ITT: god tier linux distros
ITT: god tier linux distros
Nice subtle desktop thread faggot.
Does it work properly yet?
There are none.
Why don't you actually do something useful with your ganoo/loonix instead of making shit threads like this?
Chromium OS
Nice VM faggot
Sorry, everyone with a job use either use debian or gentoo
BunsenLabs is godtier
GTK2: Raleigh
GTK3: no
Qt4: Windows
Qt5: Windows
WM: Openbox
Openbox: Onyx
+ LXPanel
Compton is for pussies
Mac OS X.
I like you OP
Literally must be a nigger poorfag if you can't afford 2012 hardware that runs this smooth as fuck
The greatest distro ever without even trying hard, nothing comes remotely close and nothing has or will ever have better community support and indeed mainstream acceptance, literally anything that matters can be found in the repo or has a deb file available, the only fucking reason games became viable on Linux is thanks to this fucking distro so all others can fuck right off
>god tier
It's only downside. Will be switching over to a Devuan base when that project has stabilised a bit more.
lol kill yourself
Gentoo GNU/Linux nomultilib
Arch is ok, but I like Fedora better.
>mfw thought Mr.Robot would be Sup Forums worthy
>mfw it was just people taking drugs and Muh anonymous shit
>Not using Kali and Gnome
You dun goofed
>Not using Manjaro
Can you post that wallpaper?
there you go, to all the bullies stay mad because you can't into the superior Arch Linux Way
>fedora-wielding athiest/autist
>"god tier"
you morons are walking contradictions
Daily reminder: Linux is a meme, almost nobody except sys admin use it... it's an elaborate ruse to make you install Gentoo, compile it for 3 days, only to find out your wireless doesn't work cause of some proprietary driver. Don't fall for the GNU meme.
this tbqh senpai
Found the retard "cool hacker" who fell for the Gentoo meme because he is so smart and failed miserably.
Do not assume that things that are true for you, are true for everyone else you pathetic sack of shit.
Hardened Musl Gentoo no multilib.
"I wish more of my bones were broken"
thanks m8
Os cuckd and memeaudio, dbus, polkit, consolekit and all the other freedesktop shit working good for you?
You mean openrc.
The rest is working pretty well.