
I need to learn how to hack cause I wanna be a hacktivist. Any advice from u guys? Where should I begin? I have cero knowledge but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to learn my shit. Help please, I don't know where to start. Do I even have to download any software or something?

Other urls found in this thread:

Install Windows 10 and use a Microsoft account.

Install Fedora/VIM and learn how to use FORTRAN.


One of these days some dummy might actually learn something from these kind of threads.


open cmd.exe
type tree

Install Gentoo

If you're serious at all read 'PGP & GPG: Email for the practical paranoid'
I think that's the name.
And don't expect any more help, that's more than what you should expect from such a stupid post (which might be bait, I'm just doing a service here)

How do I join anonymous guys?

tools you need
>an axe
>a sharpening stone
>a hard hat for safety
>optional: an utility belt

Now go out there and hack some trees

this is a tough one, as it requires two certifications
>first comes training at a daycare center
>the pay rate will be abysmal, but the experience worthwhile
>within 5 to 10 years, you'll have your nanny license
consult a doctor about this next step, as it may result in unintended side effects
>tell him you want to operate on you. To make you a moose
>the bill may be huge, but nothing unaffordable
>you will go under for about 5 hours
>if everything is successfjl, then pat yourself on the back
>you have become a nanny moose

Look for crazy guys on the subway. They are recruiters for the cyber revolution.

This, OP. Make sure you do everything they say, including anything violently sexual.

Go to, apply for a job. Congrats, you've joined anonymous


Download hack.exe and run it from the command line


c'mon Sup Forums I need some real help

Underage and b&

Fortan is shit, learn c .

Don't download software / tools these are for retarted script kiddies.
OP what do you want to hax?

but you are already part of the anonymous group.
can't you see this green "Anonymous" above your question?!
if you get stuck there are tons of youtube videos that can help