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Why can't I get a gaming pc that is at least on par with PS4 and costs the same? I just want something that can do at least 60fps with most games in 1920x1080. Every time I go calculate the parts, it always goes more expensive.

Hi I'm an idiot from a board with Unique IDs

Is there an extension that allows me to "label" IDs?
Clicking an ID to highlight it only allows me to highlight one at a time.
Ideally I'd want to be able to write a custom label ("OP", "furfag", "mentally ill tranny" etc) so that when I see a new post in a thread I'd have an idea who it was (provided they posted before in the thread and I had labeled them).

I just installed Sup Forums X to check if it did this and it did not, and when I uninstalled it my native extension got screwed and I had a bitch of a time to get it working again so now I'm wary of installing Sup Forums extensions just to check if they can do this ;_;

>I just want something that can do at least 60fps with most games in 1920x1080
PS4 can't do that with most games. A PC as capable as a PS4 needn't cost more than a PS4.

I know that but I do want 60fps ideally.

I have a 5050 RGB LED strip behind the projector screen of my home theater. It came with an IR remote. I want to change the stock controller that came with it and replace it with an RF controller.

This LED strip I purchased.

A typicla RF controller that I want to use to replace the stock IR controller that came with my LED strip

Here is my question. The RGB LED strip I purchased is rated at "3*2A" (6 amp /3 channel). All of the RF controllers that I can find are all "3*4A" (12 amp / 3 channel). The RF controllers are nearly twice the amps of the RGB strip I purchased, but the power supply that came with my 5050 RGB LED is only 5 amps. If I plug a 4 amp per channel (12 amps / 3 channels) controller into an RGB LED strip that is 2 amps per channel (6 amps / 3 channels), will I blow out the lights in my LED strip or will the RF controller break?

>/stupid question

It's very easy to build a PC that performs better than a PS4. So easy, in fact, that your post is most likely bait.

Is the local DSL provider attempting some kind of intentional failure scam/fraud mailing ads for very non-competitive pricing or are they just shit? They're offering half the bandwidth of my cable connection for only $5 less per month, but requiring a three year contract.

PS4 can run every game at maximum settings. That PC cannot.

No it's not. I'm really anxious about putting the thermal paste and CPU on correctly.

>That PC cannot.

Well, then that PC wasn't built correctly. Post a pcpartpicker link to your build.

So I'm gonna be reformatting a series of computers, and before I nuke it I was wondering what the best method is deal with the driver issue.

Is there a simple way to backup and restore the drivers?

>That PC cannot.
What PC? I'm not seeing a part list in his post nor a link to it that would give any indication as to what exactly his PC is capable of doing.

A $360 PC cannot run every game at maximum settings while a PS4 can.

yes it can. easily.

>while a PS4 can.

obvious bait.


No, it fucking can't. A $1000 PC can't run every game at maximum settings. But a PS4 can because it's so much better hardware design.

>No, it fucking can't.

Yes it can, if you know what you're doing. You clearly don't know how to build a PC. You only need a $1000 if you want to overclock and put LEDs and racing stripes on it.

$500 if you really have to save money. $750 to be really ready. $1000 if you want alot of hardware and features

>a PS4 can because it's so much better hardware design
You bored?

Not really, just came to open this thread before starting on another thing but then I saw that post and couldn't resist.

>Why can't I get a gaming pc that is at least on par with PS4 and costs the same?
With the new AMD GPU that is about to come out you can and way better with a I5 CPU.



In general , the ps4 design is best. There is no pc that can fit in that design. The ps4 is whisper quiet too.



PS4 does and that's why it doesn't need more than one setting to make games play smooth.

here's your reply

All the pc I have used for gaming, the fans have always ended up distracting me from a game.

You're very bad at trolling.

search 'double driver'

go through the docs, and then do a test run on a single machine.

Is it bad to learn two programming languages at the same time?

Just bought my parts for my computer. What are the steps to making sure I have everything sorted before shutting this computer down and building the other? Second time building a PC and its been so long I can't remember this shit.

It's bad to learn any programming languages without professional instruction :^)

You clearly don't understand how to plan out a PC build. Here's a brief tutorial.

Remove the static of your body touching something metalic or grounded.
Remember to dont fuck everything up.
Only a dot of paste for the CPU if you are using an aftermarket HSF.
Dont forget the standoff screws.
Put the HSF first before putting the motherboard in the case.
Put your motherboard over the box that came with it.
Remember to dont fuck up the F_Panel cables.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

holy shit. I'm in love.

who is this?

On the note of fucking everything up. I remember I messed up my AMD CPU last time because I accidentally missed a row of pins despite doublechecking my work. I'll chalk it up to be depth of vision.

Does Intel also have the potential of fucking up royally like that too there I have bent pins?

Wow. If only she had a penis. I'd build a pc together with her.

Intel CPUs dont have pins.

>It's bad to learn any programming languages without professional instruction :^)

Right... because no one has ever been a self taught programmer...

Fucking tweens

Pins have been replaced by lands that get contacted by retracted pins on the motherboard when you pull the lever.

Rose is the most passable trap on the internets.


My PCI-E card isn't actually a TV tuner, but a capture card. I had to approximate with the closest thing available.

Having said that, this seems like a remarkably low number. In fact, I went back and plugged in my current card (760) just for the fun of it and came up with a value 5W greater. Is this calculator full of crap, or is the 1080 that efficient?

>mfw my HDD + and - cables were plugged into the wrong pins and I didn't notice for 3 years after the build

Come to think of it, could that be why my USB ports on the front and back seem to be underpowered?

>Come to think of it, could that be why my USB ports on the front and back seem to be underpowered?

tired of the botnet and cloud services. i don't trust any of that shit.

is there any way i can back up my files from my phone to pc wirelessly while avoiding the botnet and my files going through other people's pc's/network/websites/cloud services?

also if my sd card is encrypted if i wirelessly transfer files from my android phone to pc, do they remain encrypted?

Any files that are on your phone are also on your cellphone provider's servers. This was revealed by Snowden.

Then what are the alternatives (if any)?

Make your own VPS?

All cellphones are owned on a hardware level and have been for over a decade. Anything you put on one is automatically compromised.

Damn, that would've been mystery solved. It's really quite irritating, not being able to transfer files between two external hard drives, not being able to connect my phone, and not being able to rely on consistent controller support.

It could be related to the frontal ones but not to the back ones.


Is it really worth paying 50% extra for a 16:10 over 16:9?

I've never had a 16:9 monitor before. How shitty is it?

For what do you want it?
And 50% more? no, not worth it.

Probably just what I get for buying the cheapest Asrock Z87 on the market then, huh?



Don't set that bar too high user.

My quiet computer fans become loud when they are infront of behind fan grills (like the back of the case as exhaust).

Will they be quiet again if I remove the grill?

pls no bully, it was my first build and I didn't know any better

I'm taking a girl out to eat tomorrow night. Should I take her to Taco Bell or Burger King? My budget is $8 for both of us.

Well user, you could have done atleast a small amount of research.

That boils down to whether or not you plan to get laid. If not, go the cheaper option and hit up taco bell. If so, don't risk getting the shits from that """beef""".

$8? That slut better put out.

>post a question on /diy/
>zero replies for 5 days
>still hasn't 404'd

/diy/ /sqt/ is named QTDDTOT

How can I make vim the default text editor in bunsenlabs? I did sudo update-alternatives --config editor already but it still didn't make it the default edtior for all the files I want.

i have a 6600k and one of the cores never gets detected in any temperature programs ive tried. does that indicate a problem with the chip or the mobo?

windows 10 still says its 4 cores but even in bios it seems to think it's a 3 core processor (cores 0, 1, and 2). i have an msi krait mobo so its by no means a shitty mobo

I recently upgraded to a 1440P monitor and now everything is sluggish in photoshop CC (i had 1080P before)

could it be my GTX 750 that is bottlenecking? I have an AMD FX-8320E 8C 3.2 GHz 8MB processor so I don't think that is bottlenecking.

Much obliged Sup Forums

If I can call Linux GNU/Linux, can I call GIMP GNU/IMP?

how do you guys type when programming?
touch type or just whatever?

You could, or you could not do either and that would be fantastic.

how to reinstall windows 10. file explorer wont open

Alright so my screen just recently fucked up, it takes a loooooong time for it to "light up" even though the screen is already on but very dim, it was a few minutes at the beggining now its literally hours. You can still barely see half the screen in a dark room. It also makes a constant high pitched buzzing while on that disapears when the screen lights up.

Its kinda weird, I have to wait for it to suddenly light up, then automatically turn off on its own after a few seconds and I MUST be there to light it up again as fast as possible, 4 or 5 times for it to stabilize and work normally, those steps are pretty quick. If i dont light it up again fast and let it rest it'll restart the whole light up thing which takes hours.

Its like it has to heat up over time or something, is it my backlight/buld or my inverter that is fuckecd ? Or maybe something else ?

Just would be a waste to throw a working monitor for something cheap that I could fix myself.

Any advice appreciated.

If my main OS is Windows 10 and if I got a VM with GNU/Linux on it and put some sketchy files into the VM would those files be safe from the NSA?

VMs use "virtual" partitions for memory but the files are still located on your hard drive just like anything else..so no they wouldnt

if you're afraid of the NSA you should bury a hard drive underground and then only access it via ftp or something. as long as the files are never on your other computer they can't do shit

I'm setting up Windows for my parent's laptop. Is malware bytes the best options for security? Common sense 2016 may not be user friendly for them.

Here's a really dumb question. I have no idea how power line frequency works. If I run a 50/60hz monitor on 50hz power in my country, will it affect the refresh rate of the monitor? How does it work?

Why shouldn't I major in CE?

Windows defender is fine

No, that's not even remotely how it works. They're not related at all. Hz just means cycles per second, and is by no means universal across applications. Take a look at this. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mains_electricity_by_country You'll notice no country is running 144Hz power lines, because that would be totally retarded. That being said, some extremely high end computer systems use specially generated 400+ Hz power, but probably not for the reasons you think.
Further reading; 'alternating current'

I have a 4k monitor, in windows settings it says the typical 3840x2160, in general speccy overview, and in geforce experience
in speccy if I go into graphics more specifically, it says i'm in 2560x1440p
Every "what is my screen res" website says that as well
how do I fix this?
noticed it first when taking a puush screenshot and it was cutoff
>pic related
unsure if related but recently, (today actually) I got a second 980ti to put in sli format, along with updating to windows 10 (dx12 etc) could this have anything to do with it?
I'm going to bed after this post so i'll read anything posted in the morning
thanks in advance

>I have no idea how power line frequency works.
Hertz in AC electric infrastructure indicate how many times per second the current alternates from negative to positive.
>If I run a 50/60hz monitor on 50hz power in my country, will it affect the refresh rate of the monitor?
>How does it work?
The refresh rate of your monitor is indicated in Hertz. If your monitor is only 60Hz then it refreshes 60 times a second.

Should I turn on beamforming on my wireless router?


The fuck is that?

because everyone has been told that that's the major to study during the past 10 years and the CE job market will be super saturated by the time you graduate.

do you all use private trackers for anything? are public ones like kickass unsafe on the whole? i.e for shows or movies or games?

That is footwear, are you stupid?

Fuck me. What the hell should I do then? CS is already a crapshoot thanks to all the damn imported code monkeys. EE any good?

puush kept fucking up the resolution, i tried a simple print screen and it shows at 4k resolution, checked properties etc
wtf is the problem??

>EE any good?
You mean shit CE? No. Math, nigga.

CS is a meme.. in another 3 years, EE will be the meme, because everybody is talking about those now.. I should've take maths.. maths is unmemeable..

You've gotta be fucking kidding me right?

umm no? cant you see that maths has never become a meme for like 2137621897367812 years? and maths has the biggest contribution in terms of everything..

Is there any good IPS monitors with more than 60Hz refreshrate that doesn't cost a fortune?

>with HDR around the corner
Surely you jest.