What is more flexible?

What is more flexible?



Girl in pic I be is NOT so flexible

Your mom

Holy fuck, look at that thick bitch.

You know, while thick girls are hot, what has lead to this appeal of thicker girls, NOT FAT, but thicker girls?

In the 90s and 2000s, it seemed like the big thing was to be rail thin.

thicker, big assets, more plump physique, it appeals to real men who want to procreate because it signifies good health.

Man I wish my gf was thick like that.

>my gf

>real men
You mean niggers.

Low test

your asshole

Common internet availability and social media had yet to arise. So established media largely dictated what we were supposed to like.
Appeal for such girls has always existed but was largely a minority. With the internet and the services it brought, it became easier to connect with other like-minded communities, and for greater exposure of these girls. On the whole, it's still a relative minority appeal, it just seems greater.

sure it does retard. and i say that as a guy who prefers thick women.

also: anyone got a sauce on this goddess?

Oooh boy. Nofaps finished.
My ball were hurting anyways


unfledged illiterate

>What is more flexible?
with that pic, not my dick

I'll answer when you post a source

low iq



blue hair, a nose ring, and dresses in chinese cartoon clothing

three warning signs right there

nice shop.
also fat af, look at her legs.

OP, you fucked up.

Is it even a shop? It might just be her skirt is pushed up to her belly. I don't see a belly button anywhere.

My school offers both. I'm in CSE, which requires some electrical engineering/hardware type stuff.

CS students generally have a minor, since they need less total credits for that degree. I think business is a common choice, but there are a lot of options.

Rising obesity rates

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

everyone who finds her attractive are not fit to make it through the next evolutionary portal

blue is a clear sign of being poisonous in nature

piercings and tattoos (self harm) is another trait that goes against evolution

being overweight and having poor cardiovascular health is a third

I dont understand why this shit should be attractive to any man. I see pictures like this and hear alarms in my head. But then again i married a jewish girl that has none of the three traits i listed above

White knights with no sexual experiences

it's something they can relate to

Shut up, you fucking nigger!

who is this wank spanker?

Spotted the nigger

>signifies good health

Voluptuous/thick/well proportioned women have always been a thing. The annoying thing is that people confuse fat for the three of those.

Rail thin girls are also still popular, the main issue is just being sure they don't get ana-thin, which is quite bad for the body.

Her dick in my mouth

I hope the user who said "Sup Forums doesn't have culture because boards that actually discuss their topic don't need culture" last night is reading this

Doesn't Sweat Much For A Fat Lass.

It actually does, the same way as large hips means better at delivering babies, and larger breasts means that it can provide plenty of milk for them.


Tomato you post on Sup Forums too?
Hwhat a fag

No. Any extra fat is a risk factor.

The normalization of nigger culture in the mainstream media.

Came here to ensure this was the first post
Well done