Time for hardball, Sup Forums. Redpill me on android

Time for hardball, Sup Forums. Redpill me on android.

When my company's IT guy found out that I switched from iOS to Android he expressed disappointment and joked that I'd regret it.

His major points were that the open sourced software discourse doesn't practically pertain to us laymen, and that iMessage is a a superior encryption format. 95% of apple devices currently in users hands are dealing in encrypted information, whereas only some 10% of Android devices are.
>source: Google it, there are articles right there

Is Android a meme for faggots who like to rice? It's no secret that the feds can't break into apple devices and that Apple is openly fighting them on it.

>Bonus round: is Edward Snowden a meme now? He's on fucking vice pulling cameras out of phones like a circus performer, making jokes on Twitter and generally being a social media clickbait personality now, why?

>It's no secret that the feds can't break into apple devices and that Apple is openly fighting them on it.

You realize FBI dropped the case because they were able to crack the iPhone with an exploit, right?


>smartphone discussion

let me laugh for a moment...

No I didn't realize that-- got some reading material handy? Is apple doing anything about that? Does it change the fact that android devices are generally more vulnerable or is that just a misconception?



Enjoying these Sup Forums style meme images but Apple being verifiably shit doesn't seem to speak to that 10% statistic


no. stay le blue pilled XD

iPhones are full of hardware/software backdoors. It's widely known hackers pay for knowledge about these backdoors.

Literally don't give a shit
>no mSD slot
>cant torrent
Literally don't give a shit
>screen res
Literally don't give a shit
>muh camera
I don't take selfies faggot
>bad battery life
Never noticed because I charge my phone at night
>shit mobile OS
Prole simple and functional, ugly as sin doesn't mean shit you ricefaggot
>no native file browser
>cant use phone as flash drive
Literally don't give a shit
>file sharing restricted to WiFi
>no back button
App specific complaint on iOS dipshit
>shit multitasking
Citation needed, never experienced a practical issue
>less apps
Only fifty indie notepads? The horror
>encryption full of back doors
Finally the fucking point of the thread: android is no different on this point so what's the fucking use? This OS debate is a meme argument between design school dropouts and proles who don't have time to care

Nice memes

My opinion is that Android and iOS are complete shit for many reasons.
Iphones are locked down, and so are many Androids. Iphones are more locked down, but it works if you don't care about your freedom. They both force you to use one programming language unless you use the android NDK, which is shit. Androids have little standards across systems, and support and security upgrades go through the carrier and manufacturer, and not apple or Google. Iphones only run signed code, which is good if you completely trust Apple. Their encryption is shit, though, and if you think your data is safe behind a 4 digit pin, you're a retard. Android encryption is better, but it only encrypts user data. Androids are much less useful without the non-free Google Play APIs, which google keeps locking down. The main non-AOSP camera app can now also be considered non-free due to this. I'm running cyanogenmod on a nexus 6 with f-droid, while I wait for the Ubuntu phone to gain more traction.

>"everybody thinks like me and likes/dislike the same things I do"
Kill yourself. I used to own an iPhone 6 btw

How tolerant :^]

Useful post thanks user. Given me some things to look into.

Any word on the Ubuntu phone? Not familiar with it being a thing.

The FBI was only able to crack the 5C as it lacks the crypto coprocessor inside the SOC.

Anything newer and they're fucked still.

>missed the point this hard

The object of that post wasnt to say my opinions were better. The object was to say that the majority of these criticisms are contestable opinions themselves at best, which have no fuckin bearing on the subject at hand. The post pursued this object by way of offering a likewise opinionated counterpoint to each "criticism" in the image which was itself just a vapid opinion devoid of any applicable substance.


Holy shit shit, you're such a fucking nerd LMAO.

Congratulations, you just discovered that the choice is a matter of personal taste. P.s. hardened android is way more secure and private

>what's the main camera app? I don't get it

Ubuntu runs on some phones specifically made for it, as well as the nexus 5. I wouldn't consider it feature-complete yet. Encryption hasn't been implemented yet, tmk. I just hope shuttleworth puts more money and manpower behind it.

>He still has no substance to offer
>He congratulates me for explaining the piece of the exchange to him which is still somehow lost on him

What are you doing user?

I'm not him

You open up the app to take pictures. The one that comes bundled with most phones is non-free, while the AOSP maintains the free one.

I use open camera. Still have the shutter sound issue tho, cos Lenovo took the law too seriously. Think I'll have to literally wipe all wav files to fix it.... Any suggestions? I wouldn't be asking if Google was of any help

So what are either one of you doing then, because it doesn't really matter if you're one person or two-- if you're bundling your conclusions on his stupid foundations, does it?

Nice strawman

I actually purchased the first consumer Firefox OS phone, which was complete shit. That product failed spectacularly, because the software and hardware design were both awful.

>It's no secret that the feds can't break into apple devices
This was a ruse from the start user. They want people to think Apple devices are secure. Remember Prism?

>freedom doesn't practically pertain to us laymen

solid argument

>It's no secret that the feds can't break into apple devices and that Apple is openly fighting them on it.

You misunderstand. The feds/NSA/whoever can and have been able to hack Apple devices all along. What they are missing is a legal precedent to be able to do it legally.

Until they are legally permitted to do so and a precedent is set, they are forced to do it illegally (and in secret), which allows them to use less resources and is an inconvenience in general.

On the other hand, Apple loves this because it's an opportunity to show their customers how much they care about their privacy.

There's your redpill of the day.

>open sourced software discourse doesn't practically pertain to us laymen,
I don't own guns, nor do I want to own them. But I defend the right to bear arms right alongside the NRA. You don't need to utilize something directly to know why it's important.

>iMessage is a a superior encryption format.
It's also a closed system, and there are many like it on other platforms including Android.

>95% of apple devices currently in users hands are dealing in encrypted information, whereas only some 10% of Android devices are.
To be clear I'm not entirely pro-Android, but it does have full encryption capability. You can't really hold it against Google if most people aren't willing to utilize it. It is, however, on by default on the N5X and N6P.

you HAVE the option to encrypt your entire phone w/ android

Switched from the iPhone 6 to a rooted LG V10. Next contract reup Ill be getting an iPhone, I love that I can do whatever I want with the V10 but at the same time I like iMessage... Really the only reason.

Do you honestly believe that?

You're most definitely the sort of fag to interrupt a classroom lecture to give your long winded, wordy, completely unasked for worthless opinion

handhelds are cancer of the tech world. throw out your touchscreens and get actual cell phone or a landline.

Unlocking an individual iPhone =/= Providing a backdoor so that the FBI can get into anyone's iPhone or Mac from their offices.

Except Android also has chat/email clients with Encryption, and without paying 600 for a walled garden.

For me, the Moto E 2nd gen that I paid $25 for at wal-mart was superior to the iPhone 5s that I had. So I sold the iPhone. Between the ability to torrent, clover, the 128gb SD card I ended up buying, PDAnet(not sure if on ios), and blocking ads - it wasn't even a hard decision. The majority of time on my phone is spent listening to music(AIMP), in Clover, Torrenting, or moving files around with the sd card serving as a flash drive. An iPhone with enough storage for a fair bit of FLACs is way too expensive. It's so convenient not having to get out of bed, grabbing a torrent of some movie, and starting to play it ~5 minutes later. There are a few places with open hotspots that have way more bandwidth than my home connection so I can torrent my games on those and copy them over to my pc when I get home. iPhones just don't have the features that matter to most of my friends and I.