>woke up this morning
>desktop not recognizing hard drive
>think it's corrupted
>open case
>it's physically gone
Woke up this morning
Other urls found in this thread:
The govs have you! Start running now!
>not connecting your hdd via wlan and then burying it in your backyard
stay pleb
>woke up this morning
>no boner
>think it's corrupted
>open case
>it's physically gone
when you grow older, you do miss morning wood
This is so fucking disgusting on so many levels. Please tell me he isn't american
>healthy living means nothing
>judging age even though it's only a number
>conditioned by the sick around you
>not realizing this
>not visiting dr. michael greger's website
>vegan is mainstream now
>still eating flesh like a thick skull
Guess which city in the world has red buses.
>believing vegan bullshit
>can't into balanced diet and exercise
Jealous that we are so comfortable and so technological advance that we just couldn't care less? Sounds like it. Real people don't care about the typical opinions of others. We are different. Nothing a little running can't cure. Whenever the nigger wants to address any problem, this country can handle it.
>believing vegan bullshit
>can't into balanced diet and exercise
Oh, yes. "Everything in moderation!"
Please, you stupid fucking nigger. That never worked. Visit NutritionFacts.org.
No, that's Bongistan.
Im pretty sure its germany.
Its like u cant into good eating habits. In that case keep eating ur lettuce dear.
He could still be American, no matter where he is.
I just did a reverse image search. The picture was taken in Germany.
Oh someone is upset of being called out.
How's your 30 min of calisthenics and you no energy?
>visit my shitty vegan run site that support my shitty vegan point of view.
yeah, right
Germans on suicide watch
Nutrition Facts is just a website that compiles nutrition facts for food like its amount of protein lol
lol helarius
Idk if they have articles or whatever, but if they do no one reads them
Please get more butthurt
thats a lot of meming
It's very clearly not Britain you oaf. The steering wheel is on the wrong side.
>two vegans die climbing Everest trying to prove they are just as good as normal people
The picture is just flipped obviously
>woke up this morning
>my baby was gone
>woke up this morning
>my baby was gone
>mfw I'm all alone
For you.
It's neither American or bongistan
thrill was gone anyway
I never had morning wood except when I really really need to piss, is that bad?
you get morning wood to stop you pissing yourself while you sleep. it's normal
Pick one
>not realizing veganism == death
My God, Google is good.
She's American.
>gonna miss me baby
>I'll be so far away
>gonna miss me baby
>I'll be so far away
>yfw you better change now, baby
Is google bot allowed to swear in "safe search" mode?
She's heathy at any size shitlord!!
>not getting out of bed when you need to piss
it's like you want a stretched flabby bladder
>Woke up this morning
>All my pubic hair is gone
>Think i got cancer
>Rush out to bathroom
>Mfw dad pranked me
HAHA funny dad
That makes no sense.
>Not having an internet of things piss bottle on your night stand to safely piss in bed and track bodily fluid metrics
95% of Vegans realize that their diet is fucked, they are trolling.
The ones that don't cheat end up looking like bulimics in a psych ward.
>woke up this morning
>now weights 300 pounds
>think it's the hamburgers
>look out the window
>realize it's the oppression from cis-white males
I wonder, how some pictures just encompass that mesmerising hypnotical feeling despite all logic. You just can't look away, it's that magical.
why is nobody spooked about OP's spooky story?
How do you know it was a spook that stole it?
Das racist.
Lol that reminds me of highschool when my teachers would have to waste time dealing with the niggers wilding out. Luckly it was small percentage of nigs. But yeah they real should be sent to separate schools/zoos.
My highschool had no black people.
Hell my entire town had no black people, one black family moved in but the kids never started school because they only stayed like 3 months.
Occasionally you would see black people visiting the grocery store or McDonalds off the highway and they always looked super spooked like they were really uncomfortable.