Does Sup Forums use tile tabs?
Tile Tabs
that better be a low resolution so that you can post it here
I used to when I used Firefox. My browser has no similar extension though
Don't need it.
Wouldn't it be easier to use a tiling WM with a lightweight browser like dwb?
don't even need tiling, just snap the windows to a grid
I thought the whole point is you don't need a bunch of windows open
Isn't that what regular tabs are for
use workspaces, even windows 10 has that now
Yeah but with regular tabs you can only view one per window, hence the extension
You've been able to have workspaces in Windows before 10, I used to use them in Vista. Besides, see
fuckin disgusting
I still don't see how tiletabs is a useful addon.
Then don't use it.
>Does Sup Forums use tile tabs?
Yes I do. I've never been a huge fan of Tree Style Tabs but I use this one every day.
I use Tile View.
How? i thought they removed.
They had a small banner announcing that they were moving it to an Addon.
>browsing in those tiny spaces
Looks uncomfortable. Better off with multiple monitors. Owning a laptop isn't an excuse either.
No, because unfortunately it's not available for SeaMonkey.
>Does Sup Forums use tile tabs?
I use Tree Style Tab, but unfortunately it's buggy as fuck. I wish someone competent would make an alternative version. There's a similar add-on called Tab Tree but for some stupid reason it doesn't let you collapse your tab trees so it's totally useless if you have a lot of tabs open (which is kind of the whole reason that tab trees even exist).