Thinking of buying this. Anyone tried it?

Thinking of buying this. Anyone tried it?

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No... You see I'm straight and prefer the company of women.

Women love emojis you fucking idiot

so kawaii !

No way I would be caught dead with this gay-ass shit anywhere near my man cave... Time to get honest with yourself and come out of the closet!

I actually love this idea. Wish it didn't look super-macish, or I'd buy it.

Thats like buying yourself a sundress and saying women love sundresses you fucking faggot

You need to work on your analogies, it's not like that at all ((wink emoji))


Its exactly like that

you could do all that through software

emojis on a pc? what

>tfw you're 30 and called them emoticons and no one knew what you were talking about :-(

It cant even :eggplant:

pretty much trash


Why do chinks love eggplant emoji so much?

mines works good

an apt analogy

Modern Internet freaks me out.

How? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

We're getting there, guys


It's the keyboard perfect for the autist who can't articulate emotion like a normal human being

desu senpai


But do they greentext?


>not having a mac and being able to do it natively


I'd rather be gay than use this thing.

sounds like you're pretty much on the fence if a computer keyboard is enough to make you say "fuck it i'll just suck dicks"

But bitches love smiley faces

>cringiest keyboard ever made

What was his name again?



For real. Back in school I always had to explain to people what various internet abbreviations meant, like LOL, OMG and whatnot. Now it feels like I'm ancient. I never use any of this new shit like tumblr, snapchat, instagram and emojis.

Mine works

Give in to the voices and end it all now senpai

No, emojis of color are not represented.

yeah they are, have a look at C and 7

>scissor switches
>fucks up the layout just so you can emoji
>no numpad
Shit keyboard/10

There's nothing gay with sucking dicks. Women suck dicks all the time and it's not gay. Literally sexist to imply it's only gay when guys suck dick.

I don't know a sundress would be nice.

Maybe it's like having a cock in your ass because women love a cock in their ass?


finally they replace the windows button with something useful

AHAHAH, I just rewatched it the other day.

Where you been senpai we're living it already

Are emojis the new rage faces?

>my man cave
Are you 16?

Man caves are more of a 30s sort of thing, it's the one room of the house a guy's able to keep his wife from pussifying

>my man cave
it smells like week old egg mcmuffins and everything is cumstained

>be 30
>not married
>no nagging gf
>habitat is just a small studio + bedroom + full bathroom
>feels good
I'm alien to this concepts.


The worst part about this is that at least rage faces started as a really niche thing on Sup Forums, whatsapp emojis started as a normie thing so be ready to get more sick of this sooner than you got sick of minions and other shit used to sell merchandise.

wew lad

why i picture some pink haired chick with fake glasses using this.

this is now a sundress thread


another one

With all those symbols, they should bring back the old Commodore keyboards.