I've been looking for a new program to code in because writing on notepad++ and [spoiler]codeblocks[/spoiler] makes me feel old.
now I found Atom, which a friend recommended me, but
so I'm looking for recomendations
what do you guys use to write code?
which language do you prefer to write in?
I've been looking for a new program to code in because writing on notepad++ and [spoiler]codeblocks[/spoiler] makes me...
eclipse and visual studio. java and c++
Emacs breddy gud
I'd suggest Vim but I know you like all IDE fags is going to miss all the bells and whistles
Emacs has them or you can get them from melpa
best editor I've used in my life
Sublime 3 is beautiful, I like it.
>Needing a GUI and unnecessary bloat to program code.
Serious mate if you are not using nano in tty..
>to program code
>I've been looking for a new program to code in
>not programming code to program programs
Any language is fine
>Programming like a Russian
Amen, the only problem is it consumes a lot of ram..
Codeblocks should make you feel very young.
I love komodo ide. I bought it on a sale for like 50 bucks. Pretty satisfied with it.
NetBeans makes life easier for me.
>unnecessary bloat
What is this 1995? Who concerns themselves with saving disk space?
Yeah, but it's 2016, so get enough ram and enjoy the ultimate editing experience
Visual Studio Code
Then you haven't used VISUAL STUDIO
Visual studio code senpai
Install GNU Emacs.
Nano is an editor for people memory problems or something. It just wastes space on your display showing you keyboard shortcuts. It's good for people who don't know how to use a decent editor, and I couldn't even move by words in it.
>now I found Atom, which a friend recommended me, but
Are you implying Atom is only for Javascript? I don't get it
Notepad++ works quite good for small things,
Netbeans is britty good imho.
Java, c and scripts.
Sublime is my best experience ever with a text editor. If you want a full ide experience, it's very language specific. Intellij java, pycharm python, visual Studio does a shit ton,etc.
Been using Brackets for a year and haven't had any problems. Course I've tried most of the editors here and have had no real problem with any of them.
>I found an editor that seems to be all right
>the problem is it's written in js and I have an irrational prejudice against it
>so I'm looking for recommendations
Jesus fucking christ Sup Forums, you ARE retarded.
If you can't let your worldview widen for just a single second I guess you could buy or pirate Sublime. It's the same principle than Atom, but much more mature and not written in JS.
It won't help you get your head out of your ass though. You're on your own there.
dude fuck off javascript is for fags
>dude fuck off javascript is for fags
dude you're the definition of "irrational prejudice"
There's lots of shit written in JavaScript, but the language itself is solid (more so after ES6), and the V8 engine is fast (possibly the fastest scripting language after JIT-compiled Lua). The ecosystem is mature and the community is huge.
Imagine I said Python is for fags just because of my experience with RenPy and Pygame.
Atom had a lot of performance problems at first, but they were caused by the implementation, not the language itself. It has improved since. It used to have size limitation that is gone. Last week I edited a minified 32k+ lines file from a new client without a hitch (other than my retarded client not retaining their original sources for editing).
Sublime is much better, but again, it's because it is more mature, not because of the language it's written in. Don't be a 10 year old arguing AMD vs Nvidia or XBox vs PlayStation.
>Sublime is much better, but again, it's because it is more mature, not because of the language it's written in
agreed. sublime is a pretty solid editor.
if you're concerned about muh closed source software, you're not gud enough, just stay pleb
intelliJ is also recommendable for java
I used to use Sublime, but I can't stand the "BUY A SUBSCRIPTION NOW!" pop up every fucking 20 saves or whatever it is. And I'm not paying for it
So I switched to Atom, it's the best I've found.
Sublime is among the best pieces of software I've ever used
Sublime 3 serial
holy shit, what kind of autistic editor is this?
Eclipse Mars and Atom, but mostly Atom.
Java, php, some JS
>Yeah, but it's 2016, so get enough ram and enjoy the ultimate editing experience
get out
Is VS Code also written in JS?
IntelliJ is good, but not worth paying for now.
It used to be hands down the best, but Eclipse (and Netbeans, though I don't really care for Netbeans) have both caught up to IntelliJ.
IntelliJ basically gets repped from how much better it was than Eclipse ten years ago, rather than today.
t. fizzbuzz artisan