> Is it in their DNA Sup Forums?
Why is Pajeet so smart when it comes to technology?
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All the unnecessary shit knowledge is in their excrement. Unfortunately, it means a world of poo is inevitable
99.99% of pajeets do trivial programming like data moving, or things you're too bored to do yourself.
I have yet to see a single pajeet come up with an algorithm or something complex.
>implying creating algorithms is even complex
It's pretty much fundamental to programming. I've only ever seen a few pajeets use a while loop. I think OP is doing what pajeets do best. Spewing shit from his ass!
pajeet pls go
They aren't smart. It's just that there is 1 325 000 000 of them, while there is only 300 000 000 americans. They may have the same or lower ratio of technically capable people, but they prevail due to raw absolute numbers.
Fucking breeders are creating suffering and devaluing human life.
How have they overtaken changs in the tech biz though? Obviously the changs have east asia on lockdown but in silicon valley pajeet has advanced way ahead of chang.
Pajeet isn't good at tech, he is good at haggling for hours on end, being networking normies is in their DNA, hence why he will get your job OP.
>he thinks human life had any value to begin with
Monkeys and typewriters senpai
Indians love mathematics for some reason, always have since ancient times.
If there were more Chinese who would into English then chinks would be replacing Pajeets who are replacing neckbeards
There are also loads of Chinese, Indonesians, Turks and Brazilians.
But they all suck at computer, even the Chinese with their state sponsored IT universities.
Cultural thing.. Many indians force their kids into IT. Because it is viewed as smart to be in IT.
So the kids follow the command of the parents and learn stuff they don't care about.
Fucking spaghetti code monkeys
google panda algorithm
I don't care about making a list, this is what I could list on top of my head, I am sure there are several others.
Hello Sup Forums,
was en.wikipedia.org
First world gunnery vs third world, there is literally nothing here except Engineering and medical courses when it comes to education, you go teacher or Pharma if you fail either of those, this is a culture trying, India doesn't have rich options like swimming, sociology, psychology, or the test of the madness I can't even think of.
Of course there are exceptions, but those are rare.
I typed it on my phone and there are three typos there, pls ignore
How come we don't see a lot of yellow asians in the same number and importance as brown asians?
google and microsoft have pajeet CEOs and even without that they tend to advance much further in management than changs do. I don't see any chang CEOs of major US tech companies.
Hahaha, that's funny. Can't trust them to do anything challenging, they are only taught in school to preform one job, anything outside of that is totally impossible for pajeet. We have an entire team just to check entry work because of this, anything they don't understand is ignored and it leads to sloppy work, better off hiring American kids from the local tech center, they can think outside the box and solve problems that don't fit in a script.
They aren't any more smart than anyone else (not counting blacks...). It's just that one out of five people on the planet are from India, so they are pretty common, and a lot of them travel into western countries partially because India has been part of the British Empire and so they had easier immigration to there, and from there to America.
The only thing that makes them better at technology is that, with everything else, their goal is to do a good job and appease their bosses, while for white guys it is just a job to pay the rent. They put more effort into it, is all.
Top kek!!
And yet they cannot create and run a country with working infrastructure, nor master the talent of shitting in a bowl..yep masters of technology alright.
Indians don't create shit..they do what they are told and do not use their brains if they encounter an issues on that assignment. They are the idiots that will if told to drive straight..will drive into obstacles in front of them because they were not told to move around objects they encounter. That is the Indian intellect.
Oh forgot to say..source.
I work for fucking MS...so think I have more insight than most of you.
We have signs in the bathroom with pictures showing them not to stand on the toilets and squat shit like they do on the streets back home. And we get their best and brightest..lol.
Brilliant people alright.
pics or didn't happened.
Your CEO is an Indian, you can say whatever you want on an anonymous board, but he can get you fired and you can't, don't you think you are the loser here.
What do you mean user?
>be me
Every piece of code I have ever seen from a Pajeet has been pure shit. I'm sure there are some good Pajeet software engineers. There are over 1 billion Pajeets on the planet so some of them have to actually have talent. But I've never encountered one.
I know one guy who went with a Pajeet offshore firm for a VB6 to .NET conversion. A year and six figures later he had a "project" that wouldn't even compile. He came to me and I had to break the news that the entire code base was shit in the street and should be tossed into the trash. No recourse because how do you sue someone in a foreign country?
They only follow instructions and use somebody else's work. They only know the most superficial about a certain topic and never feel curious to go "deeper".
You can see this for example in an Android ROM flashing tutorial, they simply repeat whatever their Pajeet older brother taught them while recording without giving any insight on what's going on.
I fucking hate that type of people, that do not understand what the fuck they're doing and why is that happening
There's a billion of them just based on that there is bound to be some have that have computer skills.
>diversity hire
>needs a sign to tell him not to squat on a toilet
>"hurr durr he's the ceo and you're the loser"
At least user is house broken.
Sup Forums is slowly turning into Sup Forums. Feelsbadman
P A R J E E T ! ! ! ! !
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Does this mean China's warplanes and radar defenses are shit If they can't do computers.
He said tech companies.
>Does this mean China's warplanes and radar defenses are shit If they can't do computers.
No. It means they buy the tech from the Russians.
Look, there are Indians, and there are Indians. Satya has been in the US since 1990. He is Americanized at this point. I am talking about the hb1 visa fucks that we flood our companies with.
I have a close friend that is pretty high up at MS, he had an office across the hall for Satya for yrs, he says he is not like the drones we ship in. I trust his judgement since I have not met the man myself.
At Ms you will find offices with 3-4 Indians sharing it..with 2 laptops in the room..wtf?
They clique up and hire their buddies once one gets a mgr position..soon a team will just transition to all Indians due to the caste/nepotism system they all prescribe too. Many feel this is traitorous behavior on a companies part and I tend to agree with that stance.
My little brother worked as a trainer at a check cashing franchise..said you would not believe the amount of money these fucks remove from our local/national economy due to sending their money back home for family support. Money that would be spent here at home in our country if we hired our own citizens.
because they have no life, like literally no free time all they do is study shit or work. If you spend 90% of your time doing one thing you're going to be good at it
What you're describing is meta-cognition and yes they do seem to to lack it.
What are you even talking about?
>you would not believe the amount of money these fucks remove from our local/national economy
Nigger the military defense spends $600b yearly, I think a few thousand Pajeets aren't harming the economy as much as the corrupt bankers & politicians that are sinking the country into a pile of Pajeet doo doo are.
> (OP)
>99.99% of pajeets do trivial programming like data moving, or things you're too bored to do yourself.
>I have yet to see a single pajeet come up with an algorithm or something complex.
Completely agree.
top lel, have you seen how advanced indian engineering and hardware is these days?
>in the u.s. a few years
Yet he took a steaming shit on end user property and privacy rights with the forced Windows 10 upgrade, didn't he?
Why am I not surprised that a foreigner from India would have no regard for things like privacy and controlling your own computer?
>fuck Satya
I hear there have been stunning innovations in toiletry.
>tfw that pajeet is actually pretty cute
how do i into poo in loo bf
>remove all toilets from home
>start eating shitty spicy food
>shit in the open, don't wipe, wait until a crust of shit Form around your butthole
>bath only in murky water
>approach to the nearest pajeet
>mfw a coworker of mine could have easily wrote this.
>user, if you get asked about pajeets tomorrow at work, you might need to lurk more, or risk more encounters.
I went to school with Pajeet. Pajeet is good with Pajoogle. He doesn't bother opening up his text book or read the problem, just goes straight to Pajoogle and writes down the first Pajck Pajflow.
>quotes the entire post
you can get this brown dick