WHO AMD MASTER RACE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO AMD MASTER RACE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:


Only good thing AMD has is in the PS4.



the worst part about new GPU releases are threads like these which clog up Sup Forums for weeks

gtfo from /g faggot

150W RX 480 outperformed by the 150W GTX 1070
>"In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin"

Simply saying the rest of their shit doesn't compete when it comes to NVIDIA, dipshit.

Do you even know anything about GPUs newfag
Go back to tumblr now

I know more about CPUs/GPUs/APUs than your faggot ass pretends to.


This post is 100% tumblr/reddit autism newfaggotry. Notice the way they try to out-meme their opponent with buzz words like APU, instead of just simply stating that they know more. Also notice the way they tie themselves to the symbol on their GPU, and follow the cult of neon green.

These are truly fascinating creatures. Their depreciation of this board is a spectacle to behold. There is no logic in their brains, only the smear of fan loyalty across as much of the internet as possible.

I bet you can't even sage either.

This is a buttblasted shill. Also known for wide smearing.

>$200 graphics card is slower than $390 graphics card

How is this news?

Low energy thread.

kys faggot

A10 7800 reporting.

HD 7990 owner here

Protip: gtx 1070 power consumption is 225w because it's 150w (8 pin plug) plus 75w (PCI express slot)

I want to be master race. Is the open source linux driver good? Nouveau keeps crashing with cinnamon, and i was going to replace my gtx 660 anyway

3870E, 8 cores, running at 4.6Ghz, 31C idle and 24C core temp. Air cooling.
> House fires.

>cpu temps lower than the average temperature of most countries around the world right now

Where do you live? The North Pole?
LMAO. That's the most ridiculous lie I've heard so far today out of an AMDrone.

AMD cpus have a temp delta of around 20ish C which isn't THAT bad. No need to fucking lie like a fucking kid.

who here AMD and suffer from occasional mouse pointer corruption until you reboot or suspend/resume


i fell for the meme last summer. now, with the new drivers out, I can't even play fucking Skyrim without constant crashing to a black screen.

Roll back drivers? Nah, that ain't working either.

Fuck you AMD

Delete drivers before new installation

I have been.

A8 7600 Master Bait reporting out

The crashing on Skyrim is the gaming evolved and raptr shit. Uninstall that trash and it'll work fine.

What about Overmeme? I've been crashing with literally every game. and I deleted that shit.

Me, familia

Test it for 1+ hours if it's ok sell it then

in furmark ofc

I was saving up for a 980Ti when the 970 RAM thing blew up
Just bought the best thing I could find for the amount I had that month
R9 290 without the X

Me I love AMD

I love when I use my 280x and on linux it's either Unity or some basic shit because Gnome 3 and KDE are FUCKING ALLERGIC

390 fag ere

290x at 1200mhz coming though

>+100 voltage
W-what are you doing, is that safe?

Just put together an overclocked Q6700 (3.35ghz) 8gb DDR2 R7 250 1gb DDR5 shitbox last night, running Win7 Home.

Blasting out 35fps average in Satellite Reign niggas, got a passmark score higher than a first-gen i3 wooooo

those are the stats of a man who gives no fucks, don't stand in his way

i have an amd fx 6300 and it is ok but i wish i would have gotten an intel cpu instead

amd gpus are good i havent had anything wrong with mine

>has the processor that almost every benchmark ever shows is the single best bang/buck choice on the market since 2012 to the present fucking day
>regrets his choice

I regret that you still live, but whattya gonna do, eh?

only because alot of audio software runs better on intel especially synths because alot of them depend on the cpus ipc and amd cpus have lower ipc

other than that its great

you do know that thing overclocks like a beast, right?

You're sitting at what, 3.5/4ghz stock base/turbo, 95tdp? You can legitimately get that thing running at 4.5ghz+ using a $30 aftermarket cooler so long as your mobo isn't absolute shit.

AMD may be short in the IPC dept, but you can compensate for that to a certain extent.

i live in a really hot area to oc without a cooler

motherboard is gigabyte ga-78 lmt usb3 and have no clue if it is shit or not


AMD maintaining their dominance in the theoretical performance without real world real world results category.


4 minutes to paste in 2 threeads?
How many places are you shilling and how much are they paying?
Can I get in on it?


Anyone? Can anyone answer this?
I'm waiting.

We just got Warhammer.

No, seriously, I want in on it.
Let me be the shill king.

Enjoy NO DRIVERS fag! I'm using nvidia playing the comfiest vidya on windows, linux fags be jelly.

To be honest I can see one big problem with AMD. The lack of performance in DX11 which is like the biggest section of gaming on the planet outside of consoles. Unless they can pull a rabbit out of the hat with the RX480 in CF I don't see them having much impact outside of DX12/Vulkan benches..

Star Citizen
No Man's Sky
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Gears of War Ultimate Edition
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Ark: Survival Evolved
Heroes & Generals
Watch Dogs 2
Halo 5
Dota 2
The Talos Principle

Look at it this way: consider how fast Mantle saw adoption in the short time it was a relevant, AMD-only API. Consider that Unreal, Unity 5, Frostbite, Cryengine, and pretty much every other game engine that anyone cares about currently supports Mantle, DX12, or Vulkan.

Developers really like these new APIs; they will see better adoption than DX10 and 11, and part of that will also be due to the fact that they are supported by current-gen consoles and a very large number of PC GPUs available right now, unlike when DX10/11 came out.


Paradigm shift incoming

480 is


Vega will hit by then so I don't see your point. It will be Vega against the 1080/1070, then Navi against the Ti.



>tfw 390x
it's gonna be a warm summer.

290x crossfire, I know your feelings bro

dude. its like all fucked up. crashes still during mtgo

4k 144fps super mario bros when? wanna see my wii u not need to downscale every single game other than mariokart 8. fuck splatoon graphics it looks like its 800x600 stretched like a gamecube

oh btw i run an fx-6300 oc'd 4.1 ghz and a gigabyte r7 250x 2GB gddr5. its pretty asstastic but i get by. no i didnt buy it for the bitcoin mining, i bought it for the low ass price bc im poor. this shit was built christmas 2014 so maybe at that point it made sense as an entry card but now its just bad.

>the 480 is precisely what I want
>waiting paid off
I'm a happy man.

>tfw you built your first gaming PC 2 weeks ago
>you have to wait another year or two to upgrade
>bought a motherboard with one GPU slot for my 380x

At least I have a decent card but I'm still flustered I could have spent a little more on a motherboard for 2 slots