
Meanwhile in the US... it's all low IQ violent spics & niggers.
This is why USA is doomed.
HL3 will be IRL
>Calories in, calories out, faggot
that's dumb and you should feel dumb user
How many calories you eat is the only thing that affects weight gain.
Calories out and calories in changes based on activity and what you eat, but no matter what you eat, quantity will increase the amount of calories you consume.
Eat less you fat fuck. Stop making 'muh metabolism' excuses. If your metabolism is so slow then why are you eating 3500 calories a day you dumb fat shit
I'm not fat, I'm 125lbs and 5'10. Calories in/out is only relevant to a certain extent. The contents of your food also matters a hell of a lot, probably more even. Proteins, nutrients, how much vegetables you eat, how much sugar you consume and how your body processes it all are huge factors that completely nullify "calories in calories out". Obsessing purely over calories makes you sound like a girl lol
this and for example insulin spikes, you can eat one or two huge meals like intermittent fasting and lose weight, or eat very low carbs for a ketogenic diet, there's a lot more to it than just calories, it's very naive to think in such a simplistic way and to think that it's all there is to know about it, guess why research on nutrition is still in the dark ages but you've got it all figured out it's just the calories huh
why does the teacher look like shes from the 90's?
Look at Mrs.Montoya
Mhm. Literally changing your sleep schedule so you get enough between late evening ~9-11pm to 6-9pm and making sure you don't sleep to short or long will have a significant impact on your energy levels and guess what energy levels help with? Weight loss.
You haven't actually nullified the "calories in, calories out" argument for losing weight though.
>look how fat those women are
Big bones.
God damn, it still hurts.
t. born in USSR (89)
cmon bro ur making us looks bad
>saving 2 copies of the same picture
>What happened to the old super advanced russian technolgy meme?
Oil prices plummeted and economic sanctions from the west cut a lot of funding for Russian shilling.
>What the fuck are they doing now?
The same as they've done for the last 20 years. Mocked up one or two "technological innovations" that you never hear from again but without as much proganda/meme force behind it.
The golden arches colonized Russia when the wall fell. Welcome to the 21st century where the poor are fat and the rich skinny.
And then there will be yet another revolution and the cycle begins again. Such is life.
>There is no hunger here
Putin's shill, please. Everyone knows we are here dying of hunger in masses.
>not bad for a home product with niche market
There was only a limited number of them produced for the government structures and military. And also it has price of 3000$, which is much more than any modern CPU made by Intel or AMD.
What are they like? I've never met a black person in my life, so i don't understand why do many white americans dislike them so much.
Your entire argument boils down to how you feel. You know what helps give you energy regardless of sleep? Energy. You know what calories is a measurement of? Potential energy.
You can sleep as good or bad as you want, you can eat exclusively raw sugar or a nutria to balanced diet, but if your calorie intake exceeds the energy you use, you will gain weight. If your energy output exceeds your calorie intake, you will lose weight.
Instead of niggers we have a lot of muslim sandniggers from chechnya and dagestan.
>Hoarding wealth
You never had economics, right?
They still make good rocket engines. The rest of the world use them.
>tfw the most modern and advanced russian processor ever made has the same level of performance as a budget american cpu released 10 years ago
USA army can take moscow in few weeks. You should learn how to wash your piggy face, russkies.
slavs are subhumans, even nigger better than this mongoloid scum.
>USA army can take moscow in few weeks.
Hitler thought he could win the war against Russia in 15 days too.
they have a jet that's pretty gud
well maybe he should have actually given out winter uniforms to his soldiers
The T-50? Still in development. First one is expected in 2017.
you mean PAKFA? literally F22 tier
it's objectively inferior to the F-22 they don't even have the money to buy more than 15 of them
There were only 9 prototypes produced. And none of them have 5th-gen engines yet, they're still using the old ones the same as Su-27/30.