>b-b-b-b-b-b-but homeless people can't code!
once again, Sup Forums has been
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but homeless people can't code!
once again, Sup Forums has been
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Come back when she makes something
>when she makes something
hopefully the only thing she produces is my dinner and a white son to carry on my shit posting.
someone redpill me on "girls who code".
it seems to me like a bad idea to pressure women into a career path just because of ideology.
Not sure about redpilling, but there is this ideal, that Sup Forums themselves have pontificated that we'll be in this star-trek like future, where everyone can code, everyone can make changes and adaptions to computer programs that it's not just a career choice, it's an essential part of using computers in this fictional era.
Which is ironic since systems are becoming more closed than ever, unless there is a significant leap to linux, this path is pretty much impossible.
>somehow transitioning to Linux will make everything open-source
You do realise you can have open-source projects on other platforms, right?
ah, i see. that is actually a very cool fantasy, and i can see why some autistic Sup Forums's would fall for it.
So they completed their first hello world.
Good for them.
>Homeless Teen Girls
Why is this a thing, America?
>teaching africans to code javascript
subtle meme. well played
>So they completed their first hello world.
And are already ahead of half of Sup Forums
why would anyone spin this negatively?
>be too poor to afford home
>learn to tell a computer how to do things through logical instructions
>use aforementioned skill to acquire currency
>get a home
>no longer be homeless
Nobody said programming is hard.
>go to CS for the big money
>Pajet program
>homeless grills program
>homeless teen girls tries to fix bug in code
The thing about 'learning how to code' is - how good are they?
I could teach anyone how to play the trumpet, but if they get stuck at twinkle twinkle little star or they decide (and are talented enough) to achieve all that's possible, be internationally known, is a different part.
Being able to write a "hello world" or telling an Arduino to blink an LED might give people a minor understanding how computers work, but it's never going to be enough for a good job.
>new averaging system
every time.
They're running out of minorities to "empower"
Wait, does Sup Forums think men are superior and women are useless?
they're not only useless they are also detriment, doing shit like talking behind you to other people to isolate you
Hold on, you must be living in the US?
Unless proven otherwise, womens only inherent, instinctive use is to produce more children.
Lived in Europe for about 10 years and currently in Turkey, spent 6 months in Chicago too
When has ANYONE on this board said that homeless people can't code? I searched for that phrase and its not anywhere in the catalog, so it must be in the archives. Show me where someone has said that.
Living with the scum of humanity, no wonder people are delusional.
Might be you're just a really shitty guy and that's why your experience is like that, don't worry, then males probably talk behind your back too.
>Sup Forums btfo
Yeah those morons. Thinking economic status determines affinity for programming.. Ridiculous!
rc += ("-" + dn + "-" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + "|----------------------" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + mpx + "" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + adx + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + dex + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + ntwx + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + fnx);
I see, so it's proof on the internet what makes you think these things not actual experience. Anyways, good day to you all, this thread is none of my interests.
I wouldn't care if they taught them Haskell at least
Wat, I said unless proven otherwise. That means on a per-woman basis.
My gf for example is more than capable. She's an excellent CS student, while I study EE. We can help each other out, she's smart, she doesn't have 'basic stereotypical woman behaviour' and doesn't get random emotional outbursts, she doesn't scream because of everything etc.
I assume you're a woman.
If you want to be perceived as strong and capable, don't behave like a stereotypical woman. The stereotypical woman, that a lot of women are, is the opposite of dependable and useful.
There's a reason most women throw their hands up and scream if they get into a dangerous situation instead of trying to avert the situation.
Men were strong, women were weak.
A woman's task, should she have been attacked, was to not interfere and alert the males. The males would take care of the danger.
That's still engrained in our instincts. Therefore a lot of women react that way - and get themselves into huge trouble because they WOULD need to look out for themselves.
That's what happens when both genders do the same things in a sexually dimorphic species.
bye! don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out, your head's in there
desu pretty much all of society needs to learn to program, kind of like nearly everyone needs to be able to read.
We're not to the point that everyone needs to know yet, but we need to get on top of that shit
It's actually a reverse troll by men. We're trying to flip the roles so we can stay home and do nothing instead of women.
Dinner ain't gonna make itself.
Men are actually better at cooking than women. Just look at all the head chefs in nice restaurants. Pretty much never women.
Too much yapping, not enough dinner. Hurry the hell up, or your wife is gonna have to hit you with a rolling pin.
>tfw you will never stop the journalism-tards from spinning irrelevant garbage as groundbreaking
>new averaging system
Every time
>women work
>men stay at home
>women comes back to men not doing anything, and can't even hit them because they're smaller and weaker.
it's the perfect plan
This is why we need femenism.
Guns changed that.
are you in london?
Don't hit on me, silly boiz.
Also, no.
Also, not a grill, and don't have feminine benis.
How the fuck do homeless teenage girls exist?
They could literally find a home with any single man
>I also learned how to change x and y coordinates.
And this
you're behaving like the stereotypical neckbeard.
I have a gf, I have friends, I'm successful.
So what if I'm a neckbeard. I'm happy : ^)
And now go be miserable.
Probably because they have moral standards. Are you gonna let some sweaty motherfucker pound your boipussi in exchange for a place to crash?
Homeless doesn't automatically mean living on the streets, either. Just means insecure living situation. Only a small percentage of people counted as homeless in official statistics live rough.
Lolno. Writing text messages over whatsapp or faecesbooks messenger or whatever doesn't count as 'coding'. Sup Forums not btfo at all. I'm a woman, btw (;
>kind of like nearly everyone needs to be able to read.
What. These things aren't comparable at all. Being able to read (literacy) is analogous to being able to use a computer (computer literacy). Most people have this. Programming is more akin to writing, typesetting, and binding your own book. Most people do not need to be able to do this.
>I’m learning to make websites, video game and apps, and I also learned to add, multiply, divide and subtract variables on this program
yeah I'm so scared that she'll take away my job
>hurr the only realistic option is that the girl is flawless and it's all your fault
thanks for proving my point
>>b-b-b-b-b-b-but homeless people can't code!
said nobody
please GTFO with your no-name news site, shill :^)
Read the posts with the "ADgdW03I" ID and watch the stuff he links.
That's a good start if you want to understand why things are like that.
>homeless teen girls
Being edgy and running away from home for a day doesn't make you homeless.
Many people are stuck in poverty, without money, without purpose in life, in a state of misery. A lot of them are women and minorities.
Programming is a complex endeavor, and while everyone should be able to have a try it (which is almost the case), there are not so many people who can do it decently, and most of these are white men, for various reasons that have to do with genetics and neurology. This should be the case, because there are only so many useful tasks that programming can do.
But because Silicon Valley investor types failed to learn their lessons in the 90s, there's currently a hugely overblown market off "apps" and "web programming". So some people want to solve the poverty and unemployment by stuffing as many people as possible into this precipitous market in the role of cheap workforce.
The correct solution would be to make non-programming jobs more lucrative, or make unemployment less miserable, i.e. universal basic income.
In short, they are solving the wrong problem.
i think he was talking about humans not girls
I don't remember the topic of homeless people coding ever coming up on Sup Forums so I'm not sure how anyone has gotten BTFO here.
This is an old image.
He's right you know.
Your SJW logic doesn't work against actual logic and knowledge so you resort to petty ad-hominems because otherwise you would have to just stay silent.
b-but user, should I have staid? i know that's just how my stepdad was, but being drunk all the time and beating and raping me, after mom died, I could not take it anymore...
Maybe they're ugly/black
Are homeless little boys turned away at the door or can they learn too?
>because otherwise you would have to just stay silent.
>i would look dumb if i didnt just fight with that stupid dude with hes stupid opinions
Because fighting on the internet makes me cool.
Btw, if you shitpost back don't you just become a SJW too?
>Men were strong, women were weak.
>A woman's task, should she have been attacked, was to not interfere and alert the males. The males would take care of the danger.
That's huge unwarranted assumption. There's no evidence that palaeolithic women were like 50's housewives. Modern hunter-gatherer societies are wildly different in that respect.
"Check your privilege, homeless scum. And stop rape me with eyes."
why do you even care ? no one gives a shit about some code monkeys.
hillary clinton is smarter than you i bet you just punched a hole in the wall after reading that. stay mad.
Suits her right. That's how all women should be.
But you did respond to him. Just with a stupid argument instead of an intelligent one.
It's not the lack of arguing that makes you a SJW. It's the fact that you responded with a stupid insult to a post that said the truth about something that basically only SJWs (and similar people) disagree about.
silly emotional manipulation tactics to make himself feel better about being wrong and shame people into not arguing, this is what they have to because they struggle with logic and using their brain to argue, like primitive monkeys. it's sad
using namespace std;
int main()
int num = 0;
while (num < 21) {
Get a job and find a place where you can exchange money for a place to stay imo
Who would hire a hobo?
>The thing about 'learning how to code' is - how good are they?
"Learn to code" programs usually cover html+css only, and aim at giving kids the basic tools for web developing.
It makes sense from a marketing point of view: you can teach a kid a "complete" course in a very short amount of time, compared to pretty much any programming language. It looks great on paper, and it gets you more funding. It's also a lot easier for kids to make small amounts of money from build-and-forget webpages for local businesses, than it would be from developing and maintaining entire pieces of software.
I'm sure there are exceptions out there; places where they actually teach a programming language, but for the most part it's just html, and it's little more than an introduction course.
Cut the shilling and get back to cooking, bitch.
why all the hate against women in Sup Forums?
Fuck you dude and lick my balls, gonna cook you some horse shit and shove it up your ass.
The fact that they dont praise the girl with this, but actually say 'hey look, mr. Infustry, they can program too' like we didnt already know that.
A lot of places, especially non-customer facing jobs.
The other day I was leaving WalMart and there was this ugly hipster girl standing near the road trying to grift people out of their money by playing the pity card. Her sign said "this is awkward for me too"
She was standing within sight of a now hiring sign at a fast food place.
you mean free sex? stop complaining, bitch
>going out of your way to look retarded by wearing one sock with sandals
was he/she arguing? I think it was about pointing out something
Both men and women have an equal number of useless retards in their ranks.
He makes some compelling arguments.
check'd though
>five lines main
>still managed to have an undefined behavior
The return at the end of main is optional you illiterate.
num = num++ is undefined behavior you drooling retard.
can you name a few of those resources?
So fucking what?
>>b-b-b-b-b-b-but homeless people can't code!
Said no one ever.
said Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is one person, let alone one person with a definitive opinion on a specific topic
Fuck off. OP made this for replies and nothing else
But a person in Sup Forums just said that hobos can't code.
Prove me wrong, just scroll up and you can see it.
Please go on rbt.asia/g and find me a post where someone said that.
>tfw no homeless teen gf
i am pretty sure hobos can't code, and what you are seeing in that article is propaganda from the shills over at cabal.