Why haven't mods posted on Sup Forums for a long time?

Why haven't mods posted on Sup Forums for a long time?

Looking back through the archive the last time a mod posted on Sup Forums was 3 years ago.

Other urls found in this thread:


or maybe they just posting as anonymous, can't tell

A mod posted a blinking picture a few days ago.


puppup :D

Dumb tripfag


mods are an extinct race


It's good for mods not to get involved for a couple of reasons.
1. When they do actually speak, it carries more weight.
2. This site thrives on the fact that everyone is on equal footing. No up or down voting. All opinions and views are treated equally, provided that the rules aren't being broken.
3. Attention whoring by using tripcodes is already looked down upon, and authority is often the butt of the joke. Why would they want to post when everyone basically tells them to go fuck themselves?

They still interact with us by being helpful. They create stickies for large events, and they do an occasional (user was banned for this post) when it's appropriate and funny. It's best for them to just proclaim something every couple of months, and for us to then go about our business.


kek, and when they do post, it's a shitpost

how can they enforce rule 6 if they break it all the time :^)

>Posting your battlebuddy and meme tech but not your meme gun
I'm onto you lad

>Sup Forums
Your gnew is showing.

Also this:


That's a nice pup, OP.

Sup Forums doesn't have mods.


When they're not neglecting Sup Forums mods actually seem pretty cool

I remember that day. We celebrated when we realized that mods were asleep. We shitposted chinese cartoons that night. We were happy. And we kept shitposting, it was a non stop, until we realized that mods never woke up.

Mods don't ended care about g anymore.

Who is this semen demon


Sup Forums is moderated by bots now.They changed to bots around august 2015~ish. You guys didnt hear?

They're too busy deleting desktop threads.

they should just make me a Sup Forums mod i'll fuck you guys up

Me too.

Or at least a jannie.