French billionaire founded free code monkey university for talented individuals aged 18 to 30

>french billionaire founded free code monkey university for talented individuals aged 18 to 30
>free tuition and dorms for those who get accepted

Who else passed the test but too autistic to go in for the meeting?
Anyone go to the one in paris? What do they ask you?

its not hard to pass but going to the place for a meeting is over 500 miles and im not sure if i wanna make the trip multiple times then have to leave my job for 4 weeks
also if you read the article and their web site youll find out they only have macs

>its not hard to pass
So I'm retarded?

fuck this ageism bullcrap

he should be sued for discrimination

>become a world-class developer
>site looks like shit
ayy lmao

>Sup Forums
>criticizing anyone
>implying you can even create a website
Ayy lmao

Is it illegal? It's private.

le mad oldfag is mad

Why do I see this post every fucking day?

Cause they're reverse shilling it so that it gets more media presence, the same way women coding stuff gets reverse shilled so that it gets more free PR from autists who hate women and don't realize the whole thing is just a scam/plan to get cheaper workers.

Because a faggot from Sup Forums is too autistic to go in for the meeting

>reverse shilling

all publicity is good publicity

When will the "coding" meme end?

the second coming


when the bubble pops and they can't cheapen the work force

Do it, you'll get the chance to meet many chill bronys dudes and dudettes

>inb4 a current student brags about how amazing it is

kill yourself my man

KYS too famalam

Is anyone actually doing the tests? They're kinda fun

Fuck, this stinky frog is living my dream :(

It's fucking hard...