/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for please respond

if anyone didn't see it yet, have a look at


Why not? A bit of humor doesn't hurt every once in a while.

What does the presence of ipv6 in the output of lsmod imply if I have the following settings in my /etc/sysctl.conf on a RHEL machine?

net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

lsmod | grep ipv6
ipv6 335781 14



I'm tired of seeing white background, so I tried to rice my Luci theme, this is the result with 40% opacity.

What do you think of my theme ?

opacity kills it. But this is not really the right place for this i think.

How is Mint different from Ubuntu?

I tried out the two but Mint just seemed to be a Chinese cheap edition of Ubuntu with some cool eye-candy (open this as root, open in terminal) but friendlier feeling.

>not instigating
>not racism

American Spotted Eagle

ubuntu-il.org/ ?

באובונטו ישראל

Mint is the result of a tragic misunderstanding by it's developers: that if you fork a DE and a few of it's programs, you have to make your own distro.
For a more extreme example of that look at Elementary OS.

Mint is a derivate of Ubuntu, while Ubuntu is already a derivate of Debian. Ubuntu removes Debian branding (of which there is very little) and adds a lot of it's own branding and a few of their own programs. Mint removes the Ubuntu branding again and adds their own and also some programs.
While Debian has a clear distinction between free and nonfree software and even Ubuntu treats the issue with some respect, Mint just throws it out of the Window and adds everything regardless of whether or not it makes sense.

For these reasons we usually recommend Debian in this thread, because it is easier to start with something that's lacking and building on it, than to start with a monstrosity made by too many parties and remove parts from it.

Is there a radio program for GNU/Linux that is similar in usage to radiodroid on f-droid?

What did you try to far? getting stuff to run that is not in the wine database is a bit hard for a new wine users. what is RAGS and how far did you get?

What's the point of users, groups, and permissions if I have to do everything as root anyway?

What's the point of not just being root all the time on a desktop machine?

I'm aware of the (minimally) increased security of limiting permissions of running processes in a server or embedded environment so don't start with that spiel, please.

$ sudo docker run
$ sudo npm install -g
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo gem install #this one and
$ sudo pip install #this one really bug me

Actually now that I think about it, allow me rephrase: why do libre distros such as debian have this obnoxious tendency to restrict directory permissions in such a way that programs such as npm, gem, pip, and other developer-centric, optional software that an end-user uses on a daily basis require root for common actions? Like, it's entirely possible to have these programs use a directory that has global read/write, I don't understand it

>inb4 take it up with debian
>inb4 stop using harmful software
>inb4 other gnu/nonanswers

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my shitpost: please consider installing gentoo ]]]

nice shitpost, if it bothers you, create aliases for these things and increase the sudo timeout. the security improvement is not minimal at all.
you could try logging in as root all the time but that is a retarded idea.

>$ sudo gem install #this one and
>$ sudo pip install #this one really bug me
>installing python/ruby modules with those things and not using proper packages

Have fun hunting down leftover files.

Is there any reason to not switch from Xubuntu to Fedora?

Ubanto and derivatives have a convenient way of installing proprietary drivers. You won't find that on Fedora.

But otherwise, not really.

Just remember to install rpmfusion, install freetype-freeworld and put "Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault" in your .Xresources.

How come I need to install an extra package to make Num Lock turn itself on after booting? Why doesn't it get the Num Lock status from the BIOS settings?

I had no idea such package even exist.
Hell I had no idea people have such problems.
What's that package?

Ive never had to install drivers before (yay memepad popularity) so im probably good.


If I was you I would actually wait a little bit.
Fedora 24 release is scheduled on 16.06.
If you install now you will have to upgrade release in 2 weeks.

Hold your horses until 20.06 (always give every distro a little bit of time after the release because huge fuck ups happen often).

20 days is not long

I guess I'll fuck around with debian till then. My Xubuntu install is fucked for some reason now and i dont really want to fix it.

sudo curl hacks.thehackerknownas4chan.io/colored_zsh_ps1.sh | sh

Why hasn't Arch Linux updated to 4.6 yet?
I'm just curious.

why would they?

I dunno, why should they stop at 4.5?


hey guys noob nis here again :)
so yesterday finally got nis green lighted and yptest pass all test except #3

WARNING: No such key in map (Map passwd.byname, key nobody)

but thats not my main concern.

it seems when i try to imitate Tor iptables i get domain not bound error and yptest now shows domain not bound.

so again no tor. system runs
i run tor iptable and loose domain bound?

can anyone enlighten me on this^

Costa Rican faggot in Sup Forums

So I have an issue I'm not sure how to fix. Maybe /fglt/ can help. I clean-installed 16/04 ubuntu on a computer using an AMD graphics card to try and get a steam game to work. I updated the driver, and restarted, and it boots into Ubuntu, but there's no dash/taskbar. I can get into terminal, and that's about it.
Any suggestions?

>1G swap on a router
uh, what?

4.5.5 is the latest stable

>le epik only GNU needs credit meme

so do i need to setup tor iptable since there already exist a iptables



Huh. I saw picrelated on kernel.org and assumed "stable" meant "stable", but apparently "stable" is 4.5.5, while 4.6 is "mainline". Makes total sense.


How retarded are you?

This is a friendly thread. Please choose a different thread for memes.

Then stop memeing your GNU/Linux bullshit



but NOOOOOOOOO, you had to reply to the obvious bait.
Whatever happened to "don't feed the trolls"?

Alternative to shittyappsguy's software and Everything written in C and using GTK.


sorry, bud

That wasn't bait

that's a good answer.

Looks breddy good. Thanks for sharing.

No, it was.

I started to use this app. I'd love to know some similar Linux software.


You can't just call everything you don't like bait

No, I can.


I looked up what the hell radiodroid is:
>Look up online radio streams at RadioBrowser and listen to them.
(F-Droid description)

so what is RadioBrowser? Website says:
>Everyone can use this station board in their software freely. [...] It is used by the following projects:
>Rhythmbox-Radio-Browser - A plugin for rhythmbox
>StreamTuner2 (Contrib-Plugin)
>Gradio (Linux/GTK/Gnome)

Does that help?

What else would you use the available storage for you dingus?

oh did u forget you are in a friendly thread, there are no trolls

Finally something that doesn't use pygtk

What uses pygtk? Isn't that also deprecated? I think you're supposed to use pygobject instead.

Logged into a centos server for practice purposes I do not have root.

Something is wrong and my terminal prompt is fucked up.
export PS1= "\e[0;32m[/u@/h /W]\$ /e[m "

This command fixes it but it resets every time I log in. How do I get it to run this command automatically every time I log in. I tried appending it to the .bashrc files in my home directory but it doesnt seem to work.

Any tips?

your .bashrc already has a line starting with PS1 just replace that with your PS1

Its empty actually outside of a commented line.

I was digging around however and found PS1 in a bash_profile file next to it. Going to try there thanks might just be some querk of the server.

I need some help installing some drivers. I don't know the command prompts to install the files in the picture. Any help would be appreciated.

>inb4 -rm -rf. I know at least that much.

>>This command fixes it
This looks seriously horrible.
>space between PS1= and "
>/ instead of \
It didn't even run in my terminal.

You maybe want something like this:
export PS1="\[\033[32m\u@\h\W\$ \033[m\]"

drop into ~/.bashrc

Forgot something.
PS1="\[\033[32m\u@\h:\W\$ \033[m\]"

What are those and what are they for? Are you sure you need to install them? are they in a repository?

A couple of threads ago I asked for linux ethernet drivers because my comp was oddly doing some kind of internal DDoS for my network. My comp is an H8-1549, so you should be able to find it easily online. They're driver for the Ralink Ethernet Port(I think)

Please help, user...

(Also, can't connect to internet. Can download drivers and put it onto USB though. That's how I got the files there in the first place)

rm -rf / woun't actually do anything on modern systems, not even with sudo unless you add the "--no-preserve-root" flag.

To your problem: It looks like your files are archives, which usually need to be extracted and then compiled. Are you sure there's no packages or .deb files for your drivers?

Well, the easiest way to extract everything without learning all the flags is installing atool.
sudo apt-get install atool
Then you can extract any archive via:
aunpack file.tar.gz
Or tar -zxvf file.tar.gz without atool
cd into the new directory and read the INSTALL or README file. Usually you just need to do the make dance here:
make; sudo make install
But seriously, check if there are packages for your drivers, then it's just one command. Same with .deb packages.

Furthermore, Ubuntu has a tool that should do all these jobs for you. I don't remember the exact name but it's something like "Update drivers". Check the dash.
(my Ubuntu knowlege sucks, someone correct me if something is incorrect)

What's wrong with locate?

Quick problem though.

Pic related. I have no internet. Just an internal DDoS up in here. On LAN.

Could you give me a link for some form of atool to put onto a usb stick and then I can sudo apt-get?

I guess right click > extract should do the job.

Just do tar -xf file and it autodetects the type of tar and does it for you

Ok, now what?

Wth, why do we have 2 threads? >>>

as the other guy said, probably
make; sudo make install

Nice try samefag.

Whatever senpai

Nope, getting errors. Be more specific. Remember, this is friendly GNU. Need more details.

If anyone is going to shitpost there, don't forget that sage belongs into all fields.

ignore him

He pretends to be retarded on purpose.

He used to do that everyday in this thread.

Always posts photos made with a phone instead of posting screenshots.

Does it compile on your machine?
I get syntax error during building.

>>He pretends to be retarded on purpose.
Proof or fuck off.

That means you need to install intltool

you need to move inside the folder, also i recommend you to read the instructions first

Thanks. At least someone will defend me
I'm trip coding from now on.

I still need help with installing the drivers. I have them extracted but don't know what command I need to actually install it.

it's installed


>>I'm trip coding from now on.

what hardware do you have and where do you get that driver from? give more details please

disregard my retardedness, it was about gnome-common package

>ls /usr/sbin/[A-Z]*
>with this command we get an entirely different result (only a partial listing of the results is shown). Why is that? It’s a long story, but here’s the short version:
>Back when Unix was first developed, it only knew about ASCII characters, and this feature reflects that fact. In ASCII, the first 32 characters (numbers 0-31) are control codes (things like tabs, backspaces, and carriage returns). The next 32 (32-63) contain printable characters, including most punctuation characters and the numerals zero through nine. The next 32 (numbers 64-95) contain the uppercase letters and a few more punctuation symbols. The final 31 (numbers 96-127) contain the lowercase letters and yet more punctuation symbols. Based on this arrangement, systems using ASCII used a collation order that looked like this:
>This differs from proper dictionary order, which is like this:
>As the popularity of Unix spread beyond the United States, there grew a need to support characters not found in U.S. English. The ASCII table was expanded to use a full eight bits, adding characters numbers 128-255, which accommodated many more languages. To support this ability, the POSIX standards introduced a concept called a locale, which could be adjusted to select the character set needed for a particular location.
>A character range of [A-Z] when interpreted in dictionary order includes all of the alphabetic characters except the lowercase “a”, hence our results.
WOOOOOOWWW amazing foresight there Bell Labs.

It failed to install. I moved into the folder.


Those are my hardware specs. Video card however is a GTX 760 from Zotac.
I got the drivers from another GNU thread when I asked for drivers for the LAN of the motherboard.

You need autoconf-archive. That's the exact package name on Arch, dunno about other distributions.

I don't know, but the person who made it explained it on the page. I don't really need neither of those. Using find every other week is good enough for me.

mnml as fck

its in your bios