ask a normie working at a large tech company anything. i imagine some of you are curious about social lives in silicon valley, etc.
I will not provide any proof
ask a normie working at a large tech company anything. i imagine some of you are curious about social lives in silicon valley, etc.
I will not provide any proof
how much do you make.
Are they really scared of Trump?
Do you think sibling marriage will ever become legal? I really like my sister.
Hypothetical: You are walking down a crowded street in the middle of the day. Where would be an appropriate place for you to poo?
120k base, with an expected 20% bonus per year and around 50k in stock (RSUs) per year
>I will not provide any proof
why do you lie about your life on an anonymous image board to make yourself feel better?
sillicon valley is super liberal, so on social issues yes. I doubt the higher ups care much about the inevitable tax breaks
organic fair trade coffee shop after I order a latte.
>a normie working at a large tech company
>on Sup Forums at 2PM on a Tuesday
I think I have a smug enough anime face for this.
Not to mention posting on Sup Forums when his internet activity is being monitored.
>it's 2PM everywhere in the world
if I start responding to these it will paint a far too precise picture of where I work and potentially who I am. feel free to ignore this thread entirely
Its 2pm in California you illiterate brazilian.
from OP
>social lives in silicon valley, etc.
he doesn't explicitly state he resides in silicon valley, he uses it as an instance of place.
This reads like a lesson in how to dig yourself in deeper. Stop.
I didn't explicitly state you're retarded, i'm just using it as an instance of equivalent intelligence
holy shit you got destroyed, and now your covering it up with some bull shit excuse. Fucking retard user
Nope, if you were a normie you wouldn't be on this site in the first place, nor use that autistic word.
>large tech company
you can't even say what it is?
If OP actually works in a large company, he should have no problem posting about where he works. Only an extremely insecure person would be this paranoid.
Are there really a lot of gay people, and are many of them in their positions by virtue of being gay? I heard you can affirmative action the fuck out of that shit.
I don't believe the intersection of Sup Forums and the company I work for is very large.
there are gay people but I don't really know any too well. It's never struck me in the way you describe, so I would say no, not many are in their positions by virtue of being gay.
it should be noted that I am in software engineering and have virtually no interaction with designers or front end engineers, which may influence my lack of knowledge on the issue.
Do you ever run into Moot? Has he become the laughingstock he's been rumored to be now?
>tax breaks
you must not follow politics. he wants to make things like apple disappear via 18th century style tariffs because his followers are bitterly mad against any person smart enough to participate in the digital economy.