
What went wrong Sup Forums?
I just boot to KDE plasma 4 and it is god-tier. How did they fuck this amazing DE up?

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>KDE 4
>God Tier
You're a mong.

Yeah, KDE 4 was nice. But KDE 5 is on a new level; it's beautiful and functional in a way GNOME can only dream of.

looks and feels great
doesn't hand or eat up every single bit or system resource.

What else do you want?

KDE 1-3 where god-tier

Yeah Gnome is another level of retardation. KDE 5 doesn't look good to me and it is too buggy to be usable. Right now I am using i3wm or KDE 4

yeah, plasma a shit

posted from my KDE machine

I've always preferred mate or enlightenment

Always thought it looked like win 10

Yuck/10, I'll stick with openbox ty

Except even plasma 5 was around before windoze 10.

No it fucking wasn't.

Linux shills lying now? How desperate you must be...

it fucking was, Rajesh. Google yourself.



Do you realize how easy it is to find out? How retarded are you that you are calling someone a liar when you can confirm what they're saying within a minute of searching?

I won't take the bait this time.

KDE is a fucking meme

TDE exists, and it's to KDE 4 what MATE was to GNOME 3

KDE is buggy on ubuntu. Opensuse has great stability, its the best desktop Ive used.

some tips
Click maximize button with other mouse buttons
hold alt + mouse buttons to manip window.
Enable screen edges functions.
config mouse focus.
Tweak taskbar.
Scroll wheel on volume/clock to adjust volume.
Install a music player, control player from integrated taskbar
God tier performance due to qt

Its the comfiest desktop i've experienced.

Opensuse repos are dogshit.

Then they put that shit all the way on the end.
Fucking dropped.

>How did they fuck this amazing DE up?
By being as they always have been…
>OK, we have this totally new version, and everything is different!
>also, everything is broken
>ok, lets work on it
>gets better every version
>a few years after the release its finally stable, and really great
>cool, now that it is stable, lets start something new!

Sir. The open build service is a thing.
Also openSUSE comes with pretty sane package defaults, petty sure it has htop out of the box which is great.

>sane package defaults
This is true, compared to Ubuntu and it's ilk it's vastly superior, I mean Ubuntu doesn't even come with vim by default. Nano fucking Nano? Are you kidding me?

It's a pity. They could have just changed the design. Feature-wise it beats every single desktop experience.

I like Arch's package defaults.

>Savage & Regnum Online

Fucking nostalgia.


Is there any way to get the taskbar/panel in KDE Plasma 5 to have the appearance/behavior of the taskbar in Windows 7?

I would like to give them the benefit of doubt, and assume that the huge internal changes where actually necessary, but even then, there is no excuse for releasing alpha tier software as final.
There is fucking beta versions out there that are more stable than the current "stable" KDE5.

Probably, but why would you? The default W7 behaviour is utter shit.

They are beta-testing on us. One excuse is that they don't have resources to test it themselves.

Use packman

>the font size on that clock
jesus christ man

they changed the color and added more space between things.. that's main difference I see

can you tell me what's wrong with KDE 5?

btw I am not a fan of DEs in general and haven't used KDE much

Your distro probably just didn't have it in the repos. I remember Debian Unstable didn't even have it for months after it was on Arch and such.

Windows 10: Released to
manufacturing July 15, 2015; 10 months ago

KDE 5: Initial release 15 July 2014; 22 months ago

>hold alt + mouse buttons to manip window.
I think this is just part of X11, or at least a very common feature. Openbox works with way.

Looks perfect

It's just a standard way of manipulating windows. Every DE implements it.

>Those fuckhuge UI elements
>darkasmysoul colours
>limpy penis still in task bar
>using a graphical package manager
8/10, I feel lightly triggered

>Those fuckhuge UI elements
People always complain about the size of KDE shit, but you can change it. You can change the size of the buttons, the window frame, the title, basically everything to suit you.

I had to switch to xfce because kde 5 wouldn't stop crashing. It's buggy as hell

And that is exactly why I am so triggered!
KDE is the most customize-able DE, and arch-user choose to shit it up.

>UI elements
Visually pleasing and cohesive to blue
What's wrong?
>limpy penis still in task bar
Speak English
>using a graphical package manager
Why not?

>>UI elements
The elements that make up the user interface
>Visually pleasing and cohesive to blue
And not fitting anything at all, besides the terminal…
Websites? Light!
Documents? Light!
Spreadsheets? Light!
>What's wrong?
>>limpy penis still in task bar
>Speak English
sorry, my mistake, added an "y". So:
limp penis still in task bar
>>using a graphical package manager
>Why not?
Because its shit and annoys just as much as windows with its constant "upgrade this and that shit now!!!!" popups. Whats so hard about a cronjob, or typing dnf update?

>The elements that make up the user interface
I don't see anything big in the screen, may be your glasses
> not fitting anything at all, besides the terminal
Fits perfect with blue
>Arch so wrong
Why cronjob if I have a graphical update manager
>dnf update
Oh wait, cuckdora user. No wonder you post like a hostile teenager

I don't follow kde since I never really used it, but I remember when they 'deprecated' kde3 and broken early versions of kde4 got forced on everyone. is this the same thing happening over again?

It's fine on my computer, probably another case of "blame the software instead of the distro"

>is this the same thing happening over again?
Which is a shame, because KDE5 really has potential, and after a while, KDE4 also became really great, but they are pulling this shit way to early. Again.

>Fits perfect with blue
And what the hell do you do, that everything you do is blue?
Besides being on Sup Forums all day, where the blue arguably fits your black theme quite well.
Are you on of those guys?: