Lefty mouse

Is there a good lefty mouse that isn't riced up gamer shit? I'd love a lefty MX


Most left handed people use mice with their right hands. You're making the rest of us look bad using this crippled "lefty" shit. Stop it.

>if they don't do it my way they're wrong

I've been using ambidextrous mice since 1994 and I want something better than Microsoft 2.0 usb mouse


Lefty bump

learn to use right hand mouse likeor stop trying to be a special snowflake lefy using a left handed mouse and just use a track pad

>left handed anything is special snowflake

Hey man I didn't choose to be lefty.

OP: use your right hand and do hand excercises to help prevent carpal tunnel

fuck you guys you dont have to be a special snowflake cause your left handed. You are faggots over come the such dogmatic notions that left handed people are special snowflakes and become ambidextrous

i am curios about what exercises to do?

Did you have a stroke?

>use mouse with right hand
>can fap with dexterity while browsing

>only left with mouse
>fap with right
>unlimited dexterity while browsing porn and fap seamlessly

OP, I am also a lefty, but learned to do everything except write with a pen with my right hand. Started when I wanted to learn guitar, but refused to pay the 300$+ premium for a lefty guitar. Basically what I am saying is suck it up buttercup.

I've grown up on Up down left right. Using WSAD is pointless and less intuitive

Adapt or die, nigguh.

>Not using a mouse and fapping at the same time

Some lefty you are

Trips speak truth.

you have access to like 5x more buttons when your hand is over wasd as opposed to the arrow keys.

That's what the numpad is for

I use a leftie Deathadder. Elecom makes a leftie version of one of their thumb trackball mice.