Where can I meet my programming trap GF or do they only prefer to date girls?

Where can I meet my programming trap GF or do they only prefer to date girls?

now delete the thread

Is NOOPEPT actually useful? How does it compare to Modafonil?

Programming wannabe trap here. I prefer girls.

I feel like the kind of traps that would post on /soc/ aren't Sup Forums material (let alone GF material)

Are you the guy who has been posting on /lgbt/?

Then away from here and go out and find one.

TFW no qt gf who will cuddle-wrestle me.

>tfw go to local ruby meetup
>in the back theres a cute girl
>presenter makes us go around talking to new people for 10 minutes, then they blow a whistle and we talk to the next
>i finally get to the qt girl
>via my extensive internet experience I can tell shes MtF trans, but very passing
>say hi and we talk
>she's kind of shy
>10 minutes flys by, we were very comfortable with each other and laughing.
>presenter blows whistle
>i say: 'you're very cute and really smart, we should get together some time'
>get her number

>next day
>text her, ask if she wants to talk about some new JS library we talked about the day before and get some lunch
>she agrees
>lunch goes great, we're really clicking
>i get up and pull out my Beretta 92fs and put 8 rounds of 9mm right through HIS skull
>waitress's panties soak
>manager gives me an encouraging nod

thank you for the training, Sup Forums

trans faggot BTFO

good job user

Lovin' every laugh

Good job

Went out better than expected

>posting other peoples stores as your own

>tfw no qt femmy trap bf

Become one yourself. Imagine being able to look at a cute trap everyday.

ha sure taught that fag a lesson

>I date a trap

How is it?

I draw picture for him because I'm fucking mentally ill though lel

>This is what autogynophyliacs actually believe

>have a asian gf
>secretly want to be thrown on my back and plowed in my ass while wearing a dress and rubbing his chest with my feet

What do?

There's nothing wrong with crossdressing as a fetish.

Right. Some people just want to wear leggings and cum all over themselves.

This. I don't care how degenerate it is it makes my dick hard as diamonds and I only do it in private so all the haters can fuck off.

Has anyone actually ever tried programming while wearing a skirt?

I haven't found a skirt I'm comfortable with, but I've programmed in a pretty and tights. Feels nice.

include me in ebin screencap

Programming? No. But I've done breadboarding and circuit simulations in leggings, skirts, frilly dresses, and lingerie and it feels cute.

Just have to be careful with components because the last thing you want is for your cute dresses to smell like burnt capacitor because you were careless.

Turned down, huh?

Also I don't do soldering when cross-dressing since I don't want my clothes to catch fire or for them to get dirty with solder of flux. Also idk how to get lead out of clothes and I'm not looking to find out.

Modafonil wakes you up (boosts END)
NOOPEPT protects your neurons from oxidative stress (boosts INT)

most burgericans would see a benefit from Omega3 fish oil because of their shitty diet.

Living in burgerstan here. Will look in to this.
You sound cute, user. You should post pics of your skirt and resistors.

You're going to burn out if you keep relying on nootropics to maintain mental clarity.

why do people think this shit works
just abuse amphetamines like an adult

Or just take Ritalin so you always get good quality Amphetamines.

Modafinil is pretty much a weak amphetamine without the abuse potential and the comedown or the bruxism of course if you've taken typical amphetamines the effect may be underwhelming.

I'd imagine most traps are gay, so you're at least the right gender if you're into picking up gay guys

Many traps are only gay for other traps, desu

Traps don't do drugs or hormones: those are what trannies do. Traps use nothing but effort and guts.
I am on the border of being and not being a trap due to not having a good wardrobe, but I like both guys and girls equally, but of course have more success with guys.

Isn't it jarring for you to go from two extremes?

Which extremes?

Med fag here, why the fuck would you want spironolactone?!

I can guess... gynaecomastia fs